I don't know about Icke - haven't read or seen enough of him to understand his market niche.
Jones is a successful producer now. I am not sure about his early track record, didn't follow him, but he has assembled a pool of people that is very impressive talent-wise. Paul Joseph Watson is his biggest, but he has a whole team that puts out a lot of material at a fraction the cost of the legacy media.
It is a very interesting thing watching the shrieking. Nobody shrieked about the National Enquirer doing martian baby stories and all - so what, just bored housewife pulp fiction with a veneer of, no I can't even say it - plausibility? lol.
But Jones seems to invoke panic because anyone with a phone can shoot pics of Hillary Clinton being dragged into her pseudo-ambulance, leaving a shoe on the pavement. Or her bizarre twitching/jerking etc. Jones will put that out and make a small fortune off it.
Paul Joseph Watson gets millions of views, the others I don't know the data on but collectively it is tens of millions - just beating the stuffing out of legacy media having staggering budgets.
Jones is the one who is going to capitalize on legacy media lies, and boy it sells like nothing else. Apparently it sells water purifiers and whatever "nutricuticals" are. Blah blah blah, US Special Forces contract (you know that screams cheap, right? Five hundred dollar hammers.) lol.
So what. The more interesting thing to me is watching the infinite stream of ad hominems. It seems he is a threat to the collectivist narratives, yeah. Not because his own thoughts on things are necessarily correct but that he is a ready platform for common-citizen checks on framing public perception.
Just like the National Enquirer (and the like) was the go-to place for that kind of thing before the digital age. Between moon hoax stories and martian babies are photos - real - of Marylin Monroe and Bobby Kennedy or whatever.
Speaking of which they have tried to gravitate more to the mainstream too, as I see Jones has tried. Publishers adapt to changing market opportunities over time. Putting out younger people that aren't as automatically conspiracy minded as Jones is really selling for him.
He's got a harem of babes now. Three I can think of. Way to go, Alex. Easy on the eyes. More of them, less of you, if you please Alex.