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911 conspiracy theory

  1. Anders Lindman

    Was Building 7 Pulled?

    I think I have posted about this in another thread, only as a brief mentioning. This thread is meant to examine the question about whether building 7 was pulled in more detail. Pulled here means, in addition to controlled demolition, that the building was actually pulled towards the ground at a...
  2. Anders Lindman

    South Tower 81st floor filled with thermite?

    "Fuji Bank had torn up the 81st floor, he said, and stripped it down to the bare bone to reinforce the trusses so that the floor could hold more weight. Then they had built a raised floor and filled the entire floor with server-size Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) batteries. ... But were...
  3. R

    Calling all Boxcutter Conspiracy Theorists

    May I introduce you all to something called: EYEWITNESSESS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AcrZNxDrh4s&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch#!v=Q--0Leuh9Ag&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch#!v=iYVoqmSfcEo&feature=related...
  4. A

    Split Thread How did the jets manage to hit center columns and ground floors?

    Old joke. So do it! The airplane you are talking about had a speed of about 490mph. The middle of the cockpit hit the center column. (That's pretty easy to prove even if some MIT professor wasn't able to prove his much lower speed calculation copied by NIST.) How did the jets manage to hit...
  5. TK0001

    New brilliant theory, free for truther consumption

    Alright, hear me out: Some truthers claim the DNA evidence of the victims of flight 77 is genuine, but since it had to be shipped to an off-site location, and there wasn't a camera following the evidence from the Pentagon to the lab, it really could have come from anywhere. At the same time...
  6. S

    9/11 was an inside job to...

    9/11 was an inside job by the shadow government. The purpose was to see exactly how people will react to an obvious controlled demolition, and how they can do it again. They effectively need to control the emotions of the people to cause wars and pass legislations. They also wanted to see how...
  7. U

    Logic stalemate: planting demolitions impossible

    Trying to argue that the amount of demolitions needed to destroy the twin towers would have taken to long to plant and rig is a logical stalemate. If a plane slamming into WTC 1 & 2 was enough to make them fall, then no explosives were needed. If explosives needed to be planted, then any...
  8. 9

    Flight 93

    According to the Truth Movement, Flight 93 was "shot down" by a "jet fighter". That theory is just rediculas because I live no more than 20 miles North of Shanksville, PA. The John P. Murtha Airport, which is located at Johnstown, PA, only has Apache Helicopters & no jet fighters. When I woke up...
  9. BCR

    CIT Fraud Revealed

    By now, most people on this forum are familiar with this image from a CIT video. It has appeared on forum after forum, time and time again, as a ‘recreation’ of Edward Paik’s observation of AAL77 on September 11, 2001 and we are led to believe that this is also where he was when he made it...
  10. T

    Invitation to Derek Johnson to discuss his ideas

    Guys, This is an invitation to one of the AE911t engineers to come aboard & discuss some of his ideas. Derek, I hope that you join us. If you do, I suggest that you restrain any accusations of moral or ethical corruption on the part of those who disagree with you. I suggest that you stick to...
  11. Macgyver1968

    Merry Christmas Troofs and Debunks..Santa did 9/11!

    Merry Christmas everyone! I thought I'd give everyone a Christmas present by revealing who was responsible for 9/11....It was Santa Claus. There is no one other person on the planet with the "juice" to pull of 9/11. Think about it: - He is the head of a clandestine organization with World...
  12. T

    My Explanation of molten metal seen flowing from window on 9/11

    I believe a combination of thermite and explosives brought down the WTC 1,2 and 7 on 9/11. There is a debate about the type of molten metal seen flowing from a window in the South Tower in the 60 seconds before it collapsed - "truthers" say it was molten steel from a thermite reaction and...
  13. T

    Flight 77 flight path

    Have officer LaGasse and others been debunked in their recollection of the flight path of flight 77? He was at the Citco gas station and said the airplane was north of the station. Sorry if this has been discussed already.
  14. brantc

    No plane hole in the pentagon?

    Can someone please explain why the Pentagon does not have a hole the size of the hole in the side of the towers????? Composite Pentagon and WTC http://www.box.net/shared/7jpy0109cf And wheres the plane??
  15. Galileo

    [Closed]Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center

    Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe pp.7-31 (25) Authors: Niels H. Harrit, Jeffrey Farrer, Steven E. Jones, Kevin R. Ryan, Frank M. Legge, Daniel Farnsworth, Gregg Roberts, James R. Gourley, Bradley R. Larsen doi...
  16. M

    the Hijackers

    Do the twoofers still claim that the 9/11 hijackers are alive?
  17. M

    Demolition theory problem

    How many tons of explosives would it take to take down the Twin Towers? And if demolitions were planted how come nobody noticed anything?
  18. psy kick


    Okay. The first I ever heard of a conspiracy theory on 9-11 was the book by David Icke. Many things are ridiculous, but one isn't and its bothered me since. Either Norad was totally incompetant, not being able to get planes up or near their targets two hours after it was known airplanes had been...
  19. BigAl

    Richard Gage in Berlin "A Great Success"

    http://www.911video.de/news/221108/en.htm It was a complete failure from Gage's POV: The following numbers show the impact of the lecture: Believers of the Official Conspiracy Theory: Before the presentation: 11 After the presentation: 5 People unsure: Before: 71 After: 10
  20. 9

    How 9/11 was done

    Good evening, greetings from Amsterdam/Holland. Sorry for the interruption but I have here a little theory about how 9/11 was done. Maybe you would care to look at it and give some comments. Thanks in advance. Nobody ever claimed that 9/11 was carried out by the Japanese, the Russians, the...

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