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    When we moved to Xenfora some of the signature options didn't come over. In the old software signatures were limited by a character limit, on Xenfora there are more options and there is a character number and number of lines limit. I've set maximum number of lines to 4 and unlimited characters.

Welcome new Members! Introduce yourselves here!

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This is a simple post to increase my post count by one, to get to that magical 50 so i can get my avatar :)
I exist in the hearts of the Scottish people ;)

That would be heartening unless one recalled that their men wear dresses, they think haggis is food, and their idea of sport is to chase a little white ball around and beat it with sticks. :p

(We have a rather erudite and vocal Scots minority in these forums. I can't recall a Nessie thread in quite some time, though. Isn't it the season that the locals always make a sighting; coincidentally right at the beginning of the tourist season?)

Welcome aboard. You can just exchange some banter here for a few more posts, but as Arthwollipot and I have both mentioned there are threads for which the apparent raison d'etre would seem to be ratcheting up your post count. (My favorite was always the "Word Association Thread". You don't even have to think up a sentence.)
Hi Everyone!

Thought I'd drop a quick post to introduce myself as I'm a new user here. :)

My name's Scott and though I'm new here, I'm not new to skepticism or advocating for empiricism in society.

I'm a returning college student after a ~8 years in firefighting/EMS, now with a focus on astrophysics and cosmology. On top of school, I am a producer for the Virtual Star Parties on Google+ with AstronomyCast.com and CosmoQuest.org. If you haven't heard of our amazing star parties, you can watch the recordings of them on youtube through the UniverseToday account. We have a lot of fun sharing views of the universe through the eyepieces of astronomers across the world!

I've also been focusing a lot of my effort into EPO (Education and Public Outreach) online and locally in California, which has given me an opportunity to setup a website. You can find that in my profile details, but is still a work in progress as I add more content. :)

I look forward to corresponding and collaborating with all of you in the future!

Hi and welcome KnowTheCosmos.

A star party. I still need to go to one. I really would like to see some of the planets up and close, so to speak.
Hi and welcome KnowTheCosmos.

A star party. I still need to go to one. I really would like to see some of the planets up and close, so to speak.

Well we'll be having one this evening around 21:00 PDT on Google+/Youtube which is broadcast live, and then recorded for those who are unable to see it live.

If you're on Google+ just search for Fraser Cain (Publisher for UniverseToday) as he is the host, along with Dr. Pamela Gay. We have a whole lot of fun, and I'm sure at least one of our astronomers will be sharing planets, along with globular clusters, galaxies, nebulae, etc. :)

Well we'll be having one this evening around 21:00 PDT on Google+/Youtube which is broadcast live, and then recorded for those who are unable to see it live.

If you're on Google+ just search for Fraser Cain (Publisher for UniverseToday) as he is the host, along with Dr. Pamela Gay. We have a whole lot of fun, and I'm sure at least one of our astronomers will be sharing planets, along with globular clusters, galaxies, nebulae, etc. :)


Thanks. I don't have Google+ but what is the YouTube channel?

(You can paste the url and substitute the :// with a space)
the youtube channel is: http www youtube.com/user/universetoday/videos

It can also be seen live on CosmoQuest -- http cosmoquest.org/Hangouts/

I'm not one to typically proselytize for a particular "social network", but Google+ has turned into an amazing place for those with shared interest, including various science disciplines, skepticism, mathematics, etc. The engagement of the folks there is truly staggering. Definitely worth a look, IMO.


Thanks. I don't have Google+ but what is the YouTube channel?

(You can paste the url and substitute the :// with a space)
I've watched a few of Frasier Cain and Pamela Gay's astronomy-related hangouts and I agree they are great! In fact I think Frasier has really led the way on taking full advantage of the hangout feature in G+.

Welcome KnowTheCosmos!
Thank you, Allecher! We do have a great deal of fun utilizing the hangout features on G+ and are always testing out new ways to use them.

There are some exciting things in the works, especially regarding the MSL Curiosity landing in August!


I've watched a few of Frasier Cain and Pamela Gay's astronomy-related hangouts and I agree they are great! In fact I think Frasier has really led the way on taking full advantage of the hangout feature in G+.

Welcome KnowTheCosmos!
Thanks for the welcome.

Of course there is plenty in naturopathy to take with a grain of salt. Frankly there's a lot of conventional medicine that is unsubstantiated as well. I am quite resistant to all manner of brainwashing so I don't think I need a 12 step cure. I found Applied Kinesiology and muscle testing to be utter theatrics. I'm skeptical about a lot of Chinese medicine but didn't study it directly and will not make it my project. There's a fair bit of the herbalism that is "traditional", and a lot of new science piling up about plant uses. If you root around at the shared edge of homeopathy and herbalism you will find that there is a nice mixture of factoids that have later been confirmed along with the usual mysticism.

