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alex jones

  1. dudalb

    Alex Jones In Even Deeper Legal Doo Doo..

    https://www.cnn.com/2021/10/01/us/alex-jones-loses-sandy-hook-cases/index.html Nice to hear some good news for a change......
  2. angrysoba

    Will Alex Jones take the Republican nomination?

    Okay, you are maybe hearing it first. I saw Alex Jones on a You Tube channel chatting ranting with a comedian, Andrew Shulz, and his buddies. I can't deny that he is entertaining to watch, and he is bat-**** crazy. I still assume that Trump will run for the 2024 Republican presidential...
  3. dudalb

    Ed Alex Jones leads the fight against those evil masks....

    https://www.statesman.com/news/20200628/alex-jones-leads-anti-mask-protest-at-capitol This was a couple of days ago. I suspect bigger antics from Alex with masks now mandatory in Texas....
  4. Crazy Chainsaw

    I am trying to Research the Birtherism Conspiracy theories but can't find anything.

    Was the insane Birtherism Conspiracy theory ever discussed here? Where can I find more information?
  5. Travis

    Did I miss the civil war 2?

    What happened to the great civil war that liberals were going to launch today? Don't tell me all we got out of it is a woman climbing the Statue of Liberty!
  6. smartcooky

    Sandy Hook parents sue Alex Jones for defamation

    http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-43799449 I hope the bastard gets taken to the cleaners
  7. dudalb

    Alex Jones Finally Breaks With Trump...

    over the Syrian airstrikes. And of course it is just a coincidence that Jones in on Russia Today's payroll as a commentator/consultant....
  8. Jerrymander

    Alex Jones products apparently filled with lead

    The man who constantly claims that the "elites" are poisoning us is apparently poisoning his own listeners. I guess he is part of the population control. http://www.ceh.org/news-events/press-releases/content/sperm-damaging-lead-alex-jones-supplements/
  9. Travis

    The Deep State and its real motives

    Oh that whacky Deep State. It can be anything you hate whenever it wants. It can't defend itself because it either doesn't really exist or is out playing a friendly against the CFR with Rothschild serving as a referee. So why not also say that it is actually just about sex with children? And...
  10. S

    Alex Jones names the Jew in Charlottesville riots

    You can read about it in Harretz, Conspiracy Theorist Alex Jones: Jewish Actors Posed as KKK in Charlottesville read more: http://www.haaretz.com/us-news/1.806924 See the clip ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ypHV1TAEC6o AJ says the Charlottesville Nazis look like Howard Stern !
  11. M

    Alex Jones and Martian Slavery

    Robert David Steele of the Earth Intelligence Network (http://robertdavidsteele.com/) "The Truth at Any Cost Lowers All Other Costs", has appeared on the Alex Jones show to present his claim that for the past twenty years NASA has been kidnapping children and shipping them to a slave colony on...
  12. NoahFence

    Megyn Kelly interview with Alex Jones

    So the former darling of the right will be interviewing this moron on Sunday night. Splendid. Why waste air time?
  13. Horatius

    Alex Jones Vs. Donald Trump: A betting/predictions thread

    So, Trump has won the election. Now, most of us here know that Alex Jones and Donald Trump have been friendly to each other during this election cycle, with Trump even appearing on Jones' show. Heck, Infowars is positively giddy about this result: http://www.infowars.com/trump-wins/ But here's...
  14. WilliamSeger

    "Buliding expert" Donald Trump weighs in on WTC destruction

    Synopsis: On 9/11, The Donald didn't believe a plane could have penetrated the "big heavy I-beams" on the outside of the building without help from bombs. By now (given and his general detachment from reality and his association with Alex Jones), Trump might be a no-planer. 0xV8V2RyAXA...
  15. Undesired Walrus

    Inside Alex Jones' mind

    As the 2016 campaign draws to a close, it's interesting to see the complete mental collapse of Alex Jones, who has surely got more paranoid and hysterical as time has gone on, which has culminated in him crying on the airwaves and putting out the idea that Obama and Hillary are literally demons...
  16. carlitos

    Hurricane Matthew Truthers

    The usual suspects are questioning "the media" and their role in feeding us information on the hurricane. Media Matters Link Media Matters is not my favorite and maybe this was written early yesterday, but the death toll in Haiti alone is over 300. The always reasonable Alex Jones reminds...
  17. tinribmancer

    The Official Alex Jones Thread!

