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2020 elections

  1. dudalb

    Trump election conspiracy theories - the RETURN

    Cocaine does terrible things to the mind. Continued from here http://www.internationalskeptics.com/forums/showthread.php?t=348224
  2. Delvo

    Cont: The Biden Presidency (3)

    How much people drive and what they drive aren't things that people can just change on a dime. The former would require moving from one home to another or changing from one job to another, and the latter would mean getting rid of one vehicle and getting another. These are things people need to...
  3. M

    Cont: Trump's Coup - Part 3

    Continued from here. As is usual the split point is arbitrary and participants are free to quote from previous threads. To repeat: :thumbsup: Sounds like we are all in agreement now.
  4. L

    Maybe the biggest case of sour grapes in history?

    Looking from the outside, and trying to come up with anything at all like it in history, I wonder if Republicans losing their collective minds over Dump's electoral loss might qualify as the biggest case of sour grapes in human history. When the sack of rotting yams won in 2016, so many of its...
  5. Squeegee Beckenheim

    Texas AG admits Trump would have lost had they not interfered in the election

    I'm not sure this really deserves its own thread, but the threads that it would have fit in have been closed with links to continuations in the conspiracy theory section, so here we are...
  6. SezMe

    Cont: The Biden Presidency Part II

    This is a continuation from this thread: http://www.internationalskeptics.com/forums/showthread.php?t=347818 As is usual, participants are free to quote from. and reply to, posts in the previous thread Oh, I get that and agree. I thought you were talking only about redistricting within a state.
  7. Darat

    Cont: Trump’s Coup - Part 2

    Continuation of thread: http://www.internationalskeptics.com/forums/showthread.php?t=347882 Started already: https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20210107-russians-see-us-democracy-limping-after-capitol-stormed
  8. quadraginta

    Cont: Trump et al continued “2020 election” conspiracy theories

    Previous thread was due for a continuation thread but also taken the opportunity to create the continuation thread in the CT section. Feel free to copy anything or reference anything from previous thread. http://www.internationalskeptics.com/forums/showthread.php?t=347832 No. It's Trump's...
  9. Mader Levap

    Trump's Coup d'état.

    Someone wanted it, so here it is. We already have republiloons behaving like their fuhrer won second term, screaming unsubstantiated allegations of fraud and peddling ridiculous conspiracy theories. Crazies send death threats to officials involved in elections. What's next? Coup is logical...
  10. acbytesla

    Cont: 2020 Presidential Election part 3

    Continuation thread from: http://www.internationalskeptics.com/forums/showthread.php?t=347718 Did he? I'll believe that after a full autopsy of Trump, Ooops, I mean the election has been performed.
  11. alfaniner

    The Biden Presidency

    OK, I'll start it.
  12. V

    2020 United States presidential election - Conspiracy theories, alleged fraud, etc

    Let's get all the ******** out of the way. Which states have special election laws that the CTists have interpreted as "suspicious" ? What about the 138,000+ votes in Michigan that were "100 percent" for Biden? I assume this was just a snapshot in time and the keyboard warriors were doing...
  13. acbytesla

    2020 Election catchall.

    I thought it woud be great to have an election thread for posts that don't precisely fit into the others. This is more a free for all for anything that might have to do with the US Elections today. I think it's interesting that almost no one has mentioned there are 5 more states with...
  14. Solitaire

    2020 Presidential Election part 2

    He's been on steroids for almost a month now. After the election he's going to have to take some down time. Thread continued from here. You can quote or respond to any post from that part.
  15. Gulliver Foyle

    Cont: Biden for President? Pt 3

    He didn't "win" on his message either. He didn't move the dial much from McCain's and Mitten's numbers, showing that the absolute ceiling for the republicans is 60,000,000 and shrinking. He "won" because the republicans, seeing that Hilary Clinton was vulnerable organised the biggest voter...
  16. angrysoba

    Pence Vs Harris

    With Trump tanking in the polls in key states, this one might be fun....Harris should be able to wipe the floor with Pence especially given the Trump administration's problems. The problem with Pence is he can't just go full Trump, but he can hardly defend Trump's actions without looking like a...
  17. Trebuchet

    Watching the debate tonight?

    No poll, just wondering. Obviously it won't be available or at a bad time for some of us. Me? Certainly not. But I'm sure my wife will. I'm thinking of coming in to the office, putting some music on the computer, wearing headphones, and perhaps following a live fact-check.
  18. JoeMorgue

    2020 Congressional Election

    General purpose thread for news, discussion, debate, predictions, questions etc. ____________________________________ Background info: The United States Congress is the head of the Legislative Branch. It consists of two houses: - The Senate. 100 seats. Each state, regardless of population...
  19. Skeptic Ginger

    2020 Presidential Election

    This thread is for the 2020 election, hopefully we can keep the lines clear between this and the general Trump thread. I know that will be difficult given how many Trump posts just went to AAH. So the latest, oh dear: The Guardian: Michael Moore warns that Donald Trump is on course to repeat...
  20. smartcooky

    Qanon Candidate Wins Georgia GOP promary

    https://www.npr.org/2020/08/12/901628541/qanon-supporter-who-made-bigoted-videos-wins-ga-primary-likely-heading-to-congre What a sad indictment of Georgia Republicans that they have chosen a certified CT nutcase (and unashamed racist) as their Congressional candidate for the election. The...

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