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The Electric Comet Theory /SAFIRE Part VI


Mar 23, 2009
Thread continued from here.
Posted By: zooterkin

A lying "Do comets move thru the solar corona" question when Sol88 knows that the solar corona only extends a few solar radii so only sun grazing comets go into the corona.

Well, if you say so... :boggled:

The corona is the outer atmosphere of the Sun. It extends many thousands of kilometers (miles) above the visible "surface" of the Sun, gradually transforming into the solar wind that flows outward through our solar system.

Ok, my bad... a better question would be, how far does the solar plasma extend?

Ummmm..... All comets move thru the solar wind, funnily enough, so do asteroid! Some are even active asteroids (rocky comets), Bennu for an instance.


Please, reality check, please...
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Sol88 lies about the water in CI-chondrites minerals may be greater than the ice on comets and KBOs. This is as predicted by mainstream ice and dust cometary science.

Ummmm....no. :rolleyes:

What I lied about was
Therefore, comets and KBOs may have less water than CI-chondrites, as predicted by models of comet formation by the gravitational collapse of cm-sized pebbles driven by streaming instabilities in the protoplanetary disc.

So, Bennu, being a CI-chondrite, has more water than comets???

Must be hidden, like the ice on comets.

Years of lying about posts, posters and science continues

A "Science advances one funeral at a time" lie when that was Planck's principle about scientific truths and the funerals are those opponents.

Funerals do not change physical facts. We detect ice at comets. That ice must sublimate when the Sun heats it. We detect the gases from that sublimation. Every astronomer born since the 1930's will agree that Whipple's 1950's model matches these physical facts, as will future astronomers.

The deluded Thunderbolts cult does almost meet Planck's principle. Not only is it becoming a ghetto with a few obvious cranks but its prophets are getting old enough to be in danger of funerals. However their delusions are nothing to do with science.
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Several posts have been moved to AAH.

As always, the topic of the thread is not one another. Please refrain from insulting other members.

In addition, please do not import posts from other forums, especially when they are by people who have been banned from this forum.
Replying to this modbox in thread will be off topic  Posted By: zooterkin
Years of lying about posts, posters and science continues

A "Well, if you say so." lie when it is the scientific sources I cited that say the solar corona only extends a few solar radii.
For example, Solar corona "extends millions of kilometres into outer space" and an image of the corona during a total eclipse that clearly shows a few solar radii.
Years of lying about posts, posters and science continues

A lying "a better question would be, how far does the solar plasma extend" question when Sol88 knows that is irrelevant to his cult's debunked dogma.

His cult has the delusion of enormous electric discharges ("thunderbolts") between planets and between the Sun and comets which are physically impossible because the solar system is full of highly conducting plasma.
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Years of lying about posts, posters and science continues

A "Bennu, being a CI-chondrite" lie from Sol88.
101955 Bennu (provisional designation 1999 RQ36)[9] is a carbonaceous asteroid ...
C-type (carbonaceous) asteroids are the most common variety, forming around 75% of known asteroids.
CI chondrites, sometimes C1 chondrites, are a group of rare stony meteorites belonging to the carbonaceous chondrites. (six found so far altogether). They formed outside of 4 AU

We cannot be sure that an asteroid is a CI-chondrite until we have a sample to look closely at. Bennu should not be a CI-chondrite asteroid because it has an orbit closer than 4 AU. That means ice and water sublimates and escapes.
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Years of lying about posts, posters and science continues

A "Must be hidden, like the ice on comets" lie when Sol88 has cited that we do not know what causes the dust spurts from Bennu.

Episodes of particle ejection from the surface of the active asteroid (101955) Bennu
Most asteroids appear inert, but remote observations show that a small number experience mass loss from their surfaces. Lauretta and Hergenrother et al. describe close-range observations of mass loss on the near-Earth asteroid Bennu (see the Perspective by Agarwal). Shortly after arriving at Bennu, navigation cameras on the OSIRIS-REx (Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, and Security—Regolith Explorer) spacecraft detected objects 1 to 10 centimeters in diameter moving above the surface. Analysis of the objects' trajectories showed that they originated in discrete ejection events from otherwise unremarkable locations on Bennu. Some objects remained in orbit for several days, whereas others escaped into interplanetary space. The authors suggest multiple plausible mechanisms that could underlie this activity.
Years of lying about posts, posters and science continues

A "Must be hidden, like the ice on comets" lie when Sol88 knows that ice has been detected on comets.
Decades of indirect measurements froom the water content of comet coma. The millions of tonnes of surface and subsurface water ice ejected by Deep Impact. The detection of water ice on the surface of Tempel 1. The detection of water ice on the surface of 67P.
A lying "a better question would be, how far does the solar plasma extend" question when Sol88 knows that is irrelevant to his cult's debunked dogma.

