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Trump election conspiracy theories - the RETURN


Penultimate Amazing
Aug 9, 2007
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How about you show us some population statistics for the counties that Biden won vs. the populations that Obama won? As of April 2020, the populations of L.A. and Cook counties was a combined 15,289,550. That's 20% more than the entire state of Pennsylvania, which is the 4th most populous state.

Meanwhile, Wyoming, North Dakota and South Dakota combined have 142 counties and 2.2 million.

If Biden got only 60% of the votes in Cook and LA counties, and didn't get any votes in Wyoming, North Dakota and South Dakota, he would have only won 2/144 counties and would have 800 000 more votes.

I can't believe we even need to have this conversation. The "question" is so completely infantile that it is beneath a grade schooler. How hard is it to recognize that not all counties are equal and votes are not spread equally?
And don't understand what the records they cite as proof actually say- according to Lead Stories.com:

Of course, Epoch Times could have asked the Maricopa County election officials, as Lead Stories did- but not checking their own inferences from records they don't understand with the people who do is another hallmark of the die-hard CTist with an axe to grind.

Epoch Times is a propaganda organization funded by a cult and devoted to eroding democracy in America in order to further far right wing causes.

I posted on another thread how seditionist crackpot Lin Wood turned out to be a Moon landing denier. He posted the old stupid meme about how there was no “trunk” for the Lunar Roving Vehicle on the LM, although about two minutes of checking could have set him straight.

It looks like the poster who regurgitated the “invalid ballots” lie did exactly as much checking to verify this claim, i.e., none. But that’s what happens when you belong to a cult that wants to overthrow a democracy for which so many have fought, worked, and died. I wonder why he hates America so much?
Meanwhile, Wyoming, North Dakota and South Dakota combined have 142 counties and 2.2 million.

If Biden got only 60% of the votes in Cook and LA counties, and didn't get any votes in Wyoming, North Dakota and South Dakota, he would have only won 2/144 counties and would have 800 000 more votes.

I can't believe we even need to have this conversation. The "question" is so completely infantile that it is beneath a grade schooler. How hard is it to recognize that not all counties are equal and votes are not spread equally?

I've previously proposed that Montana, Wyoming, and both Dakotas be combined into Monwyodak. They'd still be only about the 30th largest state in population.
Not sure where the current discussion of Dominion lawsuit is going, this seems a good thread for this. Dominion found the deep pockets they need to get 'billions':

Judge says Fox News's parent company must face Dominion's defamation lawsuit because of Rupert Murdoch's alleged role in pushing election lies
A judge said Dominion's defamation lawsuit against Fox News's parent company can proceed.

Dominion argued that Rupert and Lachlan Murdoch believed Fox News would benefit by pushing election lies.

Delaware Judge Eric M. Davis said it sufficiently argued its case to move on to factual discovery.

And: OAN can't dodge Smartmatic's DC lawsuit over election conspiracy theories just because its headquarters is in California, judge rules
Smartmatic sued One America News in Washington, DC, alleging defamation through election conspiracy theories.

OAN argued the lawsuit should be tossed because it's based in California, not DC.

A DC federal judge gave the case a green light and said OAN doesn't understand jurisdictional laws.

A federal judge on Tuesday gave a green light to Smartmatic's defamation lawsuit against One America News, a right-wing media organization it alleges pushed conspiracy theories about the election technology company's role in the 2020 presidential election.
Just last week, newly released records in Arizona show that Maricopa County counted 19,000 invalid ballots. Given that Biden only "won" Arizona by 11,000 votes, that act of election fraud alone may have changed the outcome and wrongly awarded the state to Biden.


1. Justthenews is not a reliable news source. It deals in conspiracy theories, lies and misinformation, and promotes "The Big Lie"

2. A friend of mine once told me that John Solomon is not a journalist's arse-hole... but I jumped to John's defence and said that he is.

3. The alleged 19,000 invalid ballots is pure fiction. This was product of the laughable "Cyber Ninjas" so called "election audit" - an audit carried out by a partisan Trump supporting group of conspiracy theorists who spent much of their time looking for bamboo fibres in a lame effort to prove that fake ballot papers came from China :rolleyes: This bunch of morons, even with their obvious partisan bias, even though they kicked out any observers to monitor what they were doing, still managed to find that Biden had won 360 more votes than the county had awarded him in the official count!!

The claim about the alleged 19,000 invalid votes comes from Cyber Ninjas' complete ignorance.

