Which is amazing, because four weeks ago you said
But you're not playing devil's advocate at all, are you? You really believe this stuff. So not only are you a creduloid idiot, you're a liar as well. Oh dear!
Richard the only thing you have illuminated here is your lack of critical thinking...your apparent wish to be percieved as an A-hole, and a total lack of interpersonal ettiquette.......you all freak out, and then wonder why I am rude in return, and then claim I am exactly like everyone else who makes these claims just because I argue the other point of view... when I have been saying all along that I don't buy the David Icke illuminati driven world government that you all seem to think is the heart of every conspiracy theory to emanate from this event...It is reasonable to think a cover up took place because there is every indication that one has, and it is reasonable to think that the investigation sucked...because it did, and it is reasonable to think that the towers came down in a manner not described by the official report because the three explanations are mutually contradictory...
You have taken my comments out of context to call me a liar...like the tactless, witless, master of the innane that you are...
what I said was:
I am electing to play devils advocate, due in part to the fact that no one has done any real debunking in this thread...so I thought I would supply some info to be debunked...sound fun? ok...
I am adamant yes, but only because there are so many glaring holes that you seem to think are invalid if you can write them off with right brain logic
You all talk as if your narrow minded ramblings represent fact and truth, when you fail to realize that your narrowminded ramblings are no better at proving anything than a CT argument is. You all talk as if each of the CT claims has been refuted...using such language as "flogged to death"....
Flogged to death by what? Your immaculate words? Your arguments...? You have resisted any requests for physical evidence that proves the official story as is...you have failed to show anything other than planes hitting buildings...multiple holes and inconsistancies have been noted in hundred of news print media outlets...these have been written off under the auspices of unreliable news media, unreliable analysis, invalid analysis..etc Multiple eyewitness and first hand accounts from official sources are written off because YOU can't verifiy them personally, excluding the possibility that they may be true in favor of the radical skepticism that keeps your arguments afloat...in this case you are paranoid of anything that hasn't come from an official mouthpiece, and failed to note how many people changed thier perception of the events after they were placed on an official payroll, such as the Van Romero character...you use character assassination on anyone who raises a dissenting opinion...you are the skeptics that rely on the cheap shot to win an argument rather than explain fact, because winning the argument in your eyes is like gaining a victory for the worldview that you use like a mantra...it proves nothing, and still you continue...believe whatever you want....your going to anyway...but please just explain the following:
How you can believe 3 mutually contradictory explanations for collapse?
Why can't we see one picture of a plane anywhere near the pentagon..it must have been caught from every angle imaginable..
Why despite the protests of a Commissioner, 9/11 families, and numerous new yorkers a more comprehensive investigation wasn't done?
What caused a Eutectic reaction for the first time ever in a building fire, something that would require temp's in extreme excess of what this disaster is capable of producing, and something that is a hallmark of explosives...Remember the FEMA team looked for a cause in the buildings themselves and found nothing worthwhile...so this is still a mystery...
What physical evidence is there to prove as FACT the official story? By it's own admission it is a hypothesis.
Why don't you recognize that the official version is a conspiracy theory of similar magnitude to the ones you decry, and that our government has taken part in all kinds of conspiracies for years, not to mention one in particular that detailed the planning of a staged terrorist attack to gain the very outcome that this has garnered ala northwoods...while also disregarding what we know as fact about that day, that cheney ran his own command and control shadow government to coordinate the governments response...
Your ultimate comeback has been.."well...it would take thousands of people to pull this off..." as if this one comment will some how debunk the whole idea when in reality it would take just a few well placed people to throw a few well placed wrenches to stop the machinery of the government at any time...
You prize your pseudo logic until someone uses it to create a CT claim, then it's the most wretched form of disinformation...quit contradicting yourselves...