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The Electric Comet Theory /SAFIRE Part VI

"electrons form a current layer as they undergo ExB drift, leading to a shielding diamagnetic boundary."

Oh, look a double layer! :D
That is not a double layer (when you believe that double layers have magical properties while not having a clue what they are, as Sol does, every phenomenon is claimed to be a double layer). Sol has no clue either about what ExB drift is (or even how to say it).
and yet there it is!

The source of electrons at comet 67P

Away from perihelion, the EII frequency is positively correlated with the solar wind potential difference (estimated from RPC/ICA measurements; see Fig. 5), confirming that the ionizing electrons originate in the solar wind and are accelerated in the cometary environment. The solar wind electrons are accelerated by an ambipolar potential well.

A PLASMA double layer.

Current carrying double layers

These double layers may be generated by current-driven plasma instabilities that amplify variations of the plasma density. One example of these instabilities is the Farley–Buneman instability, which occurs when the streaming velocity of electrons (basically the current density divided by the electron density) exceeds the electron thermal velocity of the plasma. It occurs in collisional plasmas having a neutral component, and is driven by drift currents. [citation needed]

A double layer is a structure in a plasma consisting of two parallel layers of opposite electrical charge. The sheets of charge, which are not necessarily planar, produce localised excursions of electric potential, resulting in a relatively strong electric field between the layers and weaker but more extensive compensating fields outside, which restore the global potential.[1] Ions and electrons within the double layer are accelerated, decelerated, or deflected by the electric field, depending on their direction of motion.

Double layers are conceptually related to the concept of a 'sheath' (see Debye sheath). An early review of double layers from laboratory experiment and simulations is provided by Torvén.[5]

I'll see your magnetic field and raise you an electric field (PLASMA DOUBLE LAYER).

I am sure that you have noted that the direction of the magnetic field in the Earth's cusp ("radially towards the Earth) and the draped field around a comet (perpendicular to the radial direction) might make a difference?
I am sure that you have noted that the direction of the magnetic field in the Earth's cusp ("radially towards the Earth) and the draped field around a comet (perpendicular to the radial direction) might make a difference?

Magnetic fields? Pffftt... it the ELECTRIC FIELDS.

Pretty sure that the ELECTRIC FIELDS "the current driven double layers" are radial.

Draping only happens if the magnetic field is frozen in to the solar plasma... We've been there and done that.

So far as I know, The types of electric field now known to be in play at comets and indeed Earth are "new" to the mainstream.

Take for instance

The hot population is likely made up of solar wind electrons that have been energized by an ambipolar field that forms around the comet (Myllys et al. 2019; Stephenson et al. 2022).

How does a draped magnetic fields do that? So in reality it the ELECTRIC FIELDS not the magnetic fields.

This would be driven by the potential (electrical) difference between the solar plasma and the nucleus.

We also now know the solar wind is not some homogeneous cloud of quasi neutral plasma "blowing" past the comet, draping frozen in magnetic fields around it.

The potential well, which exceeds 60 V in depth at Q = 1025 s−1, traps cometary electrons in the inner coma (Sishtla et al. 2019; Stephenson et al. 2022). As well as causing electron cooling, the ambipolar field accelerates and funnels solar wind electrons towards the nucleus (Deca et al. 2017; Stephenson et al. 2022). The acceleration of solar wind electrons by the ambipolar field is a likely source of ionizing electrons within the coma.
The source of electrons at comet 67P

but you already knew that.
Indirect Observations of Electric Fields at Comet 67P

In combination with the frozen-in magnetic field this creates a convective electric field at the comet.

The ambipolar electric field, which is only strong close to the comet nucleus (Vigren & Eriksson, 2019), can provide such an acceleration mechanism. However, as our estimation method relies on the magnetic and electric fields being perpendicular, we cannot characterize the magnetic field-aligned component

Interesting stuff.

Ions accelerated out - Electrons accelerated in.

Out gassing achieved by gentle infrared radiation of "hidden" ices. Your Q is still way off.
Reading further...

During this sublimation,the ice (primarily water and CO2) also lifts off dust from the nucleus surface. Cometary dust is usually comprised of organic and rocky material (Filacchione et al., 2019).

