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Welcome new Members! Introduce yourselves here!

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Observer of Phenomena, Pronouns: he/him
Feb 11, 2005
Ngunnawal Country
I don't know if that's what it's associated with elsewhere, but up here Mjölnir pendants are closely associated to neo-Nazis, uber-nationalists, you get the picture.

There's a somewhat well-known Swedish punk song making fun of neo-Nazis starting with, "With a hammer around their necks...", as an example of how close those associations are.
Good thing I'm not from there, because I know a bunch of pinko liberals who wear them.
Liberal has different meanings in the States and Australia. Over here Liberals are right wing as are the Republicans are in the States. Although lately, the thin line that separates the main political parties here has gotten even thinner.
Liberal has different meanings in the States and Australia. Over here Liberals are right wing as are the Republicans are in the States. Although lately, the thin line that separates the main political parties here has gotten even thinner.
Not quite. Our right wing is still left by American standards.
Yea? you haven't seen nothing yet. Wait until this mob move into government. Little Johnny Howard's regime will look socialist in comparison.
Hello everyone. So, yeah, I'm new here.

...not sure what else to say. I hope to enjoy myself here?
Hello everyone. So, yeah, I'm new here.

...not sure what else to say. I hope to enjoy myself here?


Hello to all. Another newbie stopping by to say hey.

Looks like a great place here. I found while looking up some physics topics. A long way from understanding it all but very interested.

Also I have been a fan as it were of James Randi for a while now.

As the name may suggest I like both the inane humour and slightly more intelligent stuff as well.

Look forward to many a happy hour spent on here.

Welcome buddy. There's plenty of both here. Humour as well as more serious stuff. Now, would you like a glass of fresh milked by Colonel's goat milk, or would you prefer a Millers Draft?
Thanks amb, I will pass on the goats milk thanks. I grew up on a farm and used to live on the stuff, nasty after taste :-) lol
The Millers sounds perfect though.

Just really started looking around and very much enjoying the Free-man-on-the-land thread. A couple of my friends are being hooked into it and I need the counter arguments to be able to suggest their possible errors hehe

Anyhoo, gonna enjoy that Millers and head out to work.
Welcome buddy. There's plenty of both here. Humour as well as more serious stuff. Now, would you like a glass of fresh milked by Colonel's goat milk, or would you prefer a Millers Draft?

You better get better beer or you'll scare away newbies!
Hi all,
My name Alex. I read the forum for some time. I'd like to participate in it from now. My native language is Russian. I live in New York. Came to skepticism 2 years ago. Mostly listening "Rationally Speaking" and "Skepticality" podcasts. Impressed by reading book "Don't Believe Everything You Think" by Thomas Kida. Still reading "Flim-Flam!" by James Randi.
Look forward to talk in forums.
Hi everyone! Long time Randi fan, first time poster. Looking forward to actually participating in these forums rather than just reading them. I'm a big-time skeptic and a non-theist. I have recently started coming out of my skeptic/anti-Religion closet in my terrifyingly right-wing, anti-science, new-Earth, anti-gay, Christian community. So far it's been a mixture of terror, mind-boggling-ness, and just all-around fun. Nice to meet you all!
Welcome, The Sibelian, and good luck with your "coming out," though Southern California doesn't really sound like a terrifyingly right-wing place. ;)

Have you met any other skeptics/atheists in your area? Meetup.com is a good way to find local groups and they can really be a support.
Yes, thankfully it's just SoCal... it could be a lot worse... but we do have Orange County, world-famous for its conservative reputation! My little world is full of incredibly right-wingers though. Plus I have a HUGE family out here and they are all incredibly conservative Christians.

I have recently been reaching out to skeptics and atheists in my area as opposed to just meeting them online... and I've never been happier! It's nice to be among people who think for themselves and embrace science and rational thought. I've been getting into more and more debates with conservative Christian friends and folks and I'm actually enjoying it. The more I argue with them the more I realize that (so far) they don't really know or understand what's in that holy book of theirs. I've taken some classes in college on the subject and I've read many books about the history of the church and the bible... and it's absolutely fascinating! It's amazing how much they DON'T want to hear about the history and content of their book and religion! What a way to live!

Thanks for the link! I'll check it out.
Hi! Name's Mike, I'm a playwright and screenwriter living in Los Angeles. I found randi.org through the Skeptoid podcast, which I've become a big fan of.
Hi! Name's Mike, I'm a playwright and screenwriter living in Los Angeles. I found randi.org through the Skeptoid podcast, which I've become a big fan of.

Hi there Mike.

So many times I've thought to myself while reading a thread, "You couldn't make this stuff up", so maybe you'll find a screenplay in here somewhere.

