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trump conspiracies

  1. dudalb

    Trump election conspiracy theories - the RETURN

    Cocaine does terrible things to the mind. Continued from here http://www.internationalskeptics.com/forums/showthread.php?t=348224
  2. M

    Cont: Trump's Coup - Part 3

    Continued from here. As is usual the split point is arbitrary and participants are free to quote from previous threads. To repeat: :thumbsup: Sounds like we are all in agreement now.
  3. T

    So is this possible

    How many of you think Trump will be reinstated before the end of this month.
  4. Crazy Chainsaw

    Key Factors of Conspiracy theories that Lead to November 6th.

    Hi All I will make this short, what do you believe was the key Element in the Conspiracy theories that lead to the attack on the Capitol?
  5. quadraginta

    Cont: Trump et al continued “2020 election” conspiracy theories

    Previous thread was due for a continuation thread but also taken the opportunity to create the continuation thread in the CT section. Feel free to copy anything or reference anything from previous thread. http://www.internationalskeptics.com/forums/showthread.php?t=347832 No. It's Trump's...
  6. The Atheist

    Melania Trump! Or not...

    https://www.stuff.co.nz/world/americas/donald-trumps-america/300142133/that-aint-her-new-photo-of-melania-trump-ignites-fake-melania-body-double-conspiracy-theory-again Looks like Covid made her both happier and younger. I imagine the FLOTUS herself arranged the double so she doesn't have to...
  7. C

    Trump Covid-19 Conspiracy Theories

    Trump has been diagnosed with Covi-19. Sure, that's what THEY want you to think. What's the real story? Here are two (or three, depending on how you want to count) that I dreamed up, and one from the wild. I'm going to go from least crazy to most. My CT's: The Covid-19 diagnosis is a dodge to...
  8. geggy

    Trump and 9/11

    Did Trump have foreknowledge of 9/11? In his 2000 book, The America We Deserve, "One day we're told that a shadowy figure with no fixed address named Osama bin Laden is public enemy Number One, and U.S. jetfighters lay waste to his camp in Afghanistan. He escapes back under some rock, and a few...
  9. Orphia Nay

    Conspiracy Theory? US civil war if Trump loses election but won't relinquish power?

    Will Trump concede that his presidency is over (be it in November, or in 4 years time)? I know someone who's saying that "everyone thinks" that there will probably be a civil war. They say it will be Democrats & Military -v- Republicans & Police. Is this a conspiracy theory? Or just banter...
  10. wasapi

    Trump; 24 conspiracy theories.

    https://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-conspiracy-theories-2016-5?fbclid=IwAR07t_Z82qZQo4IcGbm_Qneipdflr7nR1AS5EQT-wNdt3rDdfb2AKLVw43c#claims-ukraine-may-be-hiding-hillary-clintons-missing-emails-24 Though we have all heard it before, this list is still amazing to me. When consolidated in...
  11. Hercules56

    Trump, Covid-19, Martial Law

    Covid-19 doesn't go away in the Summer, mutates to become more deadly, sticks around through the Fall. 500,000 Americans have been infected. 15,000 have died. Numbers keep going up. Trump decides that for the "good of the nation", the November election is postponed until the virus goes away...
  12. Crazy Chainsaw

    The Donald J Trump coluded with Russia Conspiracy theory.

    I have a Conspiracy theory, that Donald J. Trump Coluded with Russia, and that interference and Obstruction from the Trump administration, kept the Collusion from being Found by Robert Mueller in the Muller Investigation. The basis for the Conspiracy theory, is that I personally debunked...
  13. The Great Zaganza

    Break-in at Manafort's banker - CT's required

    https://edition.cnn.com/2018/08/28/politics/paul-manafort-banker-david-fallarino-robbed-new-york-apartment-break-in/index.html In a neighborhood with virtually zero crime, on the day it became public that Manafort was seeking a plea bargain, one or more people broke into the apartment of one...
  14. carlitos

    Trump a Russian Sleeper Agent since 1987

    This is an interesting article by Jonathan Chait in New York magazine about the upcoming Trump-Putin summit. Will Trump Be Meeting With His Counterpart — Or His Handler? Key points: After visiting Russia in 1987, Trump's behavior changed, including first flirting with the idea of running...
  15. V

    President Trump: It will be hard to unite the country without a "major event"

    President Trump: It will be hard to unite the country without a "major event" The anti-Trump faction of the paranoid conspiracy theorists are sounding the horn on this: The headline features a suggestive pose by the President...
  16. HoverBoarder

    Trump is a plant to start a civil war

    I have had two separate people express to me their belief that Trump is a plant designed to start a civil war in the country. I didn't get to ask who this secret group actually is, in fact I think my exact response was "uh... OK." However, it is surprising to me that two separate people...
  17. V

    Trump-Russia "collusion" - The most successful disinfo operation of the decade

    Trump-Russia "collusion" - The most successful disinfo operation of the decade The competent organs of Russia, the FSB, is probably pulling the strings on on this whole Trump-Russia story. While Russian interference in the 2016 elections had been known by the CIA, FBI (according to Comey's...
  18. portlandatheist

    Syrian Chemical attack was a False Flag

    Or so a lot of JREFers think in this Syrian gas attack thread: http://www.internationalskeptics.com/forums/showthread.php?t=318402 And the usual suspects: http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/article/2017/apr/07/unproven-online-theories-doubting-syrian-gas-attac/
  19. The Great Zaganza

    CIA assasination: Kim Jong Nam

    https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/north-korean-leaders-half-brother-killed-by-poison-in-malaysia-reports-claim/2017/02/14/7324f8c6-f2af-11e6-8d72-263470bf0401_story.html Today, Kim Jong Un's half-brother Kim Jong Nam was assassinated in an airport in Malaysia. I'll get the conspiracy...
  20. A

    Make america great again.

    At work and just had a terrible thought, no sources or anything and it might just be my paranoid mind. Could 'make america great again' be code for 'make Christianity great again'? Is he planning on dragging the world into a global religious war, could some of the things he's done like approving...

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