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Welcome new Members! Introduce yourselves here!

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I appeal to you as the most vocal and prolific spokesperson on this thread, as the apparently-official dispenser of victuals and refreshments(and especially of the Belhaven beer, which either has not been delivered yet, or which you have not shared with me; [a terrible gaffe, especially since I was providing it]), and as someone who lived (and may still live, although I don't know that) in Downstate NY. (You may think of it as Upstate, but I lived in Rochester NY for almost 40 years [having moved there as as an adult in order to attend graduate school after having finished my B. S. at Georgetown {and prior to that having spent four years in the U.S. Marine Corps}], and I can assure you that the people in that area did [and do] considered the Catskills, and also the Southern Tier [a rural area with very few cities of populations over 40,000, unless one counts dogs and cats] downstate; the only eastern parts of the state that were considered not to have the downstate title were those north of the Thruway and south of the St. Lawrence Seaway [which used to be called the St. Lawrence River shortly before I arrived in Rochester, I think.], and of course east of the eastern end of Lake Ontario [which ends, according to the cartographic community, at Cape Tibbets {itself a very interesting place with a restored lighthouse that is well worth visiting}]).

Ketyk said in one of her posts in this thread that she had never failed to greet newcomers. AFIK, she did not greet me when I arrived, nor to date. As you see, I've been posting enough that by now I would have expected her to notice.

Should I whine and snivel, become insulted, laugh it off, or bear up under the strain?
Ketyk said in one of her posts in this thread that she had never failed to greet newcomers. AFIK, she did not greet me when I arrived, nor to date. As you see, I've been posting enough that by now I would have expected her to notice.

Should I whine and snivel, become insulted, laugh it off, or bear up under the strain?

Why limit your options? Forget me, it could never work. ;) ;)
Ketyk said in one of her posts in this thread that she had never failed to greet newcomers. AFIK, she did not greet me when I arrived, nor to date. As you see, I've been posting enough that by now I would have expected her to notice.

Should I whine and snivel, become insulted, laugh it off, or bear up under the strain?
First I would ignore Ketyk and not worry about her, two I handed out the Belhaven about a week ago at the weekend BBQ. There is still some left and I will put it out at the BBQ this coming Friday
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Hi everybody, my names Jim. Like many of you, I think, I came to skepticism the long way (I'd say the hard way but I've not been scammed out of any more than the cost of a few books, or been misled about missing loved ones) and by that I mean I've spent some time making gibberish with gematria (but not corndog), pondering at tarot cards, and trying different faiths on for size. Some children gotta touch the stove. I don't regret it, I learned a lot about how humans think and behave along the way. Most divination systems, especially the I Ching, provide an interesting point to ponder, like an inkblot, if not any real prognosticating power. Early mystic systems often reveal facinating things about our ancestors ideas, and were often the closest thing to reason available. Even homeopathy wasn't so absurd in it's day, when germ theory was less accepted and miasma theory and demonic influence were contenders in the public mind. Well, if I go on like this I won't have much to talk about in the forums. It's good to be on a board where the skeptical outnumber the credulous.
Hello everyone.
I am very pleased to find this place and I have spent quite a while reading the various threads herein, aren't there a lot of crackpots around?.
Hi everybody, my names Jim. Like many of you, I think, I came to skepticism the long way (I'd say the hard way but I've not been scammed out of any more than the cost of a few books, or been misled about missing loved ones) and by that I mean I've spent some time making gibberish with gematria (but not corndog), pondering at tarot cards, and trying different faiths on for size. Some children gotta touch the stove. I don't regret it, I learned a lot about how humans think and behave along the way.

Sounds like as good a route as any to follow, and a lot better than some that I've seen.

Nothing wrong with 'knowing the enemy', as it were.

Most divination systems, especially the I Ching, provide an interesting point to ponder, like an inkblot, if not any real prognosticating power.