Hugh Jackman as 'Akhenaten' has a nice ring to it, I reckon.
Haha! One of the projects I'm working on has a distinct conspiracy theory bent to it, about the intersection of art and government.
So many new bloods. So little goat's milk and beer left. Welcome all, welcome to the best forum ever.
So many new bloods. So little goat's milk and beer left. Welcome all, welcome to the best forum ever.
I think it was the Hurricane that brought them here looking for food and shelter. I better get busy and get some more goats milk in here.

Welcome NEWB's Fresh goats milk coming up
I am new to this forum. I am not new to web forums.
I read Mr. Randi's essay on eSCEPTIC.
It is hilarious and wanted to say so.
I think I never laughed like that before.
WELCOME NEWB'S here is the weekend menu
Drinks: goats milk ,Iced tea with lemon,belgian beer and miller draft beer,Coffee
Vegies: corn on the cob ,tossed salad,potato salad,
Meats: Rabbit,hamsters, and Roo.all prepared any way you would like them
Dessert: Grayman oatmeal cookies ,MINTIES, cherry,apple,and pecan pies

And you never will again

Welcome Nancy, Have a glass of Goats milk I just sqeezed it :D We also have MINTIES and Grayman Oatmeal cookies and on the weekend along with other things we serve BBQ hamsters

"and you never will again"
I was thinking maybe I will never laugh like that again,
now you say it too, and I don't know how you know that.
It might sound threatening to someone on the edge.
What does it mean, if in case it means anything at all?

The rest of the stuff you say is riddle me ree, I don't
know how to receive it into my brain that came here
for rational interchange. Somebody is Australian?
Roo is baby kangaroo? Is any one there? Out there? Hello?
"and you never will again"
I was thinking maybe I will never laugh like that again,
now you say it too, and I don't know how you know that.
It might sound threatening to someone on the edge.
What does it mean, if in case it means anything at all?

The rest of the stuff you say is riddle me ree, I don't
know how to receive it into my brain that came here
for rational interchange. Somebody is Australian?
Roo is baby kangaroo? Is any one there? Out there? Hello?

I would suggest that you go back a few pages and read some of the comments on the welcome post then you should get an Idea of whats going on, if after doing that you still do not have a clue, I will explain it to you.
Sorry, I have a CLUE, but that is all I have.
I believe Jesus. Does he have anything to do with goats
and their milk? You are just playing pretend, right?
No need to thank us. Thank the goat for it's fresh milk everyday.
WELCOME NEWB'S here is the weekend menu
Drinks: goats milk ,Iced tea with lemon,belgian beer and miller draft beer,Coffee
Vegies: corn on the cob ,tossed salad,potato salad,
Meats: Rabbit,hamsters, and Roo.all prepared any way you would like them
Dessert: Grayman oatmeal cookies ,MINTIES, cherry,apple,and pecan pies


Dammit! I want my cow's milk and water for a drink, so I'll just start bringing them with me. The vegetables and rabbit meat sounds tasty though. I have no idea what Kangaroo meat is like, so I'd love to try it. And... just pass a few of those apple and pecan pies over and no one will get hurt.

That said, I'm a totally random, in the sense that I prefer believing in determinism and that nothing is truly random, person who's ended up here. And by person, I'm just going to arbitrarily expand that description to any sapient species and use a dragon as my avatar, probably, for the fun of it. We'll see whether I last around here or not. If not... It's probably because I didn't have a steady supply of milk.
We shall not be blackmailed. You either drink what is given you, or not. By the way: welcome! :)
We shall not be blackmailed. You either drink what is given you, or not. By the way: welcome! :)

Blackmailed? I suppose that I shall be flattered that I'm already of such value to you all that the possibility of me disappearing counts as blackmail!:D
Oddly enough...

Haha! One of the projects I'm working on has a distinct conspiracy theory bent to it, about the intersection of art and government.

The church has used the artist community to push their mumbo-jumbo before. So, why not the government? Some of the shows out do seem like propaganda.
Dammit! I want my cow's milk and water for a drink, so I'll just start bringing them with me. The vegetables and rabbit meat sounds tasty though. I have no idea what Kangaroo meat is like, so I'd love to try it. And... just pass a few of those apple and pecan pies over and no one will get hurt.

That said, I'm a totally random, in the sense that I prefer believing in determinism and that nothing is truly random, person who's ended up here. And by person, I'm just going to arbitrarily expand that description to any sapient species and use a dragon as my avatar, probably, for the fun of it. We'll see whether I last around here or not. If not... It's probably because I didn't have a steady supply of milk.
Sorry if you want cows milk you will have to get that on your own, it's cheaper for me to keep goats.and trust me the water here is only good for cooking and bathing thats why we do not offer it.
Welcome to the forum and Welcome to you too Donald
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