His cult has the delusion of enormous electric discharges ("thunderbolts") between planets and between the Sun and comets which are physically impossible because the solar system is full of highly conducting plasma.


Jonesdave116’s highly conductive medium, plasma!

Do you believe there are electric fields in space, reality check? I mean, in this highly conducting plasma?

A "Must be hidden, like the ice on comets" lie when Sol88 knows that ice has been detected on comets.
Decades of indirect measurements froom the water content of comet coma. The millions of tonnes of surface and subsurface water ice ejected by Deep Impact. The detection of water ice on the surface of Tempel 1. The detection of water ice on the surface of 67P.

Folks, the Dirtysnowball! (In a highly conductive medium)

A dribble of water vapour makes not a Dirtysnowball!

Comets that are mostly ice were thought, once, to be Dirtysnowball’s!

Our understanding has evolved since this time... :D
A "Well, if you say so." lie when it is the scientific sources I cited that say the solar corona only extends a few solar radii.
For example, Solar corona "extends millions of kilometres into outer space" and an image of the corona during a total eclipse that clearly shows a few solar radii.

From your source
Furthermore, the presence of electric charges induces the generation of electric currents and high magnetic fields. Magnetohydrodynamic waves (MHD waves) can also propagate in this plasma,[21] even if it is not still clear how they can be transmitted or generated in the corona.

Especially in light of this highly conductive medium reality check and jonesdave116 bang on about like it some form of impediment.

Old school, as shown by SAFIRE. :jaw-dropp
A "Bennu, being a CI-chondrite" lie from Sol88.
101955 Bennu (provisional designation 1999 RQ36)[9] is a carbonaceous asteroid ...
C-type (carbonaceous) asteroids are the most common variety, forming around 75% of known asteroids.
CI chondrites, sometimes C1 chondrites, are a group of rare stony meteorites belonging to the carbonaceous chondrites. (six found so far altogether). They formed outside of 4 AU

We cannot be sure that an asteroid is a CI-chondrite until we have a sample to look closely at. Bennu should not be a CI-chondrite asteroid because it has an orbit closer than 4 AU. That means ice and water sublimates and escapes.

Whilst your out sampling, how about some plasma instruments on these asteroid probes?

Might be able to set jd116 straight then.

That means ice and water sublimates and escapes That’s the definition of a comet in the mainstream.
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Folks, the Dirtysnowball! (In a highly conductive medium)

A dribble of water vapour makes not a Dirtysnowball!

Comets that are mostly ice were thought, once, to be Dirtysnowball’s!

Our understanding has evolved since this time... :D
Picking this post of yours more or less at random ...

Can you please explain, in some detail, what this - and your other recent posts - have to do with The Electric Comet Theory? With SAFIRE?
Picking this post of yours more or less at random ...

Can you please explain, in some detail, what this - and your other recent posts - have to do with The Electric Comet Theory? With SAFIRE?

Succinctly put, comets (The cathode or -) are rocky like objects loosing mass in the form of dust and organics via complex and hard to fathom (In a highly conductive quasi-neutral medium) plasma processes involving double layers, electric currents and the Sun (The anode or +).


Succinctly put, comets (The cathode or -) are rocky like objects loosing mass in the form of dust and organics via complex and hard to fathom (In a highly conductive quasi-neutral medium) plasma processes involving double layers, electric currents and the Sun (The anode or +).


I am unfamiliar with the term “loosing”; can you explain please?

Also, what primary source, or sources, on The Electric Comet Theory, can you cite which “reduces to” your “succinctly put” (above)?

Within The Electric Comet Theory, why is Mercury (the planet) not a comet? Ditto the Moon, Callisto, Eros (the asteroid), Phobos (the Martian moon), and Vesta (the asteroid)?

I am unfamiliar with the term “loosing”; can you explain please?