That sounds like the way arthwollipot describes the tarot - it doesn't reveal anything so much as it simply allows one to better focus one's thoughts. I think if you search for his name and 'tarot' you'll find his (much better) explanation of the principle.

Early mystic systems often reveal facinating things about our ancestors ideas, and were often the closest thing to reason available.

Absolutely. Astronomy and chemistry are two disciplines that certainly owe a great debt to their mystical forebears.

Even homeopathy wasn't so absurd in it's day, when germ theory was less accepted and miasma theory and demonic influence were contenders in the public mind.

Yeppers. Fortunately though it seems to be becoming the '-pathy of the gaps' and it's to be hoped that the day isn't too far off when it will disappear completely.

Well, if I go on like this I won't have much to talk about in the forums. It's good to be on a board where the skeptical outnumber the credulous.

Yupela tok tru.

Welcome to the Forum.

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Hello everyone.

Hiya Doc! Are you the feller that Aqua were calling?

I am very pleased to find this place and I have spent quite a while reading the various threads herein, aren't there a lot of crackpots around?.

Ooh my wordy lordy yes. I'm pretty sure someone, somewhere is breeding them like Uruk Hai, only not as bright.

Welcome to the zoo!

Most divination systems, especially the I Ching, provide an interesting point to ponder, like an inkblot, if not any real prognosticating power.
That sounds like the way arthwollipot describes the tarot - it doesn't reveal anything so much as it simply allows one to better focus one's thoughts. I think if you search for his name and 'tarot' you'll find his (much better) explanation of the principle.
Absolutely. I'd be happy to discuss this further if you'd like to start a thread. :)

Hello everyone.
I am very pleased to find this place and I have spent quite a while reading the various threads herein, aren't there a lot of crackpots around?.
As long as they stay within the rules, we welcome everyone!
Welcome NEWB'S
I see we have a few new ones this week it is good to see we are still growing. The weekend menu is as follows
As always fresh Goats milk and by the way NEWB'S if you see the Goat pat it on the head it likes to know it is appreciated. next Belhaven beer donated by another fairly newb,belgian beer and GOVT.koolaid Wood fired oven roasted goat, hamsters and cats cooked anyway you want them Dandilion greens and fiddleheads,baked and mashed potatos ,Oatmeal cookies and MINTIES

Don't forget Sunday is MOTHERS DAY. so if nothing else, give your Mom a card.
Have a great weekend
The Name's Dog Breakfast

Hey everybody, Dog Breakfast here. I'm glad to see so many critical thinkers in one place. Although I guess you're everywhere!

I look forward to meeting you all and making e-friends, but mainly I want a hot hot avatar. Here's to fifty posts.

Just kidding. Let's not pretend avatars aren't one of the more important items, but I'm really just excited to consider your views, and for you folks consider my views, and my views on your views, and my views on your friends' views, too.

Let's all see how much less wrong we can be today than we were yesterday.
Hey everybody, Dog Breakfast here. I'm glad to see so many critical thinkers in one place. Although I guess you're everywhere!

Don't tell the bleevers. They'll panic and cause a scene.

I look forward to meeting you all and making e-friends, but mainly I want a hot hot avatar. Here's to fifty posts.


Kitten avatars are good. Everyone loves kittens.

Just kidding. Let's not pretend avatars aren't one of the more important items, but I'm really just excited to consider your views, and for you folks consider my views, and my views on your views, and my views on your friends' views, too.

Holy infinite recursion, Batman!

Let's all see how much less wrong we can be today than we were yesterday.

My lifelong ambition. :)

Welcome to the Forum, DB.

Hey everybody, I'm a fellow skeptic and lurker that has been reading these posts for years now. So I think it is time to come out!
I'm back on the Internet after a two-year hiatus. Great to finally be able to waste time in a comfortable manner. I guess you could consider me a new member ;)
I'm back on the Internet after a two-year hiatus. Great to finally be able to waste time in a comfortable manner. I guess you could consider me a new member ;)

In that case, welcome back aboard. You just missed the weekend barbecue, but you can have some goats milk and a Mintie.
Pull up a thread of your liking, make yourself comfortable and enjoy.

