Brad Lemley is a friend of mine.
He was instrumental in giving Marilyn her gig via the Parade Magazine article.
He had to remind her, that being as she was the smartest person in the world, that she should be able to eek-out a living on that.
He also wrote an article about me; cover of the Washington Post Sunday magazine.
he hung out with me, quite a bit, trying to create a marketable story about my adventures in passive solar homes, via my history as a stone-mason...the quaint aspect...which i rejected, out-right.
Brad told me, right out, that he considered me much more intelligent then Marilyn.
For the reasonable doubters here, please do some googling.
I have a rational claim to being the smartest person in the world.
Yet, between me and you, I'm a freaking retard.
(I'm the hippy geek on the cover of that magazine article; please don't make me dredge it up...its all too hilarious and pathetic.)
Nevertheless, I am the smartest person you will ever meet.
And I'm considering bailing out. I'm in pain. I have little hope of having sex again, much less other fun. I'm in the way.
Which is why I plan to write something good here, before I'm done.
If you check out Brad Lemley's literary career, you will know I'm not kidding.
I am/was the "undaunted man".
Now, I'm daunted, big time.
All I did to get this moment was build a cheap house that required no heating or cooling; completely off the grid; utterly hip in most regards.
Pity is, that was in the early 80's.
I have learned so much more since then.
And still,
I know I am stupid beyond belief.
Just a lot smarter than Marilyn.
I.Q. is absolutely nothing compared to a good guitar riff.
Its time for me to get really funky here.
My time is near an end.
Because I'm in pain, I'm also on drugs.
But I'm still hellish smarter than Marilyn.