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    When we moved to Xenfora some of the signature options didn't come over. In the old software signatures were limited by a character limit, on Xenfora there are more options and there is a character number and number of lines limit. I've set maximum number of lines to 4 and unlimited characters.
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  • Hi, there! I hope you are doing well. I also hope to find out where everybody from the old forum went. It isn't really fun to pop in here much anymore. :(
    Hi! I've been away again but now we are finally in our new state and in our new house. I came back here and everything seems to have changed while I was away. Did everybody, or most everybody, go away? If so, where did they go? I see people still post here but all the oldest threads are gone and this place doesn't look or feel the same.

    I hope you are well. :)
    Hi Julia,

    How are you doing?

    I have a quick question..I ended up on the "StopSylvia email: What You Resist Persists" thread today. If you look you will see what happened. Long story short, in the future I am going to share the personal story I told you about with RSLancastr. Is it OK if I just forward him the email I sent you...it does have your name in it so if you don't want me too that is perfectly fine.

    I hope all is well with you!
    I haven't seen you around lately; I hope to, soon. In the meantime, I hope you are well.
    I was talking when my phone played a little tune. I thought it was an incoming call, and apologized to you. I kept talking to you for another 20-30 minutes (mostly about my not knowing when to shut up, appropriately enough) before I realized you were no longer there. The "little tune" was what my phone plays when it shuts off. Sorry!!
    Congrats on making your 1000th post! :cheerleader2 :) Every one of them a gem, I'm sure, going from what I've seen.
    Merry Chrimbo, wasapi! :) I love reading your posts. I've noticed you in some of the sad threads we've had lately, and your words are so beautiful. You comfort me, a concerned bystander, and I'm sure you comfort the troubled. Thankyou, and my very best wishes.
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