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The Official Alex Jones Thread!

What fun. What will his excuse be when Trump loses and we don't have a "worldwide financial meltdown"? Inquiring minds want to know.

Alex Jones doesn't do "excuses". Any flawed predictions will simply be swamped by a tsunami of new flawed predictions, rendering it virtually impossible to find the original flawed predictions in order to point them out.

No, seriously, trying to Google Alex Jones videos is a fool's errand, as he post so many videos, it's near impossible to find one particular one amongst the chaff.
He was on Coast to Coast a couple nights ago and didn't do any screaming at all, very surprising. He sounded so reasonable you could see how someone only fractionally moronic could believe him. Perhaps a change in tactics.
For info, I think a majority of people in the UK who care either way (rather than being ambivalent) dislike Piers Morgan. He was editor of three tabloid newspapers (at least) here, and developed a reputation for being smug and ingratiating. His papers were involved in phone hacking and in one case published faked photos which were meant to show UK troops abusing Iraqi citizens and urinating on the dead.

One satirical magazine here always refers to him as Piers Moron.

ETA - I think Stephen Fry once defined Countryside as the killing of Piers Morgan (I can edit this if that is against the MA, but I think it's OK).

Never knew that. Does explain alot.

So how did he end up at CNN? I mean, don't they know about the **** that he did?
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Jones has been sort of using code words and dog whistles for years to indicate the Jews are behind it all,(I called him on it in a thread here back in 2008 when he went after several Jews who worked for Obama.
Never knew that. Does explain alot.

So how did he end up at CNN? I mean, don't they know about the **** that he did?

He also engaged in insider trading; in court he was accused of buying 20k of shares in a company (Viglen is the name which popped into my head) he then instructed two of his financial journalists to 'pump'. He gave evidence against them, seemed to get off (perhaps as a result of a deal), and moved on to the US. It later transpired he actually invested 67k in his wife's name.

So yeah, CNN should have had all that information but still hired him. He can be quite charismatic and presumably had a British charm to them.

He's also known for being punched by Jeremy Clarkson in a rare example of a fight where the audience would have cheered for a double KO.
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Replying to this modbox in thread will be off topic  Posted By: Loss Leader
I never thought that I would find a CTer on GOG...

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Replying to this modbox in thread will be off topic  Posted By: Loss Leader

Sorry about that. I thought it was acceptible at that height.

He also engaged in insider trading; in court he was accused of buying 20k of shares in a company (Viglen is the name which popped into my head) he then instructed two of his financial journalists to 'pump'. He gave evidence against them, seemed to get off (perhaps as a result of a deal), and moved on to the US. It later transpired he actually invested 67k in his wife's name.

So yeah, CNN should have had all that information but still hired him. He can be quite charismatic and presumably had a British charm to them.

He's also known for being punched by Jeremy Clarkson in a rare example of a fight where the audience would have cheered for a double KO.

Going to look that one up. :D

Just glorious. Trump's going to release a horde of super-technologies to create a new golden age. Also "Trump hates bullies". Trump apparently some sort of altruist. Male protesters look like feminized zombies, females look like trolls. Ted Cruz some sort of Dracula. Street preachers electrical. Don't know how Jones manages to keep coming out with fresh material like this. Amazing.
Slight deviation here. Does anyone know of a good, comparably funny and bombastic left-wing equivalent to Alex Jones?
David Icke is like the peace and love version of Alex Jones. Yin to his yang.

Or lizardman to his demons, what have you
Can someone watch this and analyze so I dont have to?

Joe Rogan vs Alex Jones today
Not sure RT can be ranked on the left-wing side.

Furthermore the distinction left/right does not make much sense anymore...

Well, Civet did say "comparably". Definitely, a bit of a gray area-while RT is basically "Putin's Mouthpiece" they do include discussions with "Leftist" bloggers/dissenters who just happen to be aligned with RT's spin on a particular point. In any event, it is "funny and bombastic" in an unintentional kind of way.
I remember when RT had Abby Martin and I thought she had real potential to bring the crazy. I still have hopes.
Slight deviation here. Does anyone know of a good, comparably funny and bombastic left-wing equivalent to Alex Jones?

Check out Keith Olbermann's recent "work". Whatever you think of his runs at ESPN and MSNBC, he's gone straight out of his mind over Trump. He's been reduced to short YouTube rants that seem literally insane with sound quality like they're being recorded in his basement or something.