Also, what primary source, or sources, on The Electric Comet Theory, can you cite which “reduces to” your “succinctly put” (above)?

Within The Electric Comet Theory, why is Mercury (the planet) not a comet? Ditto the Moon, Callisto, Eros (the asteroid), Phobos (the Martian moon), and Vesta (the asteroid)?

Baring the Moons (Though you could have thrown in something interesting, say Io and Enceladus, bit anyhoo) and Planets, what is the difference between an active asteroid and a comet?

You do know there is water on Mercury, don’t you?

If it’s in the form of ice outgassing into space, ummmm that’s your definition of a comet.... :thumbsup:

Would you please answer the questions I asked?

Primary sources?

Or the term loosing? Autocorrect - losing (The comet is losing mass electrically)


Did you not comprehend the answer to Mercury, Io, Enceladus, Callisto etc etc?


Are you able to point me in the right direction to get the correct information on exactly what the difference is between an active asteroid and a comet.

Till then... comets are mostly ice and asteroids are mostly rock, is the best I have.

A Song “Blurred Lines” comes to mind, actually. Maybe you could unblurr the lines between a comet and an asteroid?

In short, all my questions.

Primary sources?
Yes. Please cite at least one.

Or the term loosing? Autocorrect - losing (The comet is losing mass electrically)


Did you not comprehend the answer to Mercury, Io, Enceladus, Callisto etc etc?

I asked: “Within The Electric Comet Theory, why is Mercury (the planet) not a comet? Ditto the Moon, Callisto, Eros (the asteroid), Phobos (the Martian moon), and Vesta (the asteroid)“ (bold added).

Please try again.


Are you able to point me in the right direction to get the correct information on exactly what the difference is between an active asteroid and a comet.
I cannot.

I know next to nothing about The Electric Comet Theory. So this is a question for you, the only ISF member who is currently trying to present a case for The Electric Comet Theory.

Till then... comets are mostly ice and asteroids are mostly rock, is the best I have.

A Song “Blurred Lines” comes to mind, actually. Maybe you could unblurr the lines between a comet and an asteroid?
Sorry, no can do. See above.

In short, all my questions.

Yes. Please cite at least one.


I asked: “Within The Electric Comet Theory, why is Mercury (the planet) not a comet? Ditto the Moon, Callisto, Eros (the asteroid), Phobos (the Martian moon), and Vesta (the asteroid)“ (bold added).

Please try again.

I cannot.

I know next to nothing about The Electric Comet Theory. So this is a question for you, the only ISF member who is currently trying to present a case for The Electric Comet Theory.


Sorry, no can do. See above.

Ummmmm.... Basically the same process everywhere, though because it’s the electric force, it’s scalable and very dynamic. Depending on the Sun, of course.

The Magnetic Field Structure of Mercury's Magnetotail

Unless course, you’d like to talk moons that are tangled up in their parent planets magnetosphere?
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Otherwise, I fear we maybe not reading from the same page.

I fear you are reading jonesdave116 and reality check’s playbook on highly conducting quasi neutral plasma, where in any of the above becomes this “impossible pseudoscience balcony **”.

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Oh nice. A commitment. If the sun is positive. As you claim. How has the EU crowd solved the problem we see electrons streaming away from it then?
You know? The opposite way we see them move in every electrical device everywhere?

In fact. Given that in the EC fantasy cometary tails are electrons they should in your theory point toward the sun. Not, as we observe, away from them.

Once again your theories predict the observed universe to be wrong.
At least you're consistent in that.

Otherwise, I fear we maybe not reading from the same page.

I fear you are reading jonesdave116 and reality check’s playbook on highly conducting quasi neutral plasma, where in any of the above becomes this “impossible pseudoscience balcony **”.

The page I hope we are both "reaing from" is the one about The Electric Comet Theory.

We don't seem to be getting very far, if only because you have yet to cite even one source for The Electric Comet Theory.

So, how about it Sol88, care to cite such a source?

Also, now about answering this question of mine?

Within The Electric Comet Theory, why is Mercury (the planet) not a comet? Ditto the Moon, Callisto, Eros (the asteroid), Phobos (the Martian moon), and Vesta (the asteroid).
Oh nice. A commitment. If the sun is positive. As you claim. How has the EU crowd solved the problem we see electrons streaming away from it then?
You know? The opposite way we see them move in every electrical device everywhere?

