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joe biden

  1. D

    Taylor Swift Is a CIA Democrat Plant; Some More News about 2024's Conspiracy Theories

    I didn't know where else to put this, so ... qurV3YWqx78
  2. Orphia Nay

    Ed US House votes for impeachment enquiry into Joe Biden

  3. dudalb

    Trump election conspiracy theories - the RETURN

    Cocaine does terrible things to the mind. Continued from here http://www.internationalskeptics.com/forums/showthread.php?t=348224
  4. A

    Will Biden run for the presidency in 2024?

    Will he? If not, who will?
  5. Ranb

    Biden to take action on ghost guns.

    Biden is taking action on ghost guns. Some of these issues have been addressed before by the ATF...
  6. Delvo

    Cont: The Biden Presidency (3)

    How much people drive and what they drive aren't things that people can just change on a dime. The former would require moving from one home to another or changing from one job to another, and the latter would mean getting rid of one vehicle and getting another. These are things people need to...
  7. sir drinks-a-lot

    Joe Biden: racist?

    "Trump further diminished the U.S. in the eyes of the world by expanding his travel ban. This new 'African Ban' is designed to make it harder for black and brown people to immigrate to the United States. It’s a disgrace, and we cannot let him succeed." --Joe Biden Feb 1, 2020 U.S. imposes...
  8. theprestige

    AP News: "Let's go, Brandon" is really code for "**** Joe Biden"

    Investigative journalism coming through for you: https://apnews.com/article/lets-go-brandon-what-does-it-mean-republicans-joe-biden-ab13db212067928455a3dba07756a160
  9. C

    Biden is stumbling/fumbling on so much

    FMF content redacted Now he's going off on his early life, his first wife's father and his business and so much of his early life. Yikes...
  10. Jimbo07

    Why did we turn Afghanistan over to the Taliban?

    This article states that The Taliban is taking territory in the wake of NATO's withdrawal. This isn't just a U.S. issue. Many of us on this board belong to NATO countries. I'm assuming we followed, just because the U.S. is the big gun, but why are they out? Another article said that Biden...
  11. SezMe

    Cont: The Biden Presidency Part II

    This is a continuation from this thread: http://www.internationalskeptics.com/forums/showthread.php?t=347818 As is usual, participants are free to quote from. and reply to, posts in the previous thread Oh, I get that and agree. I thought you were talking only about redistricting within a state.
  12. Childlike Empress

    Putin challenges Biden to Online Live Debate

    So, after Biden's script writers called Putin a "killer", he was asked about that and said the following today (original video), text auto-translated from a trustworthy translation into German: :popcorn6
  13. T

    Trump's letter in the desk to Biden

    Does anyone believe Biden's description of the letter, where he said it was generous in it's tone? What does everyone think it was like?
  14. Vixen

    Inauguration Day 20 Jan 2021

    To commemorate this historical event of a change of the President of the United States of America, that only happens once very eight years or so - except when there is a lousy president who only lasts one term - I have opened up this thread, for people to discuss their thoughts throughout the day.
  15. C

    Biden taps Merrik Garlnad as AG nominee

    Poetic justice, says I.
  16. quadraginta

    Cont: Trump et al continued “2020 election” conspiracy theories

    Previous thread was due for a continuation thread but also taken the opportunity to create the continuation thread in the CT section. Feel free to copy anything or reference anything from previous thread. http://www.internationalskeptics.com/forums/showthread.php?t=347832 No. It's Trump's...
  17. Hans

    Harris as President

    When do you think Harris will become President? This is not to wish the President-Elect any ill luck but given his age something to consider. Also a few of how forum members view Harris as a possible Presidential candiate.
  18. acbytesla

    Cont: 2020 Presidential Election part 3

    Continuation thread from: http://www.internationalskeptics.com/forums/showthread.php?t=347718 Did he? I'll believe that after a full autopsy of Trump, Ooops, I mean the election has been performed.
  19. alfaniner

    The Biden Presidency

    OK, I'll start it.
  20. Solitaire

    2020 Presidential Election part 2

    He's been on steroids for almost a month now. After the election he's going to have to take some down time. Thread continued from here. You can quote or respond to any post from that part.

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