Here's a tidbit from a blog called 'the existentialist cowboy'
'unless the criminal, murderous bastards inside the traitorous and illegitimate administration of GWB have managed to repeal the laws of physics, the laws of the conservation of energy and matter still apply'
'Another big hole in the official conspiracy theory is this: there were absolutely no Arab names on the official coroner's report that was released in response to an FOIA request! That means that there is absolutely no evidence that there were any Arabs whatsoever on Flight 77.
Flight 77 could not have struck the the Pentagon.'
Bush lied to you to cover up his complicity in an act of mass murder and high treason, a crime that is punishable by execution. In the vernacular, the bastards --in our government --who did this should be hanged or deep fried or both!
At this point, words fail me. I find it impossible to express how revulsed I am by a government that would deliberately plan the mass murder of innocent civilians in order to implement a policy that is of itself evil, incompetent, repugnant!'
'We no longer have a government. We have, rather, an infestation.
Now --for those who wish to 'refute' me. Let me tell you how! Show me some 100 tons of airliner wreckage recovered from the Pentagon!'
'April Gallup says that there was absolutely no airliner wreckage.'
'Likewise, anyone inside our 'government' involved in any way is complicit in the planning and the execution of 911. Anyone filling those roles is guilty!
Any government official so charged and found guilty should be executed for the crimes of mass murder and high treason!'
etc, etc.. what's scary is that this litany of nonsense is
standard 9/11 Truther fare. It isn't exceptional or unique.
Can you imagine what this kind of rhetoric can have on a confused person like Jared Loughner? I certainly can. And it's all over the internet in plain view.