I sure hope that Musk isn't playing video games all day, because he has more important stuff to do. Nevertheless, the claim that he cheated by getting someone else to play under his name is not proven.
The saddest part is that apparently there are people who spend every waking moment playing video games. In comparison my own abilities are pretty poor. I once spent 5 hours nonstop trying to get past a bit in Tomb Raider, but never managed to finish the game (or any others in the series).
Back in the 80's and 90's when I was into home computers, cheating was standard practice. Most people didn't even buy the games, they got 'cracked' copies with 'trainers' that gave you invincibility, infinite bullets, start at any level etc. These were often called 'pokes', referring to the BASIC command used to modify the program, and they were commonly published in magazines for 'honest' people to apply to their original games. This was before the internet so gamers would send letters to the magazine publishers with the high scores they purportedly got. Sometimes you could tell it was fake because the game never gave that score, but otherwise you just had to trust them. If they were lying it wasn't a big deal for me, after all it was just a game - nothing important.
Seems like the actual experts in this game, who know way more about it than you and I, are completely convinced he has cheated. To them, it is blatantly obvious.
He has no clue what he is doing, displays fundamental misunderstandings of the game mechanics, the value of dropped loot, and his character, and doesn't use or even apparently understand the game terminology. He has no idea of the capabilities of the ridiculously high level items his character already has, and thinks they are average because they are lower in numerical level than his character level, despite them being some of the most powerful items available. He literally doesn't understand what his character has. Because someone else made it for him.
He displays all the characteristics of someone who is just dropped in at a super high level, then does his usual ◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊◊ to try to make it sounds like he knows what he is doing. But, to people who do actually know what they are doing, his ignorance is clear.
He's a cheat, a liar and a fraud. But you don't care, because its just a game, nothing important.
But, he is still a cheat, a liar and a fraud, that is his character, through and through. And it applies to everything he does, every pronouncement he makes in whatever industry he touches. That is why he never ends up doing what he promises, because his promises are worthless. Because, he is a cheat, a liar and a fraud.
You cannot trust a single thing that Twat-0-Nine-Tales says, on any subject whatsoever.