I would also like to point out that I listed those claims because no one else had bothered to...as if you had meticulously researched it all yourself and determined them to be false...
Actually yes I have researched these claims and I have had them rapidly thrown at me by multiple people on a discussion forum on several occasions, sometimes single threads lasted over a week. The poor bastards never seemed to notice that many of their theories or "proofs" actually contradicted each other.
your response is like that of a inductive skeptic. not deductive. the logic you have used is simple and mindless..."all conspiracies are bunk so this one is as well..." there have been plenty of legitimate conspiracies over the years.
No I never said all conspiracies are bunk. A skeptic believes what there is evidence for. I have not seen any convincing evidence of any of these conspiracies. What I have seen is blatant errors, massive leaps of faith, and seemingly deliberate attempts to mislead people on simple facts surrounding the event.
I was wondering what specific facts there were to debunk these claims because it could just be that I am trying to explain it to someone else to keep them from getting lost down the rabbit hole.
Go to the 911myths.com site then. All the claims are catagorized by topic.
The way you have answered all of the claims put out by the 911 conspiracy community is with one to two sentences of drivel that contain no relevant facts or data to lead me to any alternate conclusions..which is what I was asking for...it also reveals an apparent lack of knowledge on your part regarding that which you claim is so easily debunkable....don't you think being familiar with the claims would make you better equipt to answer the questions?
I'll tell you what is revealing. The fact that you claim these theories haven't been debunked while repeatedly refusing to visit a site that claims to do just that. More importantly, many of these claims were also addressed in a now famous study published by Popular Mechanics, that boasts more credentials than the conspiracy theorists could dream about. You have also been responded to in some detail by another poster here- and yet you dismiss all this as "one or two sentences of drivel". And you claim to be a skeptic?
that, and your Ad Hominems are annoying....
What is also annoying is someone pretending to be objective, and then refusing to look at the sources someone cites. Not only have your claims been debunked, but some of those claims ARE NOT EVEN BELIEVED by some of the more popular conspiracy theorists- namely the Pentagon no-plane theory.
Just for fun, I am going to provide a few sample answers to the easiest of your questions:
"1. We discovered it was Al Qeada by locating a passport that fell from Atta's pocket, and flew out of the plane, through the insanely burning fire, out the other side of the building and into the street several blocks away."
This was not the method that was used to determine the complicity of Al Qaeda, which was known at the time to be a decentralized organization. Also, while I cannot say for sure, I don't believe that the passport belonged to Atta, but possibly another hijacker. Lastly, and most importantly...NASA actually recovered a patch, among several other items from the COLOMBIA SPACE SHUTTLE DISASTER. It is in rather good shape despite the fact that it exploded out of a space shuttle 40 miles above the Earth. See 911myths.com for other items that miraciously survived 9-11.
2. "The planes in these attacks were highjacked by 19 arab men, even though 7 of them are still alive."
No, "they" are not alive. Many Arabs have similar names, and in several cases confusion led to people who were still alive being listed as terrorists who were already dead.
3. " the plane that hit the pentagon managed to do so by doing an almost 180 degree turn on descent at over 600 mph and managed at the last second to stay two feet off the ground without damaging anything, cruising up the lawn, and then disappearing into the building leaving in its wake three 16 foot wide holes(9feet of concrete). The plane was compeltely destroyed...even the titanium engine casings. The biggest remaining section of plane was removed under a blue tarp by men carrying it on their shoulders."
This is simply flat-out wrong. The plane actually bounced off the ground once, and several lightpoles were knocked down by the plane, which is visible in several photographs. The holes were larger than 16 feet. Plane debris was found all over the area and the flight recorders were recovered.
4. None of the highjackers were on any flight manifest. No videos show them boarding a plane.
This is just flat out wrong. I think you are confusing flight manifest with the final victims report. There is good reason for this: That report was compiled using only victims who had enough remains to be identified, identity was verified by personal effects and other samples sent in by family members. Guess who were on those planes that DIDN'T have families sending in samples....TIME'S UP!!! THE HIJACKERS! Also, the hijackers actually aren't the only people that didn't appear on the victim recovery lists either- it was compiled only of those remains that could be identified.
If you want to examine these further simply go to 911Myths.com But don't continue to say "they haven't been debunked" if you are not going to admit your obvious factual errors and not examine evidence to the contrary.