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[Merged]Does Randi Needs to Apologize or What?

Dave, your comedy routine is getting a little old hat. I used to be a big fan of your fantasist humour ... but now, meh! Another one for Thread Tools/Ignore This Thread.

Wake me up when you've got some new material. Yawn.

So once again I must drag this single handedly back on to topic!!!!!

I am still waiting for an honest answer ... (Not that I expect one) ... But I am asking James Randi to do the right thing and answer all of these questions as he has promised on the video!

I just went back and did a little research about the history of your application, and all I have to say is...

You've got a lot of nerve, buddy.

Why should anyone waste their time with you when you flat out REFUSE to follow the rules of the challenge?

Who are you to dictate terms when you lack the ability and/or willingness to state simply and clearly what you can do that any second-rate magician can't?
So once again I must drag this single handedly back on to topic!!!!!

I am still waiting for an honest answer ... (Not that I expect one) ... But I am asking James Randi to do the right thing and answer all of these questions as he has promised on the video!

If you want an honest answer, you should try asking honest questions.
I am still waiting for an honest answer ...
The honest answer is that you will not get an answer because you have already shown that you are acting in bad faith, and that you are just trying to waste the JREF's time. You are too insignificant to waste more time on.

Except here, of course, where you are a part of the entertainment.

September 3rd 2008 15 posts down JREF/Magic Cafe member Garette explains it all to you Dave. It has been explained on here before, in particular the itricks allegations you make.
I have yet to see proof Randi said "Dave Koenig has not applied". My take on the dragoncon nonsense is Randi was referring to Jim Callahan-let's not forget that was the name uttered by the buffoon in the audience. Plenty of cross talk, he likely never heard your name mentioned.

But regardless no-one on YouTube agrees with you, only two members on Cafe agreed and no-one on hear agrees as we aren't stupid.
Funny how you call people on here for following blindly and yet you are doing what most failed applicants do-complain and whine about invisible injustices.
Of course I won't just lie down and take the abuse and name calling from the JREF Forum. I have always stood up for myself
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HOWEVER ..Randi owes me an apology or an explanation as to why he is dodging me.

He has plenty of equipment at the JREF to make a video response but he has failed to do so.


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Of course I won't just lie down and take the abuse and name calling from the JREF Forum. I have always stood up for myself
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HOWEVER ..Randi owes me an apology or an explanation as to why he is dodging me.

He has plenty of equipment at the JREF to make a video response but he has failed to do so.



Hm. Is that that he no longer thinks you are relevant at all?
Maybe he thinks that it is not neccessary to respond by any means to attention seeker,not-sincere claimant and bad magician?

As for responses here on this forum,you are regarded as any other troll,conspiracy theorist,
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(for more about "The Proffesor" see http://www.internationalskeptics.com/forums/showthread.php?t=124640 , http://www.internationalskeptics.com/forums/showthread.php?t=135038 , http://www.internationalskeptics.com/forums/showthread.php?t=121157 and http://www.internationalskeptics.com/forums/showthread.php?t=122607),woo,...

Through out many threads here (some where linked) you demonstrated lack of many things like being truthfull,sincere and such. I am afraid that many people would not bother with making any reply knowing your history.

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Of course I won't just lie down and take the abuse and name calling from the JREF Forum. I have always stood up for myself
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HOWEVER ..Randi owes me an apology or an explanation as to why he is dodging me.

He has plenty of equipment at the JREF to make a video response but he has failed to do so.



1.) Randi does not owe you an apology.

2.) Randi is not obligated to record a video response to you.

3.) Randi has not dodged you. You have not fulfilled the requirements to take the Challenge.

4.) When you fulfill the requirements to take the challenge, then, and only then, will you have the right to say anything more.

5.) Your continued spamming of this board and others will likely get you banned, if not immediately, then eventually.

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Of course I won't just lie down and take the abuse and name calling from the JREF Forum. I have always stood up for myself
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HOWEVER ..Randi owes me an apology or an explanation as to why he is dodging me.

No he doesn't and no he isn't.

He has plenty of equipment at the JREF to make a video response but he has failed to do so.

Probably because he'd rather stick pins in his eyes? ;)
You have no application ongoing anymore so Randi has no reason to know of your existence anymore.

Two can play that game http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lKxbzz8f86g :rolleyes:
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Of course I won't just lie down and take the abuse and name calling from the JREF Forum. I have always stood up for myself
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Non sequitur.

HOWEVER ..Randi owes me an apology or an explanation as to why he is dodging me.