No ice on the surface and the dust is charged (complex plasma(diff mass between electrons and the mass of large grains, which can be fair bit larger than a proton))

Some of the molecules in this atmosphere become ionized by extreme ultraviolet flux or electron-impact-ionization and form a plasma cloud of newborn cometary ions (Galand et al., 2016).

The newborn ions are accelerated by the electromagnetic fields around the nucleus. These fields are the result of the interaction between the solar wind and the cometary plasma cloud (Nilsson et al., 2021).

This was seen very early in the mission.

OSIRIS also detected the presence of a dust coma, with activity predominantly from the neck region connecting the two lobes of the nucleus [Sierks et al., 2015].

First thing detected charged dust.

Plasma of cometary origin has been observed by the Ion Composition Analyzer (RPC-ICA) since 7 August 2014, at a distance of 100 km from the nucleus, in the form of water ions picked up by the solar wind electric field and accelerated toward the spacecraft perpendicular to the solar wind direction [Nilsson et al., 2015a].
whats the Charged dust doing again? first thing detected. Well, then the electrons are already being accelerated into the nucleus surface. Obviously with enough energy to achieve

electron impact reactions with the solar wind and high-energy electrons, combines to produce a cometary ionosphere [Combi et al., 2004], with a dust component charged by the competing effects of photoelectron emission and attaching plasma electrons.

So lifting dust via high energy electrons, from the HARD (Mupus) rocky surface of 67P and accelerated, not non existent "gas jets" from subsurface reservoirs, but by drum roll please..


Several impacts of solar wind disturbances known as corotating interaction regions (CIRs) have been identified in the data, including 22 October 2014, 7 and 27 November 2014, and 3 December 2014
So not just a homgenous quasi neutral "wind". You following along jd116?

5 Discussion

Generally speaking, we attribute decreases in the spacecraft potential to increases of the electron density in the surrounding plasma, provisionally ignoring the possible effects of variations in the electron temperature .
Right but we now know cold, war and hot populations, so...

time period from early September 2014 to late March 2015, during which time the heliocentric distance decreased from about 3.5 AU to 2.1 AU and Rosetta's distance to the nucleus typically was between 10 and 150 km. The spacecraft potential was negative within 50 km of the nucleus throughout this period.

Almost like the nucleus is charged??

Oh, look a piano...

The Sun's radial electric field is weak but constant with distance in interplanetary

In a constant radial electric field, the voltage decreases linearly with distance. A comet on an elongated orbit spends most of its
time far from the Sun and acquires a charge in balance with the voltage at that distance.

But when a comet speeds inward for a quick spin around the Sun, the voltage of the comet becomes increasingly out of balance with
that nearer the Sun—a situation leading to high-energy discharge.

Most of the voltage difference between the comet and the solar plasma is taken up in a double layer of charge, called a plasma sheath, that surrounds the comet. When the electrical stress is great enough, the sheath glows and appears as the typical cometary coma and tail. Diffuse electrical discharges occur in the sheath and at the nucleus, radiating a variety of frequencies, including x-rays.

The highest voltage differences occur at the comet nucleus and across the plasma sheath. So where the sheath is most compressed, in the sunward direction, the electric field is strong enough to accelerate charged particles to x-ray energies. That may explain recent crescent-shaped x-ray images in relation to the comet nucleus and the Sun. Flickering and occasional flare-ups are also expected, because plasma discharges behave in a non-linear manner.
Wal Thornhill
On the structure of the Io torus


It is now recognized that a number of neutral-plasma interaction processes are of great importance in the formation of the Io torus. One effect not yet considered in detail is the charge exchange between fast torus ions and the atmospheric neutrals producing fast neutrals energetic enough to escape from Io. Since near Io the plasma flow is reduced, the neutrals of charge exchange origin are not energetic enough to leave the Jovian system; these neutrals are therefore distributed over an extensive region as indicated by the sodium cloud. It is estimated here that the total neutral injection rate can reach 1027 s−1 if not more.

New ions subsequently created in the distributed neutral atomic cloud as a result of charge exchange or electron impact ionization are picked up by the corotating magnetic field. The pick-up ions are hot with initial gyration speed near the corotation speed. The radial current driven by the pickup process cannot close in the torus but must be connected to the planetary ionosphere by field-aligned currents. These field-aligned currents will flow away from the equator at the outer edge of the neutral cloud and towards it at the inner edge.

