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  • Hi Susan
    Darat tells me you've had an accident and you're in hospital. Lynn and I send our love and best wishes for your recovery. Sincere hugs from Biggleswade!
    EKUMA198 1981
    Do you know, I don't think I have ever sent a message this way !! I hope it reaches you! The web site is:
    Do be wary, though, of searching out myths and anything that professes to see the future; it doesn't exist; there is no 'destiny', or 'fate' awaiting anybody;no pre-planned path, etc. Think it through logically - if there were, all our actions would be pointless. Everything in the realm of the mystic, the supernatural comes from human brains, which have evolved to think this way. Enjoy the fantasy, but never delude yourself into thinking it is real. Enjoy it more, too, because of the fact that you have the brain to do so!
    Hello Susan B, thanks for replying to my message about the akashic records. Do you have a link to the site you mentioned? I've been interested in these concepts for ages now. Do you believe you can glean extraordinary info from the purported records? Thanks
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