No and no.

He has plenty of equipment at the JREF to make a video response but he has failed to do so.



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So all of you on the forum are psychics who know what randi is thinking? Amazing ... or Amusing :)
randi has not responded. He is given every opportunity.
My questions are honest and straight forward.
He is avoiding the truth!
Does Randi Needs to Apologize or What?

No. What you need to do is apply for the challenge

Go ahead, fill your application. Do it. You will never get nowhere in this world if you don't try. You know, I was just like you back then a few years ago, when I wasn't sure if I should apply for the City College of New York. But then my dad said "Son, you gotta apply" and then it struck me: All I had to do was apply!! And now I am about to graduate as a Music BFA from the City College of New York. How about that?

So if I can do it, you can do it too
So all of you on the forum are psychics who know what randi is thinking? Amazing ... or Amusing :)
randi has not responded. He is given every opportunity.
My questions are honest and straight forward.
He is avoiding the truth!

No. One more time: You have not made a valid application for the challenge. The evidence has been presented time and again. You have not provided the protocols necessary for the challenge to take place. And in saying you have, you are lying. Your questions are neither honest, nor are they straightforward, they are leading, and they are deceptive.

Jeff Wagg has already said that since you are not willing to comply with the rules for the challenge, since you've made it clear you are not willing to act in good faith, the JREF will not waste further time with you. Frankly, that in and of itself speaks volumes about your lack of character, and your disingenuousness. I have met Jeff, and have found him to be extraordinarily generous with his time and talents. Had you simply asked for assistance, it would have been given, though it should also be pointed out that no one at JREF can do for you what you ought to be doing for yourself. That would be a conflict of interest, and a display of bad faith on the part of both of you.

In other words, David, it's the actions that have spoken the loudest. James Randi and the James Randi Educational Foundation showed incredible restraint throughout this process, particularly as you insulted and belittled people I respect highly. So, quite frankly, if you were truly interested in applying for and taking the challenge, rather than making a public spectacle of yourself, you've done it all wrong.

Sorry, but I'm more inclined to listen to JREF than yourself.

And had my kids pulled this kind of thing when they were smaller, I'd have tanned a few backsides. Keep that one in mind.
So all of you on the forum are psychics who know what randi is thinking? Amazing ... or Amusing :)
randi has not responded. He is given every opportunity.
My questions are honest and straight forward.
He is avoiding the truth!

"Are you lying or are you ignorant?" is not an honest, straight forward question.
So all of you on the forum are psychics who know what randi is thinking?

No one has claimed that in this thread.

Amazing ... or Amusing :)
randi has not responded. He is given every opportunity.


My questions are honest and straight forward

No, they are not.
I recommend you look up the words "honest" and "fair" in the dictionary, and then have someone explain their meaning to you. Especially in the context of your JREF Forum oeuvre.

He is avoiding the truth!

So all of you on the forum are psychics who know what randi is thinking? Amazing ... or Amusing :)
randi has not responded. He is given every opportunity.
My questions are honest and straight forward.
He is avoiding the truth!

It is simply enough to read what he posts in Swift to know his attitude/thinking.
Then we take into account just your history with Jref and on this forum.
Then we know truth,but your it is not!

Nobody needs to be mind reader to know outcome,nobody is going to satisfy your requests ,since you are no longer paid attention to by staff.

Give up and find something new to do, you are not going to succed!
So all of you on the forum are psychics who know what randi is thinking? Amazing ... or Amusing :)
randi has not responded. He is given every opportunity.
My questions are honest and straight forward.
He is avoiding the truth!

No we are intelligent adults who have eyes and ears, who can see a timewaster and childish tantrum maker.
You have been making same boring posts about the same boring non event since September. Nothing has changed, the JREF hasn't fallen, Randi hasn't been arrested for a fellony[sic] and you haven't won a million dollars.
You are avoiding the truth no-one else. :)
So all of you on the forum are psychics who know what randi is thinking? Amazing ... or Amusing :)
It is not necessary to be psychic to realize that you are not a very important person to Randi.

randi has not responded. He is given every opportunity.
Ranid is not obliged to give you a response.

My questions are honest and straight forward.
He is avoiding the truth!
You are never very honest and straightforward. Ignoring you is a perfectly sound response for whatever you say.

In about half a year you will have the last opportunity to reapply for the MDC. Are you working on this, or will you continue moping?
So all of you on the forum are psychics who know what randi is thinking? Amazing ... or Amusing :)
randi has not responded. He is given every opportunity.
My questions are honest and straight forward.
He is avoiding the truth!

