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  • Hi, just thought the sig sounded like you were advertising something from 2010.

    I see it also has a sequel.

    "How to Lie with Statistics" might be good, too. I read that one. And, it looks shorter.
    Might be a good suggestion. I have not read that one, yet.

    I was trying to sort through the books I had, trying to see which ones had the best material pertaining to parasychology. But, then I figured, based on his other postings, something more fundamental would be better.

    I have a couple of ideas, but I will check that one out, too, now.
    Hi Wowbagger,

    If you haven't come up with a title for your proposed book exchange with Limbo yet, I just wanted to suggest "Lies, Damned Lies, and Science," by Sherry Seethaler, ISBN: 10: 0-13-715522-0

    I just finished it, and it's the best, most concise and readable guide to critical thinking I've ever seen.


    Dr H
    BECAUSE (and that's very stupid, I should put it in small fonts), I got lost in Central Park!! And I had forgotten my cell phone back at the apartment! That's how it was... I got the M3 and descended at 97th st. I saw no sign indicating East Meadow, but saw everybody going in the direction of the reservoir. So I went there, took pics. So I walked back in the direction in which I came - except I didn't. I realized I was lost, and by then only wanted to see a sidewalk. And then I found it - WEST 100th st. Ooops. hahah. I ate a hotdog and thought of I would do next. This was nearly 2pm. I was exhausted. So much so, that I got a taxi and went straight to the Met museum, which I hadn`t visited yet. I only did the Egyptian and Roman section, then left. Way too tired to walk anymore...

    so that's the whole story. :re:
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