I was persuaded by analysis of the phone calls Pistorious made after the shooting.
Judge Masipa, a "hanging" judge of men who abuse women was persuaded that he perceived an intruder.
Indeed I think the forum owner found similar.
Now, why can't we debate this sensibly?
How about arguing it honestly, for a start?
You've implied that South Africa is a war zone and that Pistorius was justified in his actions by virtue of that assertion. Of course that assertion is nonsense, so now you've blthely ignored that and pivoted to claiming that the judge was biased and that your analysis of the phone calls has convinced you of his innocence.
By all means, tell us what your analysis of his phone calls tell you.
03:20 the phone was used to make an internet connection. This could include use of social networks like Twitter, Facebook, or WhatsApp.
03:20 Pistorius called 082911, an emergency services number. The call lasted 66 seconds.
This was followed by another internet connection,
03:21 a call to a number ending in 6797 - security at the Silver Woods estate.
03:21 Pistorius called 121, his voice mailbox number.
03.22 Silver Woods' security called Pistorius back.
More internet connections followed, and then, at 03:55, Pistorius called his friend Justin Divaris.
04:01 - he called his older brother Carl.