Their first claim was that so-called invalid mail-in ballots had come from people who had moved. They had drawn that conclusion after analyzing names and years of birth, with the help of a third-party commercial database. Yes, you read that correctly - they didn't use the electoral rolls, they used a commercial advertising database. These idiots failed to understand that Maricopa is Arizona's most populous county. They ignored the reality that in such a large county, there will be multiple people with the same name, born in the same year. When county officials reviewed their findings, they used more data, including full names, dates of birth, Social Security numbers, state-issued IDs, presidential election voting histories, signatures and, in some cases, parents' last names and voters' occupations. They ended up with a different number..... three. Three invalid ballots were counted.

Their second claim was that late arriving ballots were counted that should not have been. Again, this comes from complete ignorance of how elections are run, in this case based on a total lack of knowledge or understanding of Arizona's early-voting laws and how ballot envelopes had been scanned. Under Arizona election laws, ballot requests must be received by 5pm, eleven days before Election Day, and the voted ballots must be received back by 7pm on Election Day. They are NOT scanned until some time after 7pm election day. The Cyber Ninjas morons thought that they had to be scanned on election day, so they declared any ballots not scanned by midnight on election day "invalid", even though they were still counting votes well into the next day!!

There is a lesson for you here, which you will, of course, ignore. You conspiracy theorists talk a big game about "doing your own research"... but it seems you haven't done any at all. It took me about five minutes to find the information I needed to debunk your bull-****
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There is a lesson for you here, which you will, of course, ignore. You conspiracy theorists talk a big game about "doing your own research"... but it seems you haven't done any at all. It took me about five minutes to find the information I needed to debunk your bull-****

Being a conspiracy theorist means doing your own research to find your own facts.
Hillary got 65 million votes in 2016, but Obama got 4 million above that in 2008: 69 million, and he did so by winning 873 counties. However, magically, Biden broke Obama's record by a whopping 12 million votes while winning only 537 counties, *334* fewer counties than Obama won. Never, ever in U.S. history has there been such a gigantic disparity between a presidential candidate's alleged vote total and his number of counties won. Never. Not once. Not even close.

Leaving aside the impossible turnout numbers that were initially reported--but then hurriedly "corrected"--in many suspect counties, there are only two innocent explanations for the gigantic, unprecedented disparity between Biden's alleged vote total and his number of counties won: (1) there was a massive migration into many or all of the 537 counties that Biden won, or (2) there was a staggering increase in voter turnout large enough to overcome Trump's 12-million increase in votes, to overcome the substantial increase in Trump's share of four major minority voting blocks, and to overcome Biden's loss of 336 counties that Obama won in 2008.


Not even in the 1908 election between Taft and Bryan?
Where did you find the county-by-county returns? Can we see them?
1. Justthenews is not a reliable news source. It deals in conspiracy theories, lies and misinformation, and promotes "The Big Lie"

2. A friend of mine once told me that John Solomon is not a journalist's arse-hole... but I jumped to John's defence and said that he is.

3. The alleged 19,000 invalid ballots is pure fiction. This was product of the laughable "Cyber Ninjas" so called "election audit" - an audit carried out by a partisan Trump supporting group of conspiracy theorists who spent much of their time looking for bamboo fibres in a lame effort to prove that fake ballot papers came from China :rolleyes: This bunch of morons, even with their obvious partisan bias, even though they kicked out any observers to monitor what they were doing, still managed to find that Biden had won 360 more votes than the county had awarded him in the official count!!

The claim about the alleged 19,000 invalid votes comes from Cyber Ninjas' complete ignorance.

Their first claim was that so-called invalid mail-in ballots had come from people who had moved. They had drawn that conclusion after analyzing names and years of birth, with the help of a third-party commercial database. Yes, you read that correctly - they didn't use the electoral rolls, they used a commercial advertising database. These idiots failed to understand that Maricopa is Arizona's most populous county. They ignored the reality that in such a large county, there will be multiple people with the same name, born in the same year. When county officials reviewed their findings, they used more data, including full names, dates of birth, Social Security numbers, state-issued IDs, presidential election voting histories, signatures and, in some cases, parents' last names and voters' occupations. They ended up with a different number..... three. Three invalid ballots were counted.