We find that the Jovian ionospheric photoelectrons alone cannot supply the current flowing away from the equator, and torus ions accelerated by a parallel electric field could be involved.

The parallel potential drop is estimated to be several kV which is large enough to push the torus ions into the Jovian atmosphere. This loss could explain the sharp discontinuous change of flux tube content and ion temperature at L = 5.6 as well as the generation of auroral type hiss there.

Finally we show that the inner torus should be denser at system III longitudes near 240° as a result of the enhanced secondary electron flux in this region. This effect may be related to the longitudinal brightness variation observed in the SII optical emissions.

Plasma densities, flow, and solar EUV flux at comet 67P

As the ambipolar electric field is proportional to the electron pressure gradient, a radial expansion is consistent with increasing radial ion velocities with cometocentric distance. Moreover, an ambipolar electric field would accelerate electrons falling inward and, as more electrons reach electron-impact ionisation energies, provide increased ionisation between Rosetta and the comet nucleus, as postulated earlier in this section.
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As Rosetta moves below 30 km, the radial velocity component decreases, but perpendicular components grow and start to dominate. We suspect that this could again be an effect of an ambipolar electric field as the comet activity is inhomogeneous and bursty by nature, which would create strong non-radial electron-pressure gradients and therefore form an ambipolar electric field with non-radial components. It seems reasonable to expect this field to be strongest near the nucleus, where gas density gradients are great. Also, ions accelerated by a non-radial field close to the comet would also appear radial for a faraway observer with a limited viewing angle resolution. This hypothesis is highly speculative, but could perhaps be tested in the future using simulations similar to those of Deca et al. (2019) and Divin et al. (2020), but resolving the nucleus and allowing for a more realistic outgassing.

Ryugu sample analyses show asteroids may have delivered compounds needed to start life on Earth

Using X-ray spectrometry, and other inspection tools, the researchers found examples of hydrated magnesium, ammonium, and phosphorus. The findings show that asteroids such as Ryugu are made of not just organic elements and compounds, but also compounds that are in their hydrated form, which could have served as building blocks for life on Earth.

Same composition as a COMET.

It appears Comet Tsuchinshan-Atlas has been setting CME's off.

Stellar Wind Contribution to the Origin of Water on the Surface of Oxygen-containing Minerals​

6. Conclusions​

The results of experiments summarized in this work, focused on surface bombardment with hydrogen atoms, clearly confirm the theory of the interaction of excited hydrogen or deuterium Rydberg atoms and ions with the surface oxygens of oxide minerals.

The dirtysnowball!


The origin of water and volatile compounds on planets including Earth is a hotly debated topic in planetary science. For example, many dynamic models suggest that the majority of Earth's water and volatile elements were added from an external source. The stellar wind irradiation of rocky oxygen-containing minerals results in a reaction between H+ ions and silicate minerals to produce water and OH, which could explain the presence of water in the regoliths of airless worlds such as the Moon, as well as the water abundances in asteroids.

Comets are rocky bodies discharging in the solar wind!

Comets are ELECTRIC

Tiny fragments of a 4-billion-year-old asteroid reveal its history

Scientists working with the samples have already learned a lot. They've found that the asteroid is rich in organic matter, which supports the idea that asteroids could have delivered these materials to Earth. Ryugu contains water-bearing minerals, which is evidence that it held more water or water ice in the past. Scientists have also detected the effects of space weathering on the asteroid's surface and solar wind particles trapped within its grains.

The researchers found carbon dioxide-bearing water inclusions in a certain type of crystal. This is evidence that Ryugu's parent body formed in the outer solar system, where cold temperatures allowed water ice to be incorporated.

The samples are porous and fine-grained, indicating that the parent contained ice that melted over a long period of time. The researchers say that radioactive heating in the parent body's interior melted the water ice about three million years ago. Over time, reactions between the water and rock slowly changed the asteroid's initial anhydrous mineralogy to a largely hydrous mineralogy.

