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  1. Carlos

    The "impossible fire induced collapse" claim

    Statement #1 - Building collapse is the result of multiples and successive structural failures that occur at a certain period of time. The collapse (global or partial) occurs when the structure (or part of it) becomes no longer able to support the loads. Statement #2 - Fire can cause structural...
  2. Oystein

    Engineering at 911Blogger - will they get it right?

    Haha. This should get funny: http://www.911blogger.com/news/2012-08-07/collapse-physics-huge-obvious-error-bazants-work :D So far only one other poster commented and asked a question: Let's see if any of the brainiacs there step in to actually defend Bazant and put this fool Duschvorhang...
  3. Oystein

    Farrer and Jones examined WTC steel long ago

    Jeff Farrer said in an interview in late 2010 that, sometime around 2005/2006, he and Steven Jones studied some WTC steel. Quote starts at 3:24: Here: 23n0Vr_A1TQ Later on at 4:41: He then goes around poking a little about why he finds all this strange and suspicious and how the phases could...
  4. alienentity

    Truther responses to Millette WTC Dust paper

    Predictably, 9/11 Truthers are variously avoiding the results of Dr Millette's study by attacking him, Chris Mohr and Oystein; by misrepresenting what the paper says; by pretending that it doesn't make any difference to the 'Official Story' etc.... Once again confirming that they aren't really...
  5. chrismohr

    WTC Dust Study Feb 29, 2012 by Dr. James Millette

    Link to James Millette's preliminary WTC Dust study: High Res: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/64959841/9119ProgressReport022912_rev1_030112webHiRes.pdf Low Res: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/64959841/9119ProgressReport022912_rev1_030112web.pdf In the summer of 2011, after finishing my 22 respectful...
  6. Mr.Herbert

    Blender Demolition - Case Study: WTC (VIDEO)

    This is a pretty interesting video that was created for the collapse of the WTC. eh3qUmNxC6E
  7. ergo

    Concrete encasement of core beams WTC 1 & 2

    This sidetrack got moved to AAH. Yes, Bill, it's true. NIST NCSTAR 1-1C (I have the draft version) discusses pre-9/11 survey and repairs of WTC 1, 2 and 7 with numerous mentions of concrete and masonry, concrete encasement of beams and columns (any of those search terms would work) Bedunkers...
  8. Relax

    Was 9/11 an inside job?

    So I don't get very many chances to post on this site, and I went back about 5 or 6 pages looking for a poll but I didn't find one. So WAS 9/11 an inside job? I can honestly say without a reasonable doubt that yes, it was an inside job. They not only had knowledge of what was going to happen...
  9. DC

    Near freefal collapse speed

    I see the "near freefall" collapses of the towers are still seen by some as indication for a Controlled demolition. i once believed the same. But Gregory Urichs short paper about it and me watching several collapses compared to CD's convinced me, it is no indication at all. most CD's do merely...
  10. DC

    "Melting" point of WTC Glas?

    WHat kind of Glas was Used in the WTC 1 and 2 towers and do we know at what temperatures it gets fluid?
  11. NYCEMT86

    Lets Talk About Fire

    As I am reading through the threads catching up on the past few months of not lurking through the sub-forum, I see the argument that fire wasn't enough to destroy 3 buildings in one day rearing its ugly head still. First of all, I am not arguing that fire alone caused the collapse of the 3...
  12. Oystein

    Origin of the paint that was found as red-gray chips - any ideas?

    This question came up in another thread, where it is off-topic. I am opening a new one. I think it is best to keep this in a separate thread, if everyone could agree to not debating the Harrit-paper as such! So please do not repeat any of the discussions we had before about - why the red-grey...
  13. Dash80

    WTC built purposely to destroy... What the?

    http://letsrollforums.com/building-wtc-detonate-worth-t24622.html WTF is this crap! Most of this insanity fueled horsepoop is unfathomable but the main points (I think) are: *Some nutjob claims NYC buildings were constructed with demolition charges already in place. He might mean WTC only but...
  14. njslim

    WAC Jobs on the loose at WTC

    Was in NYC this weekend doing a job for JP Morgan Chase moving computer equipment at Water St just south of WTC. Coming home at the entrance to the PATH station on Vesey St was a loon from WAC, with his posters calling Bush a criminal and all the usual truther crap He was expounding on...
  15. Oystein

    Amount of explosives used for real CD

    In another thread, there were a few posts touching on the issue of what amount of explosives is required to bring down a highrise building. Dave Rogers referred to the tallest building demolished by explosives so far, the J. L. Hudson department store in Detroit. I replied, arguing that the...
  16. ergo

    Merged Core-led collapse and explosive demolition

    Talking about the towers here. My post in this thread got me thinking about the towers' cores and the argument that explosive demolition will be easily recognizable by its sound. Bedunkers typically refer to videos of controlled demolitions with the signature loud bang-bang-bang sounds of the...
  17. D

    NYPD Helicopter video of 9/11 attack surfaces

    http://news.yahoo.com/s/yblog_thelookout/20110307/us_yblog_thelookout/nypd-helicopter-video-of-9-11-attack-surfaces Guess this is new? I can't get it to play. Anyone else? As usual, the retards spew in the comments section.
  18. Barber Shop

    Why are Truthers so committed to the 'controlled demolition' theory

    Why are Truthers so committed to the 'controlled demolition' theory? It seems to me that they could still put forth their 'inside job' theory without the need for a controlled demolition. Why is controlled demolition so central to their conspiracy model? It seems to me that it would be a lot...
  19. njslim

    Escort duty

    Been informed that our fire department will be escorting steel from WTC next weekend. Our apparatus will be part of convoy for the steel column as its transported by flat bed trailer from construction company to its destination as part of a memorial
  20. leftysergeant

    The Harley Guy has been positively identified.

    The twoof tards have made extensive use of the now-famous clip of the "Harley Guy" talking to a Faux News reporter about what he witnessed on 9/11. They have even tried to claim that he was an actor named Humphries. "Real people don't talk like that," the twoofers whine. WRONG. His name is...

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