Most of the debts are to the people who sued him for the Sandy Hook stuff that would receive the payment provided to buy the company or else the company wouldn't be worth a God damn thing at all. Selling it would be useless.
That being said, I don't ◊◊◊◊◊◊◊ know lol. I don't do bankruptcy stuff so if your end game is to prove me wrong it shouldn't be all that ◊◊◊◊◊◊◊ hard. I'm just going off the snippets I've read. By all means feel free to correct me or provide other information.
The question was seeking information, not a put-down. I don't live in your country; don't know your business laws. So take a seat and chill for a bit.
As I understand it...
InfoWars was just Jones' megaphone. But he owns it so it is his asset. Any value in InfoWars is the vitamins and the prepper-buckets (i.e. sweet FA), and the brand & studio equipment. All that has an asset value, albeit not a huge amount. My question was does InfoWars also have huge debts? If so, what form do these take? For example, has Jones defaulted on his suppliers? Is InfoWars still liable for some court-adjudicated payout to a victim that hasn't been paid? In short, what is the state of InfoWars' balance sheet?
Is it not also the case that it is Jones
personally who is on the hook for $1.5B, which he owes to the Sandy Hook victims? AIUI, Jones was being forced to sell InfoWars to pay back some fraction of this personal debt. But if InfoWars is also deep in unrecoverable debt, what value is it at sale? While the asset values may be hundreds of thousands, do multi-million-dollar debts somehow no longer count when it is sold under those circumstances?
Another scenario is if InfoWars has assets and no massive debts, but the whole operation is an unrecoverable and embarrassing wreck and the brand name is an embarrassing pile of rotting manure nobody wants to touch. So this would be a basic firesale of the tangible assets alone that the Onion was trying to buy, with the name being of no value beyond the shiggles. The bug-out buckets could be used as snacks... In which case my question doesn't apply, I suppose.
Any clues?