Steven Colbert notes that Alex Jones occasionally advises Donald Trump:
It's afternoon, and Jones is walking through the studio, his adrenaline level high and his blood sugar low. He needs to get something to eat. Platters of BBQ - chicken, beef and sausages - are set out on a table in the conference room. "Good barbecue," says Jones. "You tasted it already?"
He piles up food onto a plastic plate, and then he suddenly takes off his shirt without explanation. With his bare torso, he sits there and shovels meat into his mouth, a caricature of manliness, but also a show of power to the reporter sitting in front of him. He can do as he pleases.
Jones has now preemptively debunked any proof of Russian hacking:
He's really stayed loyal to Trump.
WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Wikileaks “Vault 7” drop of CIA cyber-warfare documents contains the startling revelation that the CIA, under a project identified as “Umbrage,” maintained a substantial library of Russian cyber-attack techniques “stolen” from malware produced in other states including the Russian Federation.
This revelation yields a “through the looking glass” possibility that the Obama administration obtained FISA permission to conduct electronic surveillance on Russians believed to be coordinating with the Trump campaign based on intelligence the CIA planted to deceive the NSA into thinking there was actual contact between Russian agents and the Trump campaign.
Possibly, what the CIA was monitoring was not actual contacts between Russian agents and the Trump campaign, but CIA-created counter-espionage designed to implicate Trump and provide the legal context for the DOJ to have enough “evidence” to obtain a FISA green-light.
Corsi is an odious man.
Jones has now preemptively debunked any proof of Russian hacking:
He's really stayed loyal to Trump.
He has also been on the payroll of "Russia Today" as an "expert" on American Politics.
IMHO it's a case that Alex's fanbase still likes Trump. When they eventually begin to be disillusioned then Alex will break with Trump.
Jones is criticizing Trump now. Still making excuses for him and praising his character, but definitely criticizing him.
At a recent pretrial hearing, attorney Randall Wilhite told state District Judge Orlinda Naranjo that using his client Alex Jones’ on-air Infowars persona to evaluate Alex Jones as a father would be like judging Jack Nicholson in a custody dispute based on his performance as the Joker in “Batman.”
“He’s playing a character,” Wilhite said of Jones. “He is a performance artist.”
But in emotional testimony at the hearing, Kelly Jones, who is seeking to gain sole or joint custody of her three children with Alex Jones, portrayed the volcanic public figure as the real Alex Jones.
“He’s not a stable person,” she said of the man with whom her 14-year-old son and 9- and 12-year-old daughters have lived since her 2015 divorce. “He says he wants to break Alec Baldwin’s neck. He wants J-Lo to get raped.
A ******** artist is more like it. Batman is explicitly fiction. Jones claims to be a truth-telling reporter.
It wouldn't surprise me though if the man is pretty unstable IRL too, not just on his show.
All of those CTs Trump repeated.The radio host has endorsed several conspiracy theories, including claims that former President Barack Obama illegally wiretapped Donald Trump, that the U.S. government carried out the Sept. 11 terror attacks, and that the 2012 mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School was a hoax.
He isn't a performance artist, he is a BS artist only a bad BS artist, his BS. Won't even make wild roses grow.
How anyone could elect a President that listens to him, is beyond comprehension.
Jones only goal is money...Thing is a lot of people buy into the BS..
“He’s not a stable person,” she said
Not just a performance artist, Jones admits the CTs he spouts are all fake.
Conspiracy Theorist Alex Jones Apologizes For Spreading Fake ‘Pizzagate’ Story
It will be interesting to see how people with 'Infowars' stickers on their cars react to this. I'd like to think that some will realize they've been had, but it seems more likely that the majority will claim that Jones has sold out to the Illuminati or whatnot, and continue to believe the same paranoid crap because they can't have a worldview that doesn't revolve around them being among the few who are too smart to be fooled.
I'm not sure that's accurate. He's admitted Pizzagate was BS, but, as far as I know, he still claims all the other CTs he shouts about are true.
I'll wait til the dust settles. I don't see how you can say what he is now denying without seeing his child custody papers.
Sorry to sound nitpicky, but you are now speculating ahead of the facts. Unless he has already said, for the record, that he knows all the CTs he broadcasts about are fake, you cannot say that he has admitted he knows they are fake. It is entirely possible that this admission may come to light in the future, but, as of right now, we just don't know that.
Trevor Noah picks this up and wonders if Jones's fan Trump may be a performance artist, too:
I'm not speculating anything. I've not drawn a conclusion except that the guy is scum either way.
Not just a performance artist, Jones admits the CTs he spouts are all fake.
Skeptic Ginger said:I'll wait til the dust settles. I don't see how you can say what he is now denying without seeing his child custody papers.
A definent cutting back of the Pro Trump stories on Infowars. A few are still there, but the nonstop praise of Trump has really been dialed back.
Of course, how can you peddle government conspiracies when the president is a fan and you support him? It gets a bit more difficult.
I'm not sure that's accurate. He's admitted Pizzagate was BS, but, as far as I know, he still claims all the other CTs he shouts about are true.