In a way, it's almost sad. He was obviously a good broadcaster at one time but he's so hard to work with that I doubt he'll ever get another chance at any serious network. If anything he'll end up with Larry King and Dan Rather doing commentary on RT.
Check out Keith Olbermann's recent "work". Whatever you think of his runs at ESPN and MSNBC, he's gone straight out of his mind over Trump. He's been reduced to short YouTube rants that seem literally insane with sound quality like they're being recorded in his basement or something.

In a way, it's almost sad. He was obviously a good broadcaster at one time but he's so hard to work with that I doubt he'll ever get another chance at any serious network. If anything he'll end up with Larry King and Dan Rather doing commentary on RT.

By gum, I hadn't seen Olbermann in a while. The election has obviously affected him deeply. He's got that touch of madness in his eyes now. Even has the minimalist set reminding me of old-school Alex Jones or classic Democracy Now. Just needs some random piles of paper on his desk.
I think comparing olbermann to Jones is still giving Jones too much credit.

I stand by David Icke as being the more appropriate mirror image.

Next to Jones Olbermann looks like Wolf Blitzer.

If Olbermann exists on the fringe of rational discourse Jones is still way out there past him
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I enjoy the comedy stylings of David Icke, I just don't know that he can be classified as a lefty. If Jones represents a type of conservatism and Olbermann a strain of liberalism, Icke represents a bucket of gravy with some tulips in it. He's just his own thing.
I think comparing olbermann to Jones is still giving Jones too much credit.

I stand by David Icke as being the more appropriate mirror image.

Next to Jones Olbermann looks like Wolf Blitzer.

If Olbermann exists on the fringe of rational discourse Jones is still way out there past him

In his MSNBC days, I'd agree with you. I didn't agree with his positions, but he was still mostly rational. But as I said, he's gone way around the bend since then. If you didn't know who he was, you could easily take Olbermann's recent rants as typical of some Icke/Jones/random YouTube crazies work.

I enjoy the comedy stylings of David Icke, I just don't know that he can be classified as a lefty. If Jones represents a type of conservatism and Olbermann a strain of liberalism, Icke represents a bucket of gravy with some tulips in it. He's just his own thing.

I would say that Jones more represents anarchy more than any kind of conservatism. Let's not forget that Jones was a (if not THE) big pusher of the whole "BUSH DID 9/11!!!111!!!" and "FEMA'S TAKING OVER THE COUNTRY!!!111!!" memes of the early 2000s. I think that if any other Republican other than Trump had beaten Clinton in the election, we'd be hearing all about how "they" were taking over, among other conspiracy crap.
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In his MSNBC days, I'd agree with you. I didn't agree with his positions, but he was still mostly rational. But as I said, he's gone way around the bend since then. If you didn't know who he was, you could easily take Olbermann's recent rants as typical of some Icke/Jones/random YouTube crazies work..

Sorry this is still exaggerating bow crazy olbermann is, there's no way he reaches the lunacy of Jones and Icke, they are in a separate class in the wilderness

I know you don't like Olbermann, but please let's keep some perspective.

Have you read or watched much Jones or Icke?

Comparing a panicky partisan to them is giving Jones and Icke WAY TOO MUCH CREDIT!! And it's probably a bit unfair to olbermann
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Basically if I was to consider people like Olbermann but on the other side, I would think of maybe Hannity, Goldberg or even Coulter.

I do NOT think of Jones or Jerome Corsi or Paul Joseph Watson.

Thats if comparisons like this are even all that illuminating. Probably we should see these as statements of political self-identity rather than offering much objective insight about the individuals in these questions about who the equivalent is "on the other side". This is accepting of a binary formulation of political identity, which I also have problems with. That said I suppose my argument is there is no reason to NOT consider Olbermann a typical part of the political war by mainstream individuals.

There's lots of "crazy people" there too.

I just don't like how the Jones/Olbermann comparison almost normalizes Jones and we really need to keep him in a special place
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Sorry this is still exaggerating bow crazy olbermann is, there's no way he reaches the lunacy of Jones and Icke, they are in a separate class in the wilderness

I know you don't like Olbermann, but please let's keep some perspective.

Have you read or watched much Jones or Icke?