Hi. I know some of you already, and I'm sure we have plenty of friends in common.

I've been an active skeptic for a couple of years. I've written books on urban myths and factoids, been on the board of the Swedish skeptic society etc. One of the fondest memories is when I was responsible for Randis lectures over here in the summer of 2010.

I've been aware of this forum for a long time of course, but thought I had enough to do anyway. Of all the reasons to finally join, I possibly chose the worst: To read about late Curnir, a most splendid fellow I only met a couple of times.

Hi. I know some of you already, and I'm sure we have plenty of friends in common.

All of my friends are common. but they're all I can afford.

I've been an active skeptic for a couple of years. I've written books on urban myths and factoids, been on the board of the Swedish skeptic society etc. One of the fondest memories is when I was responsible for Randis lectures over here in the summer of 2010.

Busy, busy, buisy.

I've been wondering who was doing my share of the work and I think I've found him.


I've been aware of this forum for a long time of course, but thought I had enough to do anyway. Of all the reasons to finally join, I possibly chose the worst: To read about late Curnir, a most splendid fellow I only met a couple of times.


Sad news indeed, but here's to better times ahead.

Welcome to the Forum, Peter,

Hi. I know some of you already, and I'm sure we have plenty of friends in common.

I've been an active skeptic for a couple of years. I've written books on urban myths and factoids, been on the board of the Swedish skeptic society etc. One of the fondest memories is when I was responsible for Randis lectures over here in the summer of 2010.

I've been aware of this forum for a long time of course, but thought I had enough to do anyway. Of all the reasons to finally join, I possibly chose the worst: To read about late Curnir, a most splendid fellow I only met a couple of times.


Welcome, Peter. Yeah, Curnir had a lot of friends around the intertubes. I hope I'm remembered even half so fondly when I give up the mortal coil.

We are really rather well-represented in Scandinavia. Must be those long winter nights with lots to talk about and not wanting to go outside and be eaten by killer penguins. (I seem to also not be able to escape Scandiwhatsits, personally. I arrive here in Pattaya and there are Swedish restaurants, Danish social groups, Norwegian real estate companies... I think there's even a Finn living up the block from me,... er assuming you're back to allowing the Finns to call themselves Scandinavians again.)

Welcome aboard. I believe I recall the JREF referring to you guys as one of the groups able to pre-test for the challenge (or was that Switzerland - us Americans are a little thick when it comes to geography) and any friend of Randi's is a friend of mine.
We are really rather well-represented in Scandinavia.
Nice to hear. The movement is certainly on the rise up here, for whatever reasons.

I believe I recall the JREF referring to you guys as one of the groups able to pre-test for the challenge (or was that Switzerland - us Americans are a little thick when it comes to geography) and any friend of Randi's is a friend of mine.
Yes, the Swedish skeptics society VoF are prepared to take on challenge pre-tests. We've been there twice, I think. No passes so far (surprise).

Actually, on conferences we sometimes swap tags with Swiss colleagues and welcome people with Swedish chocolate and Swiss aquavit etc. Very few reactions so far.
Happy Friday NEWB'S and welcome Some of you are lurkers and know that Friday is menu day,so here goes.
Fresh Goats milk ,Belhaven ,Smithwicks,and Belgian beer.
Roasted Goat and Roasted leg of lamb Garden fresh salads and vegtables, Apple pie Oatmeal cookies and MINTIES.
I’ve been in here reading for years, and thought it was time to join up. At work I am surrounded by Christian conservatives. As a liberal atheist I am treated like an exotic zoo animal (who of course is in desperate need of being born again). I discovered the very bastion of socially conscious liberal types, that welcomed atheists with open arms. So yes, I tried the Unitarian Universalist Church. They pride themselves on their tolerance. That is pretty much the only requirement for admission. Yes there were a few atheists there, and quite a few agnostics, and I like singing. But at the first meeting the woman of the left expounded the wonders of having your chakras balanced by a practitioner of some sort she wanted me to visit. The woman on the right was really into the healing powers of crystals. I found I was not tolerant enough to be a UU.