Their second claim was that late arriving ballots were counted that should not have been. Again, this comes from complete ignorance of how elections are run, in this case based on a total lack of knowledge or understanding of Arizona's early-voting laws and how ballot envelopes had been scanned. Under Arizona election laws, ballot requests must be received by 5pm, eleven days before Election Day, and the voted ballots must be received back by 7pm on Election Day. They are NOT scanned until some time after 7pm election day. The Cyber Ninjas morons thought that they had to be scanned on election day, so they declared any ballots not scanned by midnight on election day "invalid", even though they were still counting votes well into the next day!!

There is a lesson for you here, which you will, of course, ignore. You conspiracy theorists talk a big game about "doing your own research"... but it seems you haven't done any at all. It took me about five minutes to find the information I needed to debunk your bull-****

And you can BS with phony statistics, just like you can with anything else.
I think these lame attempts to prove a a stolen election by using bad stastics
just show the truth of Mark Twain's famous statement, about there being liars, damned liars, and statisticians....
I've got it already and use it quite often.

One county in my state (Oregon) has nearly 900,000 people and the smallest 1,250. So cities trump counties (pun intended).

Multnomah vs Wheeler, so one is 720 times larger.
One county in my state (Oregon) has nearly 900,000 people and the smallest 1,250. So cities trump counties (pun intended).

Multnomah vs Wheeler, so one is 720 times larger.

That ain't nothing compared to the ratio in California
Alpine County has 1400 people, Los Angeles County has over 9 million...
That ain't nothing compared to the ratio in California
Alpine County has 1400 people, Los Angeles County has over 9 million...

I cannot read “Los Angeles County” without hearing Jack Webb’s voice.

And just to keep it on topic.
I’m guessing none of the statistics or analogies mentioned about the number-of-counties-is-evidence will change a single believer’s mind.
1. Justthenews is not a reliable news source. It deals in conspiracy theories, lies and misinformation, and promotes "The Big Lie"
Overall, we rate Just the News Questionable and Right Biased based on story selection that mostly favors a conservative perspective. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to numerous failed fact checks and the promotion of conspiracy theories and right-wing propaganda.
But then the Trumpettes don't really care about facts.
Wasn't that like, eleven months ago?

Watching the video (for my sins) he seems to be referring to 20th or 21st of August, rather than August 2020 or 2021.

He's still utterly ******* insane, of course, but at the very least he seems to be aware of the current year.

ETA: Bugger. Ninja'd by eerok.

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Ron Filipkowski 🇺🇦
Mike Lindell testified before a LA Senate Committee on voting. He claims one piece of evidence he has that there was fraud is that he investigated votes from overseas military and their families from 2020 and so far 100% of them were tallied for Biden.

I would suggest that since secret balloting is the rule, anyone who claims to know who voted what way should be considered either a liar or a criminal. It is true, of course, as usual, that there is no explicit Constitutional guarantee of voting secrecy, but it is a pretty well established principle, and is the law in many states and situations.

Not, of course, that it's any news that Lindell is a raging *******, but he ought to be vilified as an invader too.
James O'Keefe continues to face-plant in court.

Project Veritas Must Face Defamation Suit Alleging It Ran ‘Fabricated’ Voter Fraud Claims in Pennsylvania, Judge Rules (lawandcrime.com)
The Erie postmaster, Robert Weisenbach, says he was actually a Donald Trump supporter who voted for the 45th president on Election Day. He says that did not stop Project Veritas from running a “fabricated” story by an alleged anonymous “whistleblower” who described Weisenbach as a “Trump hater” and claimed to have overheard him plotting to backdate ballots.
After two years and who knows how many millions spent Florida Desantis cultists proudly announce they have found …. 20 cases of voter fraud….all of them hard-case felons who registered not know there were exceptions to allowing felons to vote.


Plot twist: they all voted for Trump.


HERE WE GO AGAIN: Mike Lindell is hosting a two-day summit about 2020 voter fraud (reddit.com)
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See new Tweets

Ron Filipkowski ����
Mike Lindell has a new date now to get Trump reinstated: “Aug 20-21. The biggest event in this country in our lifetimes. I believe it’s the most important event ever! .. Live-streamed to the world.”


And here we are, on August the 20th, has Trump been somehow reinstated as President yet?
I realize there's still another 38 and a half hours (Central Daylight Time) until the end of August 21st, but I'm really not seeing this unprecedented event re-Presidenting Trump before the weekends close.
And here we are, on August the 20th, has Trump been somehow reinstated as President yet?
I realize there's still another 38 and a half hours (Central Daylight Time) until the end of August 21st, but I'm really not seeing this unprecedented event re-Presidenting Trump before the weekends close.

C'mon, you gotta trust the plan!
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