Those who do not like my use of ALL Caps to EMPHASIZE the words I want to, TOUGH!
NO ONE FORCES them to read my posts.
And the fact those who would not make a pimple on my butt when compared to my service to others (and many other things) do not like my using ALL CAPS, want to come call me a fourteen year old to my face, this Deep Sea Diver, 101st Airborne Paratrooper, Bouncer, 5' 101/2''- 2OO lbs. will be most happy to demonstrate how far I'm from being fourteen!
And FYI, the odds of any of those not liking my use of all caps exceeding my general experience & general knowledge, my reading speed and comprehension skills and my intelligence are about zero!
(And the odds of any exceeding my tested Listening skills are Zero!)
NO ONE FORCES them to read my posts.
And the fact those who would not make a pimple on my butt when compared to my service to others (and many other things) do not like my using ALL CAPS, want to come call me a fourteen year old to my face, this Deep Sea Diver, 101st Airborne Paratrooper, Bouncer, 5' 101/2''- 2OO lbs. will be most happy to demonstrate how far I'm from being fourteen!
And FYI, the odds of any of those not liking my use of all caps exceeding my general experience & general knowledge, my reading speed and comprehension skills and my intelligence are about zero!
(And the odds of any exceeding my tested Listening skills are Zero!)