In fact. Given that in the EC fantasy cometary tails are electrons they should in your theory point toward the sun. Not, as we observe, away from them.

Once again your theories predict the observed universe to be wrong.
At least you're consistent in that.

You are correct, undeniable, Lukrakk!

In a highly conductive quasi neutral medium with the application of electrostatics it is indeed IMPOSSIBLE.... :thumbsup:

Unfortunately we don’t live in that universe...

Field aligned currents, Birkeland currents, double layers all very difficult in your electrostatic quasi neutral highly conductive medium.

Very hard to reconcile the two views...

The page I hope we are both "reaing from" is the one about The Electric Comet Theory.

We don't seem to be getting very far, if only because you have yet to cite even one source for The Electric Comet Theory.

So, how about it Sol88, care to cite such a source?

Also, now about answering this question of mine?

Within The Electric Comet Theory, why is Mercury (the planet) not a comet? Ditto the Moon, Callisto, Eros (the asteroid), Phobos (the Martian moon), and Vesta (the asteroid).

The source?

Your brain champ!

Dirtysnowballs? Ok then... :rolleyes:

Would you like to include Io? Enceladus? These moons are actually discharging just like a comet...

Seems most things in space have a “tail”, even stars!

All very nice but at comet 67P the dust is being removed electrically, from a rocky like consolidated nucleus.

Deal with it... :D

Then we can go looking elsewhere...and we should start at Mercury and Venus, as they have tails. :cool:

Still, I love your red herrings. Very tasty on toast!
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The usual abysmal level of lies, delusions, insults, etc. addressed since 6 July 2009

The thousands of lies, delusions, insults, etc. since 6 July 2009 from Sol88 about his cult's electric comet and electric Sun dogma.
The abysmal insults of the deceased Michael Francis A'Hearn and all astronomers by Sol88 linking them with Sol88's dogma, etc. (no astronomer believes comets are actual rock)
361 items of lies, insults, etc. from Sol88 since ~10 March 2020
The other very debunked cult dogma of an electric sun (SAFIRE) has not been mentioned in a while (CNO fusion neutrinos detected from the real Sun).
Sol88's cult ignores that their ignorant fantasies cause at least hundreds of mass extinction events on Earth !
Will Thunderbolts also have the delusion that Mercury is a comet just because it has a sodium ion tail?
Sol88 continues to emphasize his cult's delusion of claiming that active asteroids are comets that turns >600,000 catalogued asteroids into comets :eye-poppi!
Lowell Morgan who was the only actual physicist on the SAFIRE project says "EU concept is fraudulent ********", "they don't really know any physics or mathematics to speak of", "Monty and the others were making fraudulent statements" (jonesdave116 and a Professor Dave video)

  1. Sol88 emphasizes his cult's delusions yet again with a link to a Wikipedia asteroid image captioned as an asteroid :eek:!
  2. A "every asteroid looks like a comet!" lie when he knows that asteroid 101955 Bennu does not loo like a comet.
  3. A post of lies starting with "Electric Fields acting suspiciously..." from Sol88.
  4. "Sorry, active asteroid Bennu" gibberish ion reply the fact that he lied: A "every asteroid looks like a comet!" lie when he knows that asteroid 101955 Bennu does not look like a comet.
  5. A lying "Is Bennu an active asteroid, reality check?" question when Sol88 was the one who posted that that asteroid Bennu is active.
  6. A post of idiocy about campfires because astronomers label miniature solar flares as "campfires". Followed by a "Ahhh.....plasma..." lie - the solar wind is plasma.
  7. A "Charged dust my slow of learning friend" lie and insult from Sol88 when we have known the detection of charged dust as predicted by mainstream ice and dust cometary science at 67P for years.
  8. A lying "where does the solar corona end/start?" question when Sol88 knows where the solar corona ends and starts.
  9. Sol88 persists with a stupid "Is Bennu an asteroid or a comet" lie when he has cited that Bennu is an asteroid.
  10. A lying "Do comets move thru the solar corona" question when Sol88 knows that the solar corona only extends a few solar radii so only sun grazing comets go into the corona.
  11. Sol88 persists with his "the rocky like comet ..." lie when it is rocky like behavior of landslides on an ice and dust comet 67P.
  12. A "...is ELECTRICALLY interacting with the SUN" lie when Sol8 quotes comets interacting with the neutral SOLAR WIND.
  13. A lying "What is the difference between an active asteroid and a comet?" question when Sol88 has cited papers and has been given sources on the difference.
  14. Sol88 lies about The Refractory-to-Ice Mass Ratio in Comets by Marco Fulle yet again which ignores any ice on active asteroids!
  15. A "Science advances one funeral at a time" lie when that was Planck's principle about scientific truths and the funerals are those opponents (Sol88 and his cult have no science).
  16. A "Well, if you say so." lie when it is the scientific sources I cited that say the solar corona only extends a few solar radii.
  17. A lying "a better question would be, how far does the solar plasma extend" question when Sol88 knows that is irrelevant to his cult's debunked dogma.
  18. A "Bennu, being a CI-chondrite" lie from Sol88.
  19. A "Must be hidden, like the ice on comets" lie when Sol88 has cited that we do not know what causes the dust spurts from Bennu.
  20. A "Must be hidden, like the ice on comets" lie when Sol88 knows that ice has been detected on comets.
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You are correct, undeniable, Lukrakk!

