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  1. a_unique_person

    Cont: Musk, SpaceX and future of Tesla II

    Thread continued from here. Musk wins the vote. What is happening to the world where there is unquestioning loyalty to people like Musk and Trump. You know already they care for nothing other than themselves and the adulation they demand.
  2. plague311

    Split Thread Musk, SpaceX and future of Tesla

    Yeah, the losses are massive and going down more and more every day. It's showing at $137 right now. I am all for it. I have no investments in Tesla, and I think Elmo is a ******* douche. I hope he drills it all into the ground and ends up having to sell it, or gets the boot, or something...
  3. Rum

    Merged Battery assault? / Tesla's Powerwall

    Tesla home batteries - fighting the renewables fight or not? http://gadgetshow.channel5.com/news/tesla-powerwall-home-battery-will-end-humanitys-reliance-fossil-fuels
  4. Puppycow

    Gov. Christie does the right thing (sort of)

    After doing the wrong thing a year ago, he's decided that maybe Big Brother shouldn't be interfering in the market for automobiles as it always has in the past. It's a step forward, but why should it only apply to one company? Why shouldn't all car makers be allowed to sell cars directly to...
  5. C

    Quick Tesla question.

    Why did the government confiscate Tesla's work after his death, and have they declassified it all yet? If not, why not? Thanks.
  6. andyandy

    Tunguska....meteoroid, comet, tesla, antimatter or something else?

    This is a really fascinating event.... The Tunguska event was a natural explosion that occurred in Siberia on June 30, 1908. The energy of the blast was later estimated to be between 10 and 15 megaton TNT. It felled an estimated 60 million trees over 2,150 square kilometers.....just before the...
  7. Thing

    Brecht, Barnum, Tesla and Hubbard

    Mike Daisey, who I've never met or seen, is performing a series of extemporised monologues called "Great Men of Genius" in Seattle, where I've never been. The Tesla and Hubbard ones in particular sound very interesting. His site gives links to reviews in The Stranger, Seattle's alternative...
  8. J

    Dial "T" For Tesla

    As anyone who has read about the last decades of Nicola Tesla's life he had some crazy habits. Was obsessed with the number 3 for example. The line between genius and insane is sometimes so thin. My purpose is not to soil his memory. Thanks to his genius we have fluorescent lights, radio, tesla...
  9. T

    Did Tesla invent the radio?

    In this thread, peptoabysmal wrote: It is my understanding that the "radio" Marconi is usually credited with inventing merely emitted a blast of what we would nowadays call "noise" (or "static") splattered across a huge range of radio frequencies. A Morse-code style key was used to turn the...

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