Of those, only Von Brunn could be said to be acting out of his conspiracy beliefs, of which 9/11 conspiracies was only a part. Like Maynard, he was primarily an anti-Semite White Nationalist type.
Only Von Brunn? What about the rest that killed in the name of "9/11 Truth"?
Fitzgerald appears to have been mentally ill, and his murder of his dad had nothing to do with his beliefs about 9/11.
Got evidence that that wasn't the cause? I heard he killed his father because he didn't agree with his son.
There is no indication that the violence perpetrated by Maynard or (allegedly) Sonnenfeld had anything to do with their conspiracy beliefs.
Evidence please!
It's a near certainty that the population of 9/11 Truthers encompasses a higher rate of mental illness than the population as a whole. That doesn't mean that a belief that 9/11 was an Inside Job causes, or is even predictive of, mental illness or violence.
But then again we have people like Alex Jones influencing gullible people into taking action against the Government. Alex has been known to harass Military personall.
The facts simply aren't there to back up such an assertion.
So a raving lunatic Truther, with mental illness, shoots a respected Government Official & planned to murder not only that official, but innocent people (including a 9 yr. old child) just because it's his/her belief to do so. And you say there aren't enough facts to say that Truthers "aren't" murderers? So you would let a killer go free then?!
Cool melodrama, bro.
You deny me my right to defend my country from foreign & domestic enemies, then you & me have a problem.
Yes. That's exactly what I want, as anyone can easily surmise from reading my responses to you. It's plain as day.
What's plain as day is that you defend the Truthers, whether they're murderers or insane.