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election conspiracies

  1. dudalb

    Trump election conspiracy theories - the RETURN

    Cocaine does terrible things to the mind. Continued from here http://www.internationalskeptics.com/forums/showthread.php?t=348224
  2. Pacal

    2000 Mules

    The New documentary film 2000 Mules has believers in the conspiracy to give the 2020 election to Biden creaming themselves. And of course it is brought to us by Dinesh D'Souza a noted paragon of truth, accuracy and fairness. (Snark). From what I have read about it it appears to be little more...
  3. M

    Cont: Trump's Coup - Part 3

    Continued from here. As is usual the split point is arbitrary and participants are free to quote from previous threads. To repeat: :thumbsup: Sounds like we are all in agreement now.
  4. TheSupermeerkat

    Merged MyPillow guy to start own Social media site due to “all the election-machine fraud.”

    The social media site is described as a cross between Twitter and YouTube, currently has no backers, only 10 people working on it, will rely upon his own servers rather than using Amazon and *will launch within three weeks*...
  5. Darat

    Cont: Trump’s Coup - Part 2

    Continuation of thread: http://www.internationalskeptics.com/forums/showthread.php?t=347882 Started already: https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20210107-russians-see-us-democracy-limping-after-capitol-stormed
  6. Checkmite

    Texas ex-cop arrested over October "voter fraud" assault

    Today, former Houston Police captain Mark Aguirre was arrested by Houston police and charged with felony assault after an investigation into an incident where Aguirre and criminal associates forced an air conditioning repairman to the ground and stole his equipment truck, claiming the victim was...
  7. quadraginta

    Cont: Trump et al continued “2020 election” conspiracy theories

    Previous thread was due for a continuation thread but also taken the opportunity to create the continuation thread in the CT section. Feel free to copy anything or reference anything from previous thread. http://www.internationalskeptics.com/forums/showthread.php?t=347832 No. It's Trump's...
  8. Mader Levap

    Trump's Coup d'état.

    Someone wanted it, so here it is. We already have republiloons behaving like their fuhrer won second term, screaming unsubstantiated allegations of fraud and peddling ridiculous conspiracy theories. Crazies send death threats to officials involved in elections. What's next? Coup is logical...
  9. Mader Levap

    QFS-Blockchain conspiracy

    WTF is this? Apparently there is sting operation of Trump and Intelligence that watermarked all ballots (somehow, don't ask me). Data was provided by "MD, PhD, a highly qualified US government, a Deputy Assistant Secretary of State and/or Senior Policy Planner under Secretaries Henry Kissinger"...
  10. V

    2020 United States presidential election - Conspiracy theories, alleged fraud, etc

    Let's get all the ******** out of the way. Which states have special election laws that the CTists have interpreted as "suspicious" ? What about the 138,000+ votes in Michigan that were "100 percent" for Biden? I assume this was just a snapshot in time and the keyboard warriors were doing...
  11. Orphia Nay

    Conspiracy Theory? US civil war if Trump loses election but won't relinquish power?

    Will Trump concede that his presidency is over (be it in November, or in 4 years time)? I know someone who's saying that "everyone thinks" that there will probably be a civil war. They say it will be Democrats & Military -v- Republicans & Police. Is this a conspiracy theory? Or just banter...
  12. tinribmancer

    Lower Chakras having an effect on the elections (warning, NSFW)

    When I was a lurker, I found out that some people had an account on a site called Godlike Productions, for those who have: http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message3349911/pg1 For those who don't (like me), I found this post over here: http://www.fstdt.net/QuoteComment.aspx?QID=122457...
  13. Mycroft

    Putin Personally Involved in Hack

    http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/u-s-officials-putin-personally-involved-u-s-election-hack-n696146 Because Putin really dislikes Clinton and he also figures anything that's bad for NATO is good for him.
  14. icebear

    Merged Icebear's thread to post things that he finds interesting

  15. B

    Stealing elections

    How likely is it that there are corrupt democrats and republicans who would not hesitate to flip/steal votes/elections with the computer voting machines? How likely is it that they have already attempted it done it and got away with it ? >>>> For reference purposes: We have seen the...
  16. Travis

    The election is wearing on me

    This election is draining me. But it isn't the Trump nonsense as I generally don't know anyone that subjects me to his brain droppings. It is the ongoing petulant slap fight on the Democratic side. It has made facebook such an exhausting ordeal that I've opted to just skip it most days rather...
  17. B

    E-ballot security

    IIRC, you disapprove of begged questions. Nonetheless... I'd gladly defer to your superior experience, were you to demonstrate further or prior interest/experience in the issue of protecting the world from e ballot fraud, in the case of Ohio 04. I'd not be surprised if Spoonamore was...
  18. C

    Donald Trump a Democratic plant?

    First off, I've skimmed some of the threads in the 2016 Politics board, particularly the Trump thread, but I haven't read all (currently) 84 pages of it, so if this is covered elsewhere, my apologies. Also, there's currently no proof of the allegation that Donald Trump is a plant from the...
  19. shemp

    Oklahoma Republican claims opponent is dead, replaced with body double.

    Oklahoma Republican claims opponent is dead, replaced with body double. And from his campaign website: Seems simple enough. Just get a court to order that Rep. Frank Lucas be brought before a doctor and checked to see if he's a human or a body-double robot. What's so crazy about that?
  20. Neutiquam Erro

    Losing primary challenger claims winner is a replicant, or something

    Apparently, the incumbent, who won the primary, was executed in the Ukraine some time ago (along with a number of other U.S. politicians), and replaced by a look-alike. This being the case, the election results are obviously invalid. From his campaign website:

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