In a highly conductive quasi neutral medium with the application of electrostatics it is indeed IMPOSSIBLE.... :thumbsup:

Unfortunately we don’t live in that universe...

Field aligned currents, Birkeland currents, double layers all very difficult in your electrostatic quasi neutral highly conductive medium.

Very hard to reconcile the two views...
I suspect it's actually fairly straight-forward to reconcile the two.

However, to do so, one needs to understand some hard-won knowledge about plasmas; specifically, the mathematical underpinnings of plasma physics, as elucidated by the likes of Alfvén.

If you, Sol88, are unwilling or unable to even try to understand modern plasma physics, it's no surprise you would be unable to grasp the consistency between observation and theory (as applied to the solar wind, comets, etc).
Years of lying about posts, posters and science continues

A "Jonesdave116’s highly conductive medium, plasma!" lie when being highly conductive is a physical property of plasma.

A lying "Do you believe there are electric fields in space" question when no one denies that there are electric fields in plasma (it is partially ionized :jaw-dropp!. We deny the delusions of his cult about their imaginary massive solar electric field.

The source?

Your brain champ!
It may come as a surprise to you, but I have never written anything on The Electric Comet Theory, as in proposed any such.

All I know about it is what I've read here and sites like Thunderdolts.

So, asking you once again politely, please cite a source (that you trust) for The Electric Comet Theory.

Dirtysnowballs? Ok then... :rolleyes:

Would you like to include Io? Enceladus? These moons are actually discharging just like a comet...

Seems most things in space have a “tail”, even stars!

All very nice but at comet 67P the dust is being removed electrically, from a rocky like consolidated nucleus.

Deal with it... :D

Then we can go looking elsewhere...and we should start at Mercury and Venus, as they have tails. :cool:

Still, I love your red herrings. Very tasty on toast!
Huh? :confused:

Would you please answer my question?

Here it is again:
Within The Electric Comet Theory, why is Mercury (the planet) not a comet? Ditto the Moon, Callisto, Eros (the asteroid), Phobos (the Martian moon), and Vesta (the asteroid).
Years of lying about posts, posters and science continues

"Dirtysnowball! (In a highly conductive medium)" gibberish. Every body in the solar system is surrounded by highly conductive plasma such as the solar wind.

"dribble of water vapour..." lie- millions of tonnes is not a dribble.
"...makes not a Dirtysnowball" lie - ice sublimating on comets is the dirty snowball.
"Comets that are mostly ice were thought, once, to be Dirtysnowball’" lie Comets are still dirty snowballs until we have more evidence that they are not.
A "Our understanding has evolved since this time" lie
The abysmal insults of the deceased Michael Francis A'Hearn and all astronomers by Sol88 linking them with Sol88's dogma, etc. (no astronomer believes comets are actual rock) is based on lying about A'Hearn paper where A'Hearn's opinion is evolving (current tense).
Years of lying about posts, posters and science continues

A "From your source" lie when my source is about Sol88's lie that the corona has something to do with his cults debunked dogma. The corona only extends a few solar radii. Only a few sun-grazer comets will enter it.

A "bang on about like it some form of impediment" lie when plasma being highly conductive makes his cults thunderbolts physically impossible.

