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wtc collapse

  1. DaveThomasNMSR

    Interview with Prof. Charles Clifton, who published an independent study on 9/11

    There's been an excellent interview published on Feb. 3rd, 2014 of Dr. Charles Clifton, associate professor of Civil Engineering at the University of Auckland (New Zealand). Dr. Clifton published an independent analysis of the tower collapses in September of 2001. The interview, published by...
  2. JSanderO

    Total Building Collapse from a Single Column Failure

    NIST makes the case that the failure of column 79 on floor 13 apparently caused by a girder walking off its beam seat at column 79 led pretty quickly to the collapse of the entire building leaving nothing standing at all. I wonder... how universal this actually is? Would column 79 failing at...
  3. H

    What exactly does NIST say about collpase times

    I know some of you fine folks probably have gone over this more than me. I am NOT a truther. I am DEBUNKING many of them however. Im interested in what NIST said about collpase times. Specifically Im trying desperately to point out the giant fail in truthers claims that the towers (WTC's) fell...
  4. T

    Tricky Ways To Pull Down A Skyscraper

    Over on AE911 (Facebook) they are citing this story byline as proof for Pull It http://www.nytimes.com/2013/06/18/science/tricky-ways-to-pull-down-a-skyscraper.html?pagewanted=all Just when I thought I had seen it all:jaw-dropp
  5. JSanderO

    Ed Core Collapse Sink Hole Analogy

    OOOOPS typo on the thread title...should read COLLAPSE not collage!!!!!!!!!!! As the core columns failed the load that each column had been supporting was no long able to follow the path through THAT column to the one below and on to bedrock that it does in its static state. The load above it...
  6. MattTheTubaGuy

    Progressive collapse

    Today, a building in Christchurch collapsed unexpectedly. It was being demolished due to earthquake damage, and a demolition digger was ripping it pieces bit by bit when a part of the building collapsed and a chain reaction occurred leading to all of the floors collapsing. No one was injured...
  7. jaydeehess

    WTC 7 hit but not adjacent buildings

    http://www.internationalskeptics.com/forums/showpost.php?p=9491462&postcount=7 refers to report http://www.wai.com/project.aspx?id=1817 The thread, however, asks to not discuss CT theories so I am creating a separate thread on this specific topic. Illustrates the debris pattern from WTC 1 & 2...
  8. P

    Why don’t Ground Zero photos show LOTS of angled cuts?

    We’ve all seen those photos of the angled cuts that truthers claim were caused by thermite cutter charges. Aside from the fact that these cuts are only found on still standing columns at or near ground level where the ironworkers were taking down the remaining standing columns, if thermite was...
  9. E

    Challenge: Demonstrate Sagging floor Trusses Pulling in Perimeter Columns

    I see Gamolon has issued a challenge in another thread. I will offer an even simpler one. Show with your own FEA or calculations how the perimeter columns of WTC 1 were pulled in by up to 54” by sagging floor trusses. Bonus, demonstrate how this instability caused the initiation sequence...
  10. Anders Lindman

    Was Building 7 Pulled?

    I think I have posted about this in another thread, only as a brief mentioning. This thread is meant to examine the question about whether building 7 was pulled in more detail. Pulled here means, in addition to controlled demolition, that the building was actually pulled towards the ground at a...
  11. Carlos

    The "impossible fire induced collapse" claim

    Statement #1 - Building collapse is the result of multiples and successive structural failures that occur at a certain period of time. The collapse (global or partial) occurs when the structure (or part of it) becomes no longer able to support the loads. Statement #2 - Fire can cause structural...
  12. I

    Analysis of WTC collapses by Nemec and Suranova

    Hi all, Czech truther(s) asked me if I could assess this paper on WTC collapses of Czech construction engineers Ivan Nemec and Martina Juranova. The title is DYNAMIC ANALYSIS OF FALL OF A HIGH BUILDING, but the paper deals only with Twins. Since it is way over my head, I promised that I will...
  13. BasqueArch

    WTC7 - The fires failed Girder 44-79

    I received TS' 5 FEA color slides re the walk-off of the WTC7 girder from its seat. He claims the girder did not buckle. His slides show the girder buckled. Not shown due to his incomplete FEA, is that the girder bottom flange was pushed off >6.5 inches, past its supporting seat, by the...
  14. Travis

    Can 15 floors crush one floor?