Comparing a panicky partisan to them is giving Jones and Icke WAY TOO MUCH CREDIT!! And it's probably a bit unfair to olbermann

Eh, you may be right. It may also be a style thing with Olbermann. The bombastic, faux Shakespearean way he starts out before degenerating into a spittle flecked rant is pure Jones, so that style may be distracting from the actual content. I'm willing to concede that Jones at least, is crazier with the content of his beliefs than Olbermann. I admit that I haven't watched a lot Icke, though, so I couldn't really say other than someone that believes in lizard people from space is obviously, to use a technical term, ******* nuts. :D
Here's the thing, you can be like "normal crazy"

And you can be like "Alex Jones Crazy"

I just want to keep that separation between the profane and mundane worlds..;)
But ya back to Icke - he really is the hippie version of Jones - both believe nearly ALL the same stuff: vaccines, fluoride, masonic and occult influence on "globalists", 9/11

But you see Jones really does come from the socio-cultural heritage of the far-right, and it shows in his fundie christian stuff about Satan and demons and in his almost Beckian patriotism and 2nd amendment festishization.

Icke was a soccer player and celebrity - came into conspiracy theory from a totally different place. My friend who's into him thinks Alex Jones is a disinfo agent and constantly references how I should read Icke because "its really about love".

Jones will colour his rants with rage and yelling - Icke will end his with New Age Newspeak about love/harmony and warmed over Chopra-ism.

Incidentally, many Jones fans think Icke is "disinfo", because shape-shifting reptilians are so crazy he's just out there to discredit Truth Seekers by making them look silly - a CIA plant.

Kind of funny how the followers of each guy, who have so much in common in the Crazy Venn Diagram, think the other one is "disinfo".

But its the far-right cultural heritage of Jones that puts him in the "right-wing nutter" category, and the New Age hippie-speak of Icke that puts him in the "left wing nutter" category for me - and its this distinct vector for each of them which I think keeps their fans apart in almost distinct groups, each kind of pulling more adherents from the side of the spectrum they are closer to themselves.

Two sides of a crazy coin.
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I don't know about Icke - haven't read or seen enough of him to understand his market niche.

Jones is a successful producer now. I am not sure about his early track record, didn't follow him, but he has assembled a pool of people that is very impressive talent-wise. Paul Joseph Watson is his biggest, but he has a whole team that puts out a lot of material at a fraction the cost of the legacy media.

It is a very interesting thing watching the shrieking. Nobody shrieked about the National Enquirer doing martian baby stories and all - so what, just bored housewife pulp fiction with a veneer of, no I can't even say it - plausibility? lol.

But Jones seems to invoke panic because anyone with a phone can shoot pics of Hillary Clinton being dragged into her pseudo-ambulance, leaving a shoe on the pavement. Or her bizarre twitching/jerking etc. Jones will put that out and make a small fortune off it.

Paul Joseph Watson gets millions of views, the others I don't know the data on but collectively it is tens of millions - just beating the stuffing out of legacy media having staggering budgets.

Jones is the one who is going to capitalize on legacy media lies, and boy it sells like nothing else. Apparently it sells water purifiers and whatever "nutricuticals" are. Blah blah blah, US Special Forces contract (you know that screams cheap, right? Five hundred dollar hammers.) lol.

So what. The more interesting thing to me is watching the infinite stream of ad hominems. It seems he is a threat to the collectivist narratives, yeah. Not because his own thoughts on things are necessarily correct but that he is a ready platform for common-citizen checks on framing public perception.

Just like the National Enquirer (and the like) was the go-to place for that kind of thing before the digital age. Between moon hoax stories and martian babies are photos - real - of Marylin Monroe and Bobby Kennedy or whatever.

Speaking of which they have tried to gravitate more to the mainstream too, as I see Jones has tried. Publishers adapt to changing market opportunities over time. Putting out younger people that aren't as automatically conspiracy minded as Jones is really selling for him.

He's got a harem of babes now. Three I can think of. Way to go, Alex. Easy on the eyes. More of them, less of you, if you please Alex. :thumbsup:
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So you will support any nutjob who is "Anti Establishment"?

That's exactly why we need a left-wing equivalent. Plenty of reliable anti-establishment extremist conspiracy theorists on the left, but a complete failure to mobilize them as a voter base. Hillary didn't reach out to them at all. I was watching Olbermann recently and he had not one story about Trump staging false flag attacks or the Koch brothers secretly funding Alex Jones. The man stuck to completely useless facts.
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