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oscar pistorius

  1. Skwinty

    Oscar Pistorius shoots girlfriend - Part 2

    Thread continued from part 1. The prosecutions appeal papers here.... http://www.pod702.co.za/Eyewitnessnews/docs/141104NPA.pdf James Grant ‏@CriminalLawZA For me, a desperately necessary appeal - the long road to Bloemfontein ahead. ETA...
  2. figarot

    Oscar Pistorius shoots girlfriend

    http://www.news24.com/SouthAfrica/News/Oscar-Pistorius-shoots-girlfriend-reports-20130214 She is dead at the scene. Local news on the radio suggest she wanted to surprise him for Valentine's Day. He thought she was an intruder. Shot her in the head and arm. Tragic. If only he could have made...

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