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  • I have seen that each side accuses the other of self-righteousness. Because of that, I try to be open minded to their issues. I like to think of myself as open minded.

    I really tried at the beginning of my research into this case to be open that Knox and Sollecito could be guilty. I don't detect open mindedness on the guilt-side.

    I've come to the conclusion that the confirmation bias started 4 days after the crime before the DNA had been processed, and it never stopped.

    I posted here once - I tried presenting a list of what the guilters believe all in one place, to try to start a dialog. But it got too difficult with the way the threads quote from the prior one.

    It's here http://forums.randi.org/showpost.php?p=6072459&postcount=2755

    I don't have the brain power of you or the other excellent posters!

    Thanks for all your effort!
    Oh I find his hubristic, self-congratulatory tone particularly hilarious when it's coupled with the sort of inept "analysis" that he's been posting on PMF recently. Of course I also saw the ridiculous bathmat hypothesis, and I shook my head in amused wonder at it as well.

    What makes it all the more amusing is that PMF core members have a fixation on certain JREF members (including me), and constantly make accusations of our pompous self-righteousness. The irony of the situation seems lost on them....which doesn't altogether surprise me, I suppose.

    Do you post on this thread? I don't recall seeing any of your posts before.
    I'm chuckling over your comment about somealibi :

    "I am very much enjoying SomeAlibi's authoritative and painstakingly accurate "grand theories" over on PMF. They have all stood up to the slightest scrutiny - which is fortunate, owing to the theatrical flourishes with which they have been presented. The latest one about the lamps in Meredith's room is superb, and is a perfect example of unbiased analysis coupled with ruthless attention to detail. More of the same, please."

    Did you catch his comments a few days ago about the bath mat and the toothbrush? (Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 12:47 am Post subject: Re: XVIII. MAIN DISCUSSION, JULY 22 - ) I sent that to a friend and she said she rolled on the ground with laughter.

    Thanks for bringing it up, and it's interesting that you are complimenting him. I'm looking forward to reading a response from PMF.
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