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Azrael 5
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  • Hi, I've started my own forum ( www.rational.proboards.com ) and I wondered if you'd like to join. It's similar to this one but I'm going to try and make it fairly balanced as I am going to hopefully get people from other atheist forums as well as religious and even spiritual forums to join. It should be fun once it gets going. As you can see it's still early days at the moment but I'm hoping to make it busy and lively. Free free to join if you like and check from time to time.
    Hi, Azrael,

    I was wondering if you would do me a favor, for which I'd pay.

    I'm trying to get a copy of the Thud! boardgame for my son's birthday October 19. He doesn't know, so if you can't it's not a big deal.

    My efforts to buy on ebay and elsewhere have failed, and now I can't find any except one dealer selling through amazon.co.uk, but this dealer will not ship to the US.

    It costs about 45 GBP, plus shipping in the UK. I guuessing shipping to the US at 25 or 30 GBP (complete guess; I'll pay more if required). Add 20 GBP for your troubles, (again, more if needed), and that's around 100 GBP.

    Would you be willing to purchase it then ship to the US? I can Paypal $100 immediately because that's what's in my Paypal account. I've just transferred more funds to Paypal, but that won't finalize until Monday, at which point I will pay the balance.

    Regardless, I hope all is well with you.

    Take care,

    Patrick Vessels
    Hi, Azrael.

    I was wondering if you would do me a favor, for which I'm willing to pay.

    I'm trying to buy a copy of the Thud! boardgame for my son, but I've been unable to win the ebay auctions for the few here in the states. I can't find it anywhere now except at amazon.co.uk, but the seller there (it's a used copy) will not ship to the US. If I Paypal you enough money to buy it and ship it to the US plus about 20 GBP, would you buy it for me? I'd like to have it by October 18th.

    If you can't, no big deal, but if you could I'd appreciate it.

    The seller is selling for about 45 GBP, plus will probably add a few pounds to ship to you. I'm guessing postage from the UK to the US will be 25 or 30 GBP (if it's more, that's okay; I'll pay it), plus some for you puts it in the vicinity of 100 GBP.

    Let me know.

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