As for your questions:
What do you like to eat? chocolate
Where ya from? Tennessee
Coffe or Tea? Yes
Cats or Dogs? Yes
Who was on the grassy knoll? Bigfoot
Ever seen a Bigfoot? Yes
Was Jesus really divine, or simply precious? Depends on your definition of divinity.
Occupy Wall Street are a bunch of filthy hippies. Yes or No? Yes. And that's OK.

I expect some insufferability here. And I know that most here are likely to view me as another woo woo idiot if I reveal my ND credential. But perhaps some will be able to refrain from assuming thusly.

For now I must study for boards, and this is a diversion.
Thanks for being friendly!
New here :)

Yeah, I know, I am posting here quite some time after first signing on.

ME: 40's, male, from midwestern US. Background in Automotive, electronics and computers a hobby and (at times) passion.

Raised Protestant "Evangelical", left that non-sense back in the late 80's / early 90's. I didn't just quit going, I outright got my name taken off the rolls.

Being automotive, I hear a LOT of BS claims about miracle products that claim to be a virtual "mechanic in a can" or "tune up in a bottle" (one product actually says that on the label).

Atheist- why ? Because talking animals, a 6000 year old universe and an ever living deity who kills itself as a sacrifice to itself to appease itself is about a bold a claim as one can make, and is as lacking in the needed evidence as any claim can be. Sorry kids, I lost faith in faith a long time ago.

Yeah, I know, I am posting here quite some time after first signing on.

ME: 40's, male, from midwestern US. Background in Automotive, electronics and computers a hobby and (at times) passion.

Raised Protestant "Evangelical", left that non-sense back in the late 80's / early 90's. I didn't just quit going, I outright got my name taken off the rolls.

Being automotive, I hear a LOT of BS claims about miracle products that claim to be a virtual "mechanic in a can" or "tune up in a bottle" (one product actually says that on the label).

Atheist- why ? Because talking animals, a 6000 year old universe and an ever living deity who kills itself as a sacrifice to itself to appease itself is about a bold a claim as one can make, and is as lacking in the needed evidence as any claim can be. Sorry kids, I lost faith in faith a long time ago.


Automotive threads tend to arise every once in a while in the forum community area. Always good to have another mechanical realist in the mix.
Yeah, I know, I am posting here quite some time after first signing on.

It's always good to lurk for a bit before you start. It's the ones that start machine gun posting five minutes after their account is approved that end up looking like big, fat sillyheads.


This thread might be of interest to you:

Welcome to the Forum.

Seeing your name here, may I ask if you are recovered from your accident recently?
Seeing your name here, may I ask if you are recovered from your accident recently?
Yes, slowly but surely. I got X-rays the other day and my neck vertebrae are doing well. I get to taper off the neck brace during the next two weeks, then a long PT regimen to be able to look behind me again! I got the arm sling off too, as clavicle is healing, though not done yet. I have some new bone flexing but not actually coming apart now, and a nasty but normal lump where the clavicle is going together crooked. Still seeing double, hearing loss in left, and tingling on whole left side, supposedly connected with continuing brain swelling that might relax soon, and still some killer road rash even after six weeks, but I'm doing all right really. I was in very good shape going into this, so I had a bit of slack. I can walk and talk and read and understand stuff, and with moderation I can do some work around the place, so it's not so bad. With braces off I was able finally to take a proper shower and wash my hair all in one go, what a luxury! It's going to be a kind of lost summer where construction and other work are concerned, but it could be a lot worse.

I seem to be able to hit the computer keys more accurately, too, which is good.
Automotive threads tend to arise every once in a while in the forum community area. Always good to have another mechanical realist in the mix.

The "Circle Cycle" thread came to my attention when I was doing a Google search. Ranked pretty high.

It is pretty remarkable the amount of BS in the automotive world. Having a background in electronics and computers also helps because those are aspects where more and more BS is creeping in.

One of the worst offenders of the market for years was "Slick 50". A lot of people don't realize that Dupont (the makers of "Teflon" or PTFE) never intended that stuff to be used in an engine and have discouraged it's use as an oil additive for years.

Thanks for the tip.

Hi All!

I'm a long time reader and enjoy the intellectual quality of these forums, so I decided to join the interesting conversations.

I'm a systems analyst and run my own little business servicing other small businesses IT needs. I appreciate the broad range of topics in this forum and hope to contribute to the discourse.