A "Old school, as shown by SAFIRE" lie. That electric sun project (the electric sun delusion makes the Sun into a white dwarf, fries us with gamma rays from fusion, ignores what fusion is, etc.) had no electric discharges and is now a cold fusion scam. SAFIRE produced 1 published paper on old school plasma physics. Solar corona: Physics of the corona is part of what makes the the electric sun fusion in the corona fantasy into a delusion. The corona is too cold ("a few million kelvin") and "at very low density" so fusion cannot happen. Solar flares may be hot enough, are also low density but more importantly the Sun des not turn off when there are no flares!
Lowell Morgan who was the only actual physicist on the SAFIRE project says "EU concept is fraudulent ********", "they don't really know any physics or mathematics to speak of", "Monty and the others were making fraudulent statements" (jonesdave116 and a Professor Dave video)
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Years of lying about posts, posters and science continues

Sol88 lies that Bebbu is a CI-chondrit and now a "how about some plasma instruments on these asteroid probe" lie. Asteroid probes do have plasma instruments, e.g. Rosetta "flew by 21 Lutetia, a large main-belt asteroid, ... measurements of the magnetic field and plasma environment were taken as well" :jaw-dropp!

A "That’s the definition of a comet in the mainstream" lie: Comet, Active asteroid
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Years of Sol88 lies about his cult's debunked dogma continues

Years of Sol88 lies about his cult's debunked dogma continues (it has actual rock not a "rocky like" fantasy).

Sol88 continues to thoughtlessly parrot his cult's physically impossible double layers at comets when a plasma physicist here has said they do not exist.

Sol88 continues to parrot his cult's electric sun as a anode delusion that makes the Sun into a white dwarf, fries us with gamma rays from fusion, ignores what fusion is, etc.
Lowell Morgan who was the only actual physicist on the SAFIRE project says "EU concept is fraudulent ********", "they don't really know any physics or mathematics to speak of", "Monty and the others were making fraudulent statements" (jonesdave116 and a Professor Dave video)

It may come as a surprise to you, but I have never written anything on The Electric Comet Theory, as in proposed any such.

All I know about it is what I've read here and sites like Thunderdolts.

So, asking you once again politely, please cite a source (that you trust) for The Electric Comet Theory.

Huh? :confused:

Would you please answer my question?

Here it is again:
Within The Electric Comet Theory, why is Mercury (the planet) not a comet? Ditto the Moon, Callisto, Eros (the asteroid), Phobos (the Martian moon), and Vesta (the asteroid).

I think YOU need to supply me with YOUR definition of what a comet is. :D

What makes a comet a comet, jean tate?

Years of lying about posts, posters and science continues

A lying "difference between an active asteroid and a comet?" question when he has cited the difference.

"You do know there is water on Mercury, don’t you?" idiocy when Mercury is a planet. There is water on Earth :p!

A "that’s your definition of a comet" lie. An active asteroid is an asteroid. Asteroids are actual rock (average density of 3.0 g/cc) with the possibility of tiny amounts of ice. Comets are ice and dust (average density of 0.6 g/cc) with measurements of large percentages of ice (~50% for Tempel 1, at least 14% for 67P as he knows).
Years of lying about posts, posters and science continues

A "The comet is losing mass electrically" lie when comets predominately lose mass by ice sublimating.
When the solar wind can reach the nucleus there is electrostatic lofting of existing dust to make plains and dunes, and eject some dust. When a comet gets close to the Sun, ice sublimates, the coma forma, the solar wind is blocked and so much ice and dust is ejected that the topology of the comets changes!

An insult and lie that he answered a "Mercury, Io, Enceladus, Callisto etc etc?" question.

A lying "what the difference is between an active asteroid and a comet" question when Sol88 has cited and been cited sources on the difference.

A "comets are mostly ice and asteroids are mostly rock, is the best I have" lie
Years of lying about posts, posters and science continues

Sol88 lies by not giving the electric comet reasons about why about why Mercury, Callisto etc. are not comets.

JeanTate asked: “Within The Electric Comet Theory, why is Mercury (the planet) not a comet? Ditto the Moon, Callisto, Eros (the asteroid), Phobos (the Martian moon), and Vesta (the asteroid)“

Sol88 lies by citing The Magnetic Field Structure of Mercury's Magnetotail (comets do not have a magnetic field or magnetotail).
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