I discovered that there was a local group of atheists that met regularly, surely they must be my long looked for people? At the first meeting the woman on the right was talking about the dangers of the New World Order. She said, “it must be true, I read it on the internet.” (Truly the only thing wrong with the man on the left was that he was extremely boring and kept trying to pick me up.) Anyway I found that “atheist” doesn’t necessarily mean rational.

So, here I am, still somewhat bruised but looking for a little virtual companionship. Are you “my people”? We shall see.
So, here I am, still somewhat bruised but looking for a little virtual companionship. Are you “my people”? We shall see.

Hi there!

I'm sure you'll find some of your people here, but don't be surprised if they turn up in unexpected places. As you'd be aware from your lurking, we have the complete range here, from rational theists to insane atheists. And Tragic Monkey.

The main thing is, however, we're all united by our undying devotion to Teh Bacon.

Welcome aboard, Jube.
I’ve been in here reading for years, and thought it was time to join up. At work I am surrounded by Christian conservatives. As a liberal atheist I am treated like an exotic zoo animal (who of course is in desperate need of being born again). I discovered the very bastion of socially conscious liberal types, that welcomed atheists with open arms. So yes, I tried the Unitarian Universalist Church. They pride themselves on their tolerance. That is pretty much the only requirement for admission. Yes there were a few atheists there, and quite a few agnostics, and I like singing. But at the first meeting the woman of the left expounded the wonders of having your chakras balanced by a practitioner of some sort she wanted me to visit. The woman on the right was really into the healing powers of crystals. I found I was not tolerant enough to be a UU.

I discovered that there was a local group of atheists that met regularly, surely they must be my long looked for people? At the first meeting the woman on the right was talking about the dangers of the New World Order. She said, “it must be true, I read it on the internet.” (Truly the only thing wrong with the man on the left was that he was extremely boring and kept trying to pick me up.) Anyway I found that “atheist” doesn’t necessarily mean rational.

So, here I am, still somewhat bruised but looking for a little virtual companionship. Are you “my people”? We shall see.

Ah, this is a variation of the Foolmewunz Interwebs Theorem.
> You/I have likely come across fifteen thousand people in our lives (pro-rating for longevity, location, gregariousness, etc... pay it no mind it's a figure I pulled out of my butt, anyway).
> Of those, the sum total that I count as "friends" is about twenty people. In addition to those twenty, there are maybe eighty acquaintances (e.g. people who I've deemed worthy of my tolerance).
> That's it. 100:15,000

Now why would one assume, knowing that ratio, that you could join a group, any group, and find more than one acceptable acquaintance out of each 150 you come across. Yet just because we have something in common (Hey, you got a modem, I got a modem - let's get married! Or, alternately... Wow, I don't really believe in an omnipotent being either, pay no never mind to the fact that I'm a complete idiot.)

Having said this, be assured of the thought that His Pharoahness was expressing: Don't be surprised if a lot of us are jerks, too.

Welcome aboard. While most of them (note that I'm not including me) may be jerks, you'll find decent conversation and not much tolerance for woo. And, well, as to trying to pick you up? Well, just don't get into an elevator with a guy who offers you coffee. That gambit's already been used. (You also don't mention if you're male or female... if you're female, it's a given - you will be hit on. Poor things just can't help themselves. :D )
Hi! I just joined but I knew about this forum for a while now. Every so often when I look something up involving skeptics and "paranormal" this forum comes up. I am finally registering because I want someone to debunk a video I saw on youtube, but... I like this forum a lot so I think I am going to stick around for a long time!
Hi! I just joined but I knew about this forum for a while now. Every so often when I look something up involving skeptics and "paranormal" this forum comes up. I am finally registering because I want someone to debunk a video I saw on youtube, but... I like this forum a lot so I think I am going to stick around for a long time!