    I'm tired of this point being avoided in too many other threads. So this one is all about this. Truthers or those with Truth Movement sympathies do you think a 15 floor block of building can crush one floor underneath it? Please don't accuse me of a strawman attack in your answers.
  15. Oystein

    Bazant in a nutshell

    This is a request to those posters who feel qualified*) to discuss the several papers by Zdenek Bazant and co-authors on the WTC collapses. I must admit I am somewhat confused on what papers are out there, what hypotheses they propose, what their premises are, what they conclude - and how...
  16. Travis

    Prove to me that the collapses did not look right

    Here you go Truthers. You always make a big deal that the buildings came down sort of straight and sort of vertically. Now here is your chance to provide all the evidence that this means anything. So go ahead, prove to me that a fire initiated structural failure collapse would look any...
  17. D

    Norwegian scientist proposes new alternative theory

    This is all over the news now in europe. Materials expert Christian Simensen is proposing that explosions caused by molten aluminium mixing with water may have triggered the collapse of the towers. "If my theory is correct, tonnes of aluminum ran down through the towers, where the smelt came...
  18. D

    On 9/11, WTC7 Collapse Was Firemen's Concern (controlled demolition debunked)

    I know I got flamed for posting YouTube videos before, but this has some good footage of the damaged rear of the building. There were multiple reports that the building was in imminent danger of collapse. http://youtu.be/_7rj5UQvlWw
  19. Infoexcavator

    Building demolished from the top down.

    http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=97f_1297190596 This clip has a building being demolished by collapsing a section of the building quite high up, I thought it was fascinating. I am sure many of you have seen this before, but this looks a lot like the WTC collapse and no explosives were needed...
  20. Carlos

    A 34-story building collapse into its own footprint in Brazil

    Rescue workers in the Brazilian city of Belem, in the northern state of Para, are searching the rubble of a collapsed building for three construction workers. A union representative said the three had been trapped when the building, which was still under construction, caved in. Six people...
  21. ergo

    9/11 Bee dunkers are unclear: Did Building 7 crash into other buildings as it fell?

    Enquiring minds want to know... Here's the referring thread.
  22. ergo

    Split Thread Was global collapse of WTC inevitable?

    Since the thread's going to **** anyway, I'll take issue with this: Look at your last key point. The entire rest of the collapse, which is hardly "inevitable", you simply handwave into one sweeping statement, exactly the way NIST did. And you yourself have elsewhere agreed that Bazant's...
  23. Carlos

    Why do you still believe that a collapse due to fire wouldn't be possible?

    Truthers, Consider these two statements: A - Fire can bring down steel structures buildings like Twin Towers. B - The Twin Towers collapse was a controlled demolition. It is quite possible to believe that both statements are true. If you believe that "B" is true you don't need to believe "A"...
  24. LashL

    Bazant paper, Bjorkman discussion, Bazant closure

    While there has been quite a lot of discussion here about the Bazant, Le, et al paper and the subsequent Bjorkman "discussion" of it, I don't think Bazant and Le's Closure which was also published in the July 2010 edition of the ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics has ever been posted here, so...
  25. 9

    Gravity defying buildings? :D

    Since some of our resident Truthers still insist that gravity wasn't the cause of WTC1, 2 & 7 falling to the ground & that they were brought down by "explosives", it's only logical that they would defy gravity, atleast in Trutherland. Sir Issac Newton would be laughing in his grave about that...
  26. Edx

    Origin of Collapse videos...??

    Can someone please tell me where I can find the origin of the collapse videos (the ones with the audio of the collapse) in RKOwens' video here: qLShZOvxVe4 Very much appreciate it!
  27. angrysoba

    A Truther writes...

    Someone on another forum is very pleased with themselves at having come up with a fool-proof demolition of the "official story" and believe that it is refuted by applying the conservation of momentum. They also link to some execrable page from the execrable "What Really Happened" website. But...
  28. Senenmut

    Thermate + steel having the same characteristic corrosion as found by Barnett et al?

    so i was browsing 911blogger and came upon this post by prof jones: "Next we return to the mysterious melted steel from WTC7. Now however, the filmmakers inform us that their is nothing special about it: "it was attacked by a liquid slag... a liquid containing iron, sulfur, and oxygen." The...
  29. N

    The Improbable 9/11 and its followers

    Some say that the events of the 9/11 is riddled with inconsistencies, nothing can be further from the truth. On 9/11 we see 3 skyscrapers with tremendously consise behavioural characteristics within the broadest of variables. This is what I see: Three skyscrapers, incredibly variable damage...
  30. DaveThomasNMSR

    9-11 Presentation at NMSR, May 19 2010

    I gave a 9-11 presentation last night at the monthly meeting of NMSR, New Mexicans for Science and Reason. My slides are online here. The slides explain a physics model for the twin towers collapse; the video of the comparison of model results to actual is online here: The PDF has results...

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