I admit, I have fantasies of Q transporting in to have a few words with the "q" people....
In 2020 I was in the small lake Huron resort town of Southampton when Roman Dildos followers came in with their stupid cease abd desist under penalty of death notices regarding vaccinations.
The poor pharmacist and her assistant were at a loss when they started putting up notices saying the store was closed and arrests are imminent. I was getting some orange juice when they demanded my ID, credit card number (for the fines I was getting) and the keys to my car. I'm old but not small so I told them to come and take them, or at least try. The shrill screeching made me thankful I'm nearly deaf.
When nothing happened I went through the store ripping down signs and cursing them out. I learned from my mother who could make sailors cry.
Still not much reaction so more customers started laughing at them. One little woman blocked the door until some sort of special police force got there. We all pushed by easily and removed and tore up the signs on the window. Disposed of them properly too.
You have to understand that the OPP, the provincial police handle law enforcement there and unless it's an emergency they take their time. When they did arrive (I went back the next day) all were trespassed and given warnings about doing this again.
And that dear audience is my one Q interaction. When we left, they were all yelling and waving signs at me. I waved back of course.
Such a nice little town and beach. I hope the trash has been taken out since then.
As an aside, I embarrassed my adult kids terribly. My job as a parent is complete.