One of my interests is Bigfoot and I'm skeptical that it is an extant creature, yet think that there is sufficient circumstantial evidence to warrant further study of it.

I currently provide technical support for the Bigfoot Forums website and look forward to discussing that topic among others.

Glad to be here!

Many thanks for your reply. I am so pleased to hear that the repairs are working, even if rather slowly. It certainly helps to have a fitness routine which makes it more likely that the body will heal well.
Howdy - I'm back! Back in 2001 I was active as Supercharts. Well, to make a 12 year story shorter I tried to log in again as Supercharts but we couldn't get verified so I re-registered as SuperchartsII. Can't wait to post 50 times so I can include my semi-famous Icon of LRON testing a tomato.
Howdy - I'm back! Back in 2001 I was active as Supercharts. Well, to make a 12 year story shorter I tried to log in again as Supercharts but we couldn't get verified so I re-registered as SuperchartsII. Can't wait to post 50 times so I can include my semi-famous Icon of LRON testing a tomato.

[channeling Transformers]
Look, kids! It's a Prime! Don't see many of them about.
[/channeling Transformers]
I've been meaning to register here for a bit, as I've just lurked for the last month or so.

I'm not really sure what info I'm supposed to post here, but I'm a 32 year old fitness equipment refurbisher/servicer, and I'm going back to school (gulp) to finish my electrical engineering degree. I decided the best time to do this would be right as I've had my first kid. She was born at 29 weeks and has been in the hospital for the past 5 weeks (as of today, she was born May 21). She's doing well and hopefully we'll get to bring her home within a week.

The majority of my skeptical exposure (aside from stuff like Mythbusters or South Park) has come in the form of podcasts. Being that I work alone in a warehouse all day, I've got nothing but time to listen to the plethora of skeptical and science-related podcasts. Some are better than others, of course. The older I get, though, the more I am fascinated with all things related to science.
Hi Duval.

The JREF has a page related to skeptical podcasts here. Maybe you can join in some of those discussions. Maybe even start your very own thread! You do that here:

If you have any questions about the site, feel free to come back to this thread. (Like maybe where to find wacky emoticons: :wackybiglaugh: )
Last edited:
I've been meaning to register here for a bit, as I've just lurked for the last month or so.

I'm not really sure what info I'm supposed to post here, but I'm a 32 year old fitness equipment refurbisher/servicer, and I'm going back to school (gulp) to finish my electrical engineering degree. I decided the best time to do this would be right as I've had my first kid. She was born at 29 weeks and has been in the hospital for the past 5 weeks (as of today, she was born May 21). She's doing well and hopefully we'll get to bring her home within a week.

The majority of my skeptical exposure (aside from stuff like Mythbusters or South Park) has come in the form of podcasts. Being that I work alone in a warehouse all day, I've got nothing but time to listen to the plethora of skeptical and science-related podcasts. Some are better than others, of course. The older I get, though, the more I am fascinated with all things related to science.

Hey, welcome aboard and congratulations on your new baby. Glad to hear she's doing well and you'll get to take her home. We have a thread over in Forum Community for posting pics and bragging on our infants (we also have one for older kids who "graduate" from that thread). Babies good!

Congrats, too, on going back to school. It's a tough decision when you've got a new child on board, but probably better to get through it now rather than when she's mobile and starting school, herself. Good luck in your pursuit. We have a lot of engineers here. The practical application of science seems to bring out the skeptic in a lot of people.

Take your time and check out the various sub-forums. There's a little something for everyone. In Forum Community and Humor there are threads purely devoted to one and two line posts where you can easily ratchet up your post count so you can get to post links, obtain an avatar and a signature line.
Yet another forum and TAM virgin

Well, it took a few years to save up, but I registered and will be attending my first TAM this year! (Not sure if signing up also makes me a JREF member for a year, but if not I'll do that too.) I'm looking forward to it quite a bit and it looks like there's so much to do that I won't get time to see the city, but hopefully I can tag along with some night-owls once or twice to see The Strip and maybe downtown.

Anyway, figured it was time to join the forum too. With any luck I'll have some good thoughts or information to contribute, at least enough to allow adding an avatar.

I'm pretty meek otherwise, but Susan Cain says it's okay to be introverted, right? Just not all the time. :)
hi i am new here, but have lurked for years.

i prefered to stay on conspiracy forums, for i believed in some, they are presented in dishonest and misleading ways to make money, ive concluded after many lost years.

yes, i posted alot on the david icke forum, a nest of the gullible and nutcases.
these days, it turned into a racist cespit on top of that.

pardon my spelling
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