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  • It happens because the 8 is right above the I in the keyboard, and the keyboard on the phone is a lot smaller than my fingers.

    The 8 is not a shift character

    It's not easy to prevent, but the only thing I can do is pay attention and fix it. Not always easy to do on the small screen on my phone.
    I notice in this post of yours, https://www.internationalskeptics.com/forums/showthread.php?postid=14239430#post14239430, you mis-typed "8n" for "in." I predict you typed that on a mobile device, because it happens to me all the time on my tablet and phone.

    But why does this happen? I can type very quickly, and it only seems to happen when I'm typing quickly, but I can never catch what exactly it is that is triggering the shift-character (8) instead of what I want, especially when I'm just typing all non-shift characters.

    Do you know why that happens, or how to prevent it?
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