Hey, welcome aboard, Star. I see you've already read enough to know that you can go to the Anti-Humor sub-forum to ratchet up your post count. That's generally good advice for people wanting an avatar, but if you have important research (hell, all YouTube is important) looked into, just go start yourself a thread, post the YouTube location in simple text (throw in an extra space so that the net nannies don't simply refuse your post) and mention that you're a newb and someone will help parse the link for you so that it's viewable.

(It's not that we're necessarily either nice or helpful - we just can't get enough of YouTube research. There are always a couple of dozen debunkers lurking around just dying to take on the newest woo.)

And, good that you're staying around. We need another squirrel for the stew new members. It keeps some of us older newbies on our toes. (I daren't refer to myself as a senior or long-term member. One of The Ancients of Old will be along to make fun of my puny 17000 posts and mere six years on the forums.)
Hello, my name is Michael Jones. I'm a retail worker from the Philly area (desperately trying to find my way out of retail), and I came here by way of the Doctor Who fansite GallifreyBase, where I saw a member posting about intelligent discussions on the JREF forums... usually happens when someone posts something nonsensical about science or psuedoscience.

I may be quiet for a bit, just reading. Kind of an introvert, so I don't speak much until I get a feel for a place.

Oh, and I'm an amateur artist, mostly working on Superhero stuff.
Hello, my name is Michael Jones. I'm a retail worker from the Philly area (desperately trying to find my way out of retail), and I came here by way of the Doctor Who fansite GallifreyBase, where I saw a member posting about intelligent discussions on the JREF forums... usually happens when someone posts something nonsensical about science or psuedoscience.

I may be quiet for a bit, just reading. Kind of an introvert, so I don't speak much until I get a feel for a place.

Oh, and I'm an amateur artist, mostly working on Superhero stuff.

Well, since you're still in retail, you're not the guy Kookbreaker had to fire, I guess. (See thread "I hate firing people" in Forum Community to understand the weak joke.)

Welcome to the forums. Put your feet up and take it easy. There's no pressure to become an erudite poster immediately (and for some of us, like myself, that status never comes). I read here for years back before there were public and members sections and only joined when I felt I had something to add - and I haven't shut up, since.

Again - welcome.
Hello, my name is Michael Jones........
where I saw a member posting about intelligent discussions on the JREF forums...
Welcome Michael and have a glass of fresh Goats milk. We have a lot of Discussions on this Forum, But as far as being intelligent ones, That is something you will have to decide. What you think is intelligent might not be to someone else and visa versa. Enjoy your time here.
Hello, my name is Michael Jones. I'm a retail worker from the Philly area (desperately trying to find my way out of retail), and I came here by way of the Doctor Who fansite GallifreyBase, where I saw a member posting about intelligent discussions on the JREF forums... usually happens when someone posts something nonsensical about science or psuedoscience.

I may be quiet for a bit, just reading. Kind of an introvert, so I don't speak much until I get a feel for a place.

Oh, and I'm an amateur artist, mostly working on Superhero stuff.

Welcome, Enigmanaut what part of Philly. My parents grew up in Philly and though I grew up here in the mid-Hudson valley we’d spend quite a bit of time in Philly visiting relatives. Once, I guess, they thought we were old enough to kick out of the nest (all of legal drinking age) then did it the other way and moved back to Philly, leaving us poor kids here. So I still get down there from time to time to visit relatives.