This research helps paint a timeline of Ryugu's parent and Ryugu itself on its long journey through the solar system.

Whats the difference between an Asteroid and Comet?

Stellar Wind Contribution to the Origin of Water on the Surface of Oxygen-containing Minerals​

The dirtysnowball!

Comets are rocky bodies discharging in the solar wind!

Comets are ELECTRIC
No electric woo, no discharges, and the solar wind is not even reaching the comet for months on end. At precisely the time when they are most active. And the heat required to get the OH and water out of the minerals is way beyond any temperature experienced by the vast majority of comets.
Nothing to do with the idiotic claims of your mythologists. An ambipolar field arises purely to maintain quasi-neutrality, not to crreate impossible electric woo that somehow creates water from ingredients that are not there.
Reading further...

No ice on the surface and the dust is charged (complex plasma(diff mass between electrons and the mass of large grains, which can be fair bit larger than a proton))
Complete and utter gibberish. And lies. Plenty of ice on the surface, and plenty observed when a comet was impacted. No electric woo seen, though.

First thing detected charged dust.
First thing detected water vapour.

So lifting dust via high energy electrons, from the HARD (Mupus) rocky surface of 67P
Lol. And the electrons do not exist until neutrals have been ionised! And at the surface? Highly unlikely, I'd have thought, when the comet is active. However, solar wind electrons are impacting asteroid surfaces all the time. Endlessly. Incessantly. No dust comae. And they will impact comets when they are inactive, or only producing tiny amounts of gas. Funny how the dust increases as the solar wind is no longer reaching the nucleus, and coincidentally with the increase in neutral outgassing, eh? And how 'hard' is the surface? Not very, is the answer to that.

So not just a homgenous quasi neutral "wind". You following along jd116?
Nothing to follow, other than the misundertandings of a layman who follows mythology-based woo. The solar wind is quasi-neutral beyond the Debye length. And why is quasi-neutrality maintained? Electric fields! Duh! Here is a clue for EUist types: electric fields are not electric currents! They act to bring oppositely charged particles together. What is the cause of the 'plasma frequency'? As Tusenfem will tell you, it is a decent diagnostic tool for assessing plasma parameters. It is due to electrons becoming slightly displaced from the ions they travel with. So, the electric field induced causes the electrons to rush back towards the ions. And they overshoot a bit. And head back in again. And overshoot. And so forth. This oscillation is the plasma frequency.

Right but we now know cold, war and hot populations, so...
And.....? Their existence is well explained in the literature by actual plasma physicists. Has your cult got any of those? Rhetorical.

Almost like the nucleus is charged??
Not at all like that. What on Earth makes you think that? Second thoughts, don't answer! The spacecraft is smaller than the Debye length. Electrons are more mobile than ions (smaller gyroradius). So, they tend to impact the craft more often than ions. So, it charges up negatively. Simple stuff, and a well known effect even when nowhere near any sort of astronomical body. It's why they tend to put these instruments on booms at some distance from the craft.

A clueless nonentity, with zero undertstanding of physics. Who thought Earth orbited Saturn. Recently. In a polar orbit. And thought that planets would be habitable in the atmosphere of a brown dwarf! Lol. Sorry, but he was insane.
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Magnetic fields? Pffftt... it the ELECTRIC FIELDS.
Not according to plasma physicists. And who cares what unqualified mythologists think?

Pretty sure that the ELECTRIC FIELDS "the current driven double layers" are radial.
That don't exist at comets. According to plasma physicists.

Draping only happens if the magnetic field is frozen in to the solar plasma... We've been there and done that.
And it is. As Alfven showed in his 1957 paper. And as observed at Halley, iirc, and at 67P. Not just draping, but nested draping. However, that stuff is beyond your level.

So far as I know, The types of electric field now known to be in play at comets and indeed Earth are "new" to the mainstream.
No they aren't. That just shows your lack of both knowledge and research in the subject area.

This would be driven by the potential (electrical) difference between the solar plasma and the nucleus
The solar plasma has no potential difference. See Alfven, (1939). The sunlit side of 67P will have very little charge. And the solar plasma is not reaching it for months on end. Sigh. How many times do you need to have these things ewxplained to you?