Sounds like he's just avoiding you.

I don't see any need for Randi to respond as nobody has an obligation to post here.
Sounds like he's just avoiding you.

I don't see any need for Randi to respond as nobody has an obligation to post here.

I don't think Randi's avoided him at all. He answered the phone, and when TP started in with his usual nonsense, he hung up on him. Pretty direct response, if you ask me.
Re: Does Randi Needs to Apologize or What?

In the continued absence of a poll on this thread, I'd just like to say that I'm still going for "What?"
I think I would also answer "What" on the poll. I apologize for not having read any of the threads starring The Professor so I don't quite know the story behind this, but personally I have high thoughts of James Randi and his work with Skepticism and with enlightening the world. There are many cases of harmful woo that James Randi himself has stopped, and although the man is not officially a scientist, I look up to scientists and I put James Randi right there with them. If I would get into any kind of conflict with Randi during a paranormal challenge I think I would just let him have it. After all, he's done great work and all I can do is admire him for that.

Professor, if you do have a paranormal claim, please proceed in gathering data and investigating your claim. It doesn't seem that the JREF or Randi thinks they have done any harm toward you since I am sure they would apologize. However, I will read your threads and then I will be able to form a more objective and educated opinion about all of this. Investigate your claim, if it holds any weight I am sure the world would love to know, and if it ends up being falsified, then you should only expect praise for having concluded on a claim. Perhaps don't take the paranormal claim or challenge personally. I don't think it is really about the persons involved, it is about the claimed phenomenon and finding the truth and understanding of that claim.
Mr. Koenig,
Please steer me in the right direction as I'm very confused. If you haven't submitted an application that has been approved, then you haven't submitted an application--just as Mr. Randi said at that conference. He was obviously telling the truth at that time and unless something has happened behind the scenes I'm unaware of, is still a true statement to this day.
Also, please don't tell me to "drink the Kool-Aid" (whatever that means). I'm trying hard to live healthy and Kool-Aid has too much sugar in it for me. Thanks
Professor Wag...

We don't have Kool-Aid over here,well we used to but it was called Kia Ora.What does the phrase 'drink the Kool-Aid mean? Something to do with Kesey's acid test? Is the professor urging us to take a trip? What has that got to do with his spurious application?
I'm going to make a paranormal prediction!! :cool:. I want to state in advance that this is completely paranormal and in no way influenced by logical deduction nor past history. Any replies to the contrary will be flat-out ignored on this forum and relentlessly mocked by myself and my paranormal peers upon message boards that your shoddy not-so-critically-thinking minds have never heard of, providing a relentless source of amusement for us at your expense. This mockery will be extreme. I will also continue to support my good friend Him in his endeavors to enlighten you forumites and the YouTube masses as to the truly paranormal nature of the world and the illegitimate nature of the Million-Dollar Challenge by posting unrelated manifestations of thought laced with my trademark emoticon (I am sure your skeptical minds know which one I refer to! :cool:).

HERE'S THE PREDICTION!!! The same bickering and debate will continue about this new protocol, whenever it may be presented. It will do very little to change this forum's opinion of Mr. Koenig, and several forum members will come forward with serious objections. I myself will probably chip in with a comment or two about the language employed by the protocol. Mr. Wagg will most certainly have his objections to the proposed protocol, I'm getting that impression from the spirits quite strongly.

I look forward to being proven right!! :cool::cool:

~ Matt :cool::cool:

(EDIT: I highly encourage others in communication with spirits who have information about this protocol to reply with their own paranormal predictions about this matter. :cool:)

I think I remember that after much wrangling, you practically had the JREF write the claim for you, because you were unable to come up with one yourself. You then presented one or more protocols that were clearly intended to fail, because the flaws were pointed out to you, but you just increased the number of superfluous elements, but you did never include essential elements such as no need for judgement.

This was rejected, but you were graciously allowed to reapply for next year.

Have you thought of a workable protocol in the meantime, or are you intending to fail to produce one for next year's show also?

Oh great,it's going to be an annual event.
I called Randi directly and he did what many would call "dodging" the questions by hanging up. :) I was crushed.

I am taking the questions to the public in an effort to get a response to these timely questions. Randi does post here I am told, but as of yet, no one knows his real name :)

I want James Randi to quit dodging these questions. It's only fair!!!!!

You vilify him,accuse him of mendacity and insult him and you wonder why he hangs up the phone on you?
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