Ah, “an amateur artist, mostly working on Superhero stuff” and what kind of stuff would that be, their entertainment systems, the layout of their kitchen, how they deal with ‘trash day’ (“Oops, that old spatial discomentater needs to go in the recyclables”), perhaps their laundry? One of the things that always distinguished the ‘Marvel universe’ (or marvel method) from that of DC (particularly initially) was the focus on the mundane yet superheroisticly problematic nature of that kind of stuff. Spiderman just trying to do his Superhero laundry was an interesting sub-story and made him seem more realistic.

Welcome everyone.
Welcome, Enigmanaut what part of Philly. My parents grew up in Philly and though I grew up here in the mid-Hudson valley we’d spend quite a bit of time in Philly visiting relatives. Once, I guess, they thought we were old enough to kick out of the nest (all of legal drinking age) then did it the other way and moved back to Philly, leaving us poor kids here. So I still get down there from time to time to visit relatives.

Ah, “an amateur artist, mostly working on Superhero stuff” and what kind of stuff would that be, their entertainment systems, the layout of their kitchen, how they deal with ‘trash day’ (“Oops, that old spatial discomentater needs to go in the recyclables”), perhaps their laundry? One of the things that always distinguished the ‘Marvel universe’ (or marvel method) from that of DC (particularly initially) was the focus on the mundane yet superheroisticly problematic nature of that kind of stuff. Spiderman just trying to do his Superhero laundry was an interesting sub-story and made him seem more realistic.

Welcome everyone.

I'm from Fairless Hills in Bucks County, it's to the North East of Philly. As for the "Superhero stuff", well, I'd post a link, but I can't do that just yet.

I found this forum today while trying to find some information in the JREF. I pass there everyday, the location on Davie Blvd in Fort Lauderdale. I noticed it looks closed up. I am sorry I never took the time to stick my head in. What Happened? I used to see Mr. Randi around town from time to time and attended a few of his lectures.

I found this forum today while trying to find some information in the JREF. I pass there everyday, the location on Davie Blvd in Fort Lauderdale. I noticed it looks closed up. I am sorry I never took the time to stick my head in. What Happened? I used to see Mr. Randi around town from time to time and attended a few of his lectures.

Hi there, middly.

As far as I know (which isn't at all far) everything is ops normal with Mr Randi. I'm sure we would have heard here if that were not the case.

Anyway, the main thing is that you found the most important bit of the Foundation - us!

Cheers, and welcome.
All those who can't post links yet: There are a number of threads in Humor and Community that exist solely for the purpose of increasing your post count. You need 15 to post links and 50 for an avatar. Go to it. Now.
Good day and welcome NEWB'S this is Memorialday Weekend So we will have a special BBQ along with Goats milk we will try to have anything you ask for available Beef,Roo,goat etc.etc. that goes for Veggies and salads too. Enjoy the 3 day weekend :)
All right, I feel it's time I start interacting with this amazing community.
Hello JREF! My alias is Qjornt, as you see. However my real name is Adnan.
I got introduced to this place by Mehdimentio, although I'm acquainted with yet another soul here (I believe he goes by the alias Tubba or something). This seems like a great place with a bunch of intellectual minds, a place where someone like I will spend quite a lot of quality time during my excess usage of the internet. I guess I should tell something about myself? I'm not really sure what to say...
Currently I'm a high school senior, residing in Sweden. Graduating soon, and as the summer fades away, my mind will be going away to a university for five years, so that I can finally major in "engineering physics".

I'm generally very docile and calm, which I find very neat. I'm a bit shy as well, but sometimes I can supress that and communicate with people. I love music, actually I'm a bit of a novice pianist. Not nearly as expertised as those you on occasion stumble upon on Youtube, you could say I'm OK.

I play games as well. Not very frequently, but sometimes, such as now, I can get stuck with a specific game (Diablo 3, hard to guess) for days, or even weeks, and I hate when that happens, since not much get's done and my general nature changes during that period. But it's nice to explore something so... unreachable.

I don't really know what else to say... so I guess that's it for this post.

Love to you all. Have a great [period of day].

Humble regards, Qjornt.
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