We also now know the solar wind is not some homogeneous cloud of quasi neutral plasma
Yep, it pretty much is. It is quasi-neutral. Has to be. See Alfven, (1939).
No it isn't. Not according to plasma physicists, anyway. One of whom might have done his PhD on such things. What is your claim to understand the subject better than plasma physicists? Perusing the idiotic ramblings of neo-Velikovskian numpties is not any sort of claim to understand anything. Other than the scientific illiteracy of the proponents, that is. Amusing from a psychological perspective, but nothing to do with science.

The solar plasma has no potential difference. See Alfven, (1939). The sunlit side of 67P will have very little charge. And the solar plasma is not reaching it for months on end. Sigh. How many times do you need to have these things ewxplained to you?

Yep, it pretty much is. It is quasi-neutral. Has to be. See Alfven, (1939).

Well, of course, you'd be wrong.

What's the ambipolar ELECTRIC fields role in this claimed solar wind quasi-neutrality? Especially how there is CHARGE SEPARATION between Rosetta, 67P and the Sun

I mean, at least you try... :v:
Well, of course, you'd be wrong.
And, as usual, you are to one that is wrong due to not understanding what you are reading. 'Twas ever thus.

What's the ambipolar ELECTRIC fields role in this claimed solar wind quasi-neutrality?
I already told you. It arises to remove any charge separation and maintain quasi-neutrality. It really isn't rocket science.

Especially how there is CHARGE SEPARATION between Rosetta, 67P and the Sun
There is no such charge separation. Rosetta charges up, usually negatively, due to the solar wind electrons being more mobile. They have a smaller gyroradius than ions. And Rosetta was a spacecraft, not a comet.
I already told you. It arises to remove any charge separation and maintain quasi-neutrality. It really isn't rocket science.

What's causing the charges to separate requiring the ambipolar electric field?

Indeed, tusenfem, it has.

The comet spends most of its time far from the Sun, where the plasma voltage
is low relative to the Sun. In remote regions, the comet moves slowly and
its charge easily comes into balance with its surroundings.

But as the comet falls toward the Sun, it begins to move at a furious speed
through regions of increasing voltage. The comet's charge, developed in deep
space, responds to the new environment by increasing internal electric polarization
and by forming cathode jets and a visible plasma sheath, or coma

The Electric Comet


I already told you. It arises to remove any charge separation and maintain quasi-neutrality. It really isn't rocket science.

We would expect to see these electric fields and we do, it really isn't rocket science.



No, you would expect to see electrical woo. And it isn't there.

It's all ELECTRIC!

You said it yourself. Or are you just have a quick arvo troll?

What was the ambipolar electric field doing again?

Cometary ion drift energy and temperature at comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimeko

As explained in the introduction, the comet plasma environment is largely governed by three different electric fields, in order of increasing distance from the comet: the ambipolar field, the polarization electric field, and finally the solar wind convective electric field.
Just been discussing with ziggurat over on the electric universe thread regarding ELECTRIC FIELDS.

Says PLASMA is too conductive for ELECTRIC FIELDS to form?
It's all ELECTRIC!

You said it yourself. Or are you just have a quick arvo troll?

What was the ambipolar electric field doing again?

Cometary ion drift energy and temperature at comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimeko

Would you like me to take you through the claims of Thornhill and Talbott about the 'electric comet'? Nothing they predicted happened. Because nothing they predicted can happen. They said nothing about ambipolar fields arising to maintain quasi-neutrality. Want me to post what the electric comet 'model' (lol) actually says? Have you forgotten? Your woo totally failed. A long time ago. Why are you still here?
Would you like me to take you through the claims of Thornhill and Talbott about the 'electric comet'? Nothing they predicted happened. Because nothing they predicted can happen. They said nothing about ambipolar fields arising to maintain quasi-neutrality. Want me to post what the electric comet 'model' (lol) actually says? Have you forgotten? Your woo totally failed. A long time ago. Why are you still here?
So, replying to myself to remind Sol88 what his 'model' (lol) claimed;


> Comets are debris produced during violent electrical interactions of planets and moons in an earlier phase of solar system history. Comets are similar to asteroids, and their composition varies. Most comets should be homogeneous—their interiors will have the same composition as their surfaces. They are simply “asteroids on eccentric orbits.