    Because what would a CT section be, without a topic about the almighty leader of the "Truth" movement? Some info about him for the lurkers: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alex_Jones_(radio_host) http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Alex_Jones Some CTers call him a Zionist shill. Other CTers, like...
  18. ZiprHead

    Alex Jones Invades TYT and All Hell Breaks Loose

  19. Allen773

    5 more conspiracy theories courtesy of Alex Jones

    Full article. 'Nuff said.
  20. R

    David Duke vs Alex Jones

    This was too big of a battle to ignore. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VuXNMkBJbNg In the first half hour I noticed Duke lie about the federal reserve and such, and promote sustenance and lie about US birth rates: http://www.forbes.com/sites/neilhowe/2015/01/28/u-s-birthrate-falls-again/ What can...
  21. Athyrio

    Amazon banned Confederate merchandise on orders from the U.S. Government

    The voice on the video is that of Ghetto Monk, chief cook and bottle washer of Godlike Productions. He is talking with a "supervisor" at Amazon who does not really have command of the English language. Alex Jones has plastered this on Infowars, temporarily healing a longstanding wound between...
  22. Redwood

    Alex Jones's Demented Rant Over Las Vegas Shootings

    http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2014/06/09/alex-jones-loses-it-harry-reid-staged-false-flag-vegas-shooting-with-mk-ultra-mind-control/ By all means listen to Jones's rant if you can stand it, linked to in the article. The "false-flaggers" are in a positive feedback loop...
  23. icebear

    Obama's science adviser (and other green topics)

  24. Travis

    Obviously Agenda 21 is just like The Hunger Games

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YrckjjYTSdE&feature=c4-overview&list=UUvsye7V9psc-APX6wV1twLg More nuttiness from Alex Jones. Ms Collins I'm a huge fan of your work and was totally able to see how your books paint a bleak picture of how a non-binding treaty with the United Nations to...
  25. Redwood

    Conspiracy Psychologists at Bilderberg Protests

    Psychological researchers Michael J. Wood and Rob Brotherton were in attendance at the Bilderberg 2013 protests, which have become a kind of Conspiracist Woodstock: http://conspiracypsych.com/2013/06/16/bilderberg-fringe-festival-2013-special-report/ More from Michael Wood here.
  26. J

    Alex Jones - Oh Come on

    N.B. If this wants to be in CS, that's ok, but I'm not planning on discussing the sick theory presented here, just asking how this guy keeps an audience. http://mediamatters.org/blog/2013/05/21/alex-jones-explains-how-government-weather-weap/194167 The tornados, he says, were a gummint weapon...
  27. LightinDarkness

    Rachel Maddow hilariously slams conspiracy theorists, including infowars dating site

    I just saw this and was laughing (sometimes out of sadness/shock at the stupidity) the whole time. Rachel Maddow apparently found out that there is a Alex Jones "Freedom Lovers" dating website, and covers it along with the recent rise of conspiracy theories due to current events. I know Rachel...
  28. DaveThomasNMSR

    Rachel Maddow RIPS 9/11 Truth, Alex Jones - EPIC

    On the April 24th, 2013 segment of the Rachel Maddow show on MSNBC, she spent over 13 minutes shredding Alex Jones, 9/11 Truth, and conspiracies in general (Sandy Hook, Boston Marathon, Apollo, etc.). My favorite soundbite comes at 3:12 in the following video: Here's the video on YouTube...
  29. sophia8

    Alex Jones' Failed Predictions

    He seems to have an even worse record than Sylvia Browne. "But the reality is, Alex Jones’ predictive capability is as accurate as Stevie Wonder at the shooting range."
  30. Orphia Nay

    Alex Jones - guilty of "Hate Speech" crimes?

    Reading that Tamerlan Tsarnaev was a fan of Infowars leads me to ponder: Is Alex Jones guilty of the crime of hate speech? Wikipedia says: In 1993, the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) released a report titled “The Role of Telecommunications in Hate Crimes.”...
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