Observer of Phenomena, Pronouns: he/him
Of course, there are plenty of threads in Humor and Community that exist almost solely for the purposes of increasing one's post count.
This is a simple post to increase my post count by one, to get to that magical 50 so i can get my avatar![]()
Welcome to the forums Nessie. You realize you do not exist, do you?![]()
I exist in the hearts of the Scottish people![]()
Hi and welcome KnowTheCosmos.
A star party. I still need to go to one. I really would like to see some of the planets up and close, so to speak.
Well we'll be having one this evening around 21:00 PDT on Google+/Youtube which is broadcast live, and then recorded for those who are unable to see it live.
If you're on Google+ just search for Fraser Cain (Publisher for UniverseToday) as he is the host, along with Dr. Pamela Gay. We have a whole lot of fun, and I'm sure at least one of our astronomers will be sharing planets, along with globular clusters, galaxies, nebulae, etc.
Thanks. I don't have Google+ but what is the YouTube channel?
(You can paste the url and substitute the :// with a space)
Hangouts are generally off-limits for those of us on limited downloads.![]()
I've watched a few of Frasier Cain and Pamela Gay's astronomy-related hangouts and I agree they are great! In fact I think Frasier has really led the way on taking full advantage of the hangout feature in G+.
Welcome KnowTheCosmos!
Yeah, I know, I am posting here quite some time after first signing on.
ME: 40's, male, from midwestern US. Background in Automotive, electronics and computers a hobby and (at times) passion.
Raised Protestant "Evangelical", left that non-sense back in the late 80's / early 90's. I didn't just quit going, I outright got my name taken off the rolls.
Being automotive, I hear a LOT of BS claims about miracle products that claim to be a virtual "mechanic in a can" or "tune up in a bottle" (one product actually says that on the label).
Atheist- why ? Because talking animals, a 6000 year old universe and an ever living deity who kills itself as a sacrifice to itself to appease itself is about a bold a claim as one can make, and is as lacking in the needed evidence as any claim can be. Sorry kids, I lost faith in faith a long time ago.
Yeah, I know, I am posting here quite some time after first signing on.
Yes, slowly but surely. I got X-rays the other day and my neck vertebrae are doing well. I get to taper off the neck brace during the next two weeks, then a long PT regimen to be able to look behind me again! I got the arm sling off too, as clavicle is healing, though not done yet. I have some new bone flexing but not actually coming apart now, and a nasty but normal lump where the clavicle is going together crooked. Still seeing double, hearing loss in left, and tingling on whole left side, supposedly connected with continuing brain swelling that might relax soon, and still some killer road rash even after six weeks, but I'm doing all right really. I was in very good shape going into this, so I had a bit of slack. I can walk and talk and read and understand stuff, and with moderation I can do some work around the place, so it's not so bad. With braces off I was able finally to take a proper shower and wash my hair all in one go, what a luxury! It's going to be a kind of lost summer where construction and other work are concerned, but it could be a lot worse.Bruto
Seeing your name here, may I ask if you are recovered from your accident recently?
Automotive threads tend to arise every once in a while in the forum community area. Always good to have another mechanical realist in the mix.
Howdy - I'm back! Back in 2001 I was active as Supercharts. Well, to make a 12 year story shorter I tried to log in again as Supercharts but we couldn't get verified so I re-registered as SuperchartsII. Can't wait to post 50 times so I can include my semi-famous Icon of LRON testing a tomato.
I've been meaning to register here for a bit, as I've just lurked for the last month or so.
I'm not really sure what info I'm supposed to post here, but I'm a 32 year old fitness equipment refurbisher/servicer, and I'm going back to school (gulp) to finish my electrical engineering degree. I decided the best time to do this would be right as I've had my first kid. She was born at 29 weeks and has been in the hospital for the past 5 weeks (as of today, she was born May 21). She's doing well and hopefully we'll get to bring her home within a week.
The majority of my skeptical exposure (aside from stuff like Mythbusters or South Park) has come in the form of podcasts. Being that I work alone in a warehouse all day, I've got nothing but time to listen to the plethora of skeptical and science-related podcasts. Some are better than others, of course. The older I get, though, the more I am fascinated with all things related to science.