> Comets follow their elongated paths within a weak electrical field centered on the Sun. In approaching the Sun, a charge imbalance develops between the nucleus and the higher voltage and charge density near the Sun. Growing electrical stresses initiate discharges and the formation of a glowing plasma sheath, appearing as the coma and tail.

> The observed jets of comets are electric arc discharges to the nucleus, producing “electrical discharge machining” (EDM) of the surface. The excavated material is accelerated into space along the jets’ observed filamentary arcs.

> Intermittent and wandering arcs erode the surface and burn it black, leaving the distinctive scarring patterns of electric discharges.

> The jets’ explode from cometary nuclei at supersonic speeds and retain their coherent structure for hundreds of thousands of miles. The collimation of such jets is a well-documented attribute of plasma discharge.

> The tails of comets reveal well-defined filaments extending up to tens of millions of miles without dissipating in the vacuum of space. This “violation” of neutral gas behavior in a vacuum is to be expected of a plasma discharge within the ambient electric field of the Sun.

> It is the electric force that holds the spherical cometary coma in place as the comet races around the Sun. The diameter of the visible coma will often reach millions of miles. And the visible coma is surrounded by an even larger and more “improbable” spherical envelope of fluorescing hydrogen visible in ultraviolet light.

> The primary distinction between comet and asteroid surfaces is that electrical arcing and “electrostatic cleaning” of the comet nucleus will leave little or no dust or debris on the surface during the active phase, even if a shallow layer of dust may be attracted back to the nucleus electrostatically as the comet becomes dormant in its retreat to more remote regions.


So, that is what the .pdf produced by the comedy duo Thornhill and Talbott claimed. It is also what Talbott himself came on this very forum to claim would be seen at 67P. None of it was seen. For obvious reasons. With the complete failure of that woo, Sol now thinks he can claim the comet is electric because there are ambipolar electric fields which arise to maintain quasi-neutrality! And why does he do that? Because he knows very well that the electric comet 'model' (lol), as proposed by the mythologists T & T, was a complete failure. Surprising absolutely nobody.
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Just been discussing with ziggurat over on the electric universe thread regarding ELECTRIC FIELDS.

Says PLASMA is too conductive for ELECTRIC FIELDS to form?
No, that is not what ziggurat said.
Indeed, that is not what I said. I said it's very hard to form large electric fields in a plasma.

How large are these fields? Do you know? This requires numbers, so maybe you're not up to the task. Never mind, there's no maybe about it.
Indeed, that is not what I said. I said it's very hard to form large electric fields in a plasma.

How large are these fields? Do you know? This requires numbers, so maybe you're not up to the task. Never mind, there's no maybe about it.
I have a book by Nicole Meyer-Vernet entitled 'Basics of the Solar Wind'. In it the ambipolar field strength required to maintain quasi-neutrality as the solar wind leaves the corona is given. It is tiny. However, it is sufficient to retard the electrons and accelerate the ions such that the gravitaional force on the ions is reduced by a factor of a couple. I'll have to look up the relevant chapter and references therein to exospheric models. Fact is, Sol doesn't know what ambipolar fields are, and why they arise. He is following the lunatic Don Scott's 'model' of plasma physics, where everything resides within insulated wires. Even in space.
Hard but not impossible.
Yes. Which means that you need very special conditions to get large electric fields in a plasma, and they don't tend to last for very obvious reasons.

You have no mechanism by which to produce large electric fields in a plasma, let alone make them last.

I suspect you're about to say "double layers", but double layers usually produce week fields, and since something else has to produce those double layers (such as a thermal gradient), you wouldn't really be answering the question, only kicking the can down the road.
Yes. Which means that you need very special conditions to get large electric fields in a plasma, and they don't tend to last for very obvious reasons.

You have no mechanism by which to produce large electric fields in a plasma, let alone make them last.

I suspect you're about to say "double layers", but double layers
usually produce week fields,and since something else has to produce those double layers (such as a thermal gradient), you wouldn't really be answering the question, only kicking the can down the road.
How dare you claim that Sol88 has no mechanism to make large electric fields in plasma last when you state that double layers make them last a full 7 days! :D
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