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Cont: General Israel/Palestine discussion thread - Part 4

The identity of the man who struck and caused the death of Paul Kessler has now been identified to the public (not by the cops, but through 'detective work' by social media).
His name is Loay Alnaji, a convert to Islam, and it's been revealed that he was charged with murder before (in Dubai). Alnaji was sentenced to death in Dubai for murder, which was later reduced to manslaughter after he paid monetary compensation to the family of the victim and he was subsequently released from prison. His social media accounts are allegedly replete with support for HAMAS.
It is totally not true... which is why you keep bare asserting despite the FACTS of international law and sanity.

Israel was created by international law... and it has not obeyed a single other ever since... and broken numerous ones.

The Palestinians were ****** by international law and dispossessed and made refugees... international law in fact fully allows their armed resistance as totally legitimate.

So I am afraid you have it totally all muddled up and topsy turvy... I suggest you learn the history and international laws on the matter... you very clearly do not know either.

The Arabs have rejected international law time and time and time again, before Israel was created and after. Never hear you complain about that once. I guess you think international law is only for Jews but not for Arabs?
Because the people the Afrikaans were in a conflict with hadn't declared a Holy War on the entire world?

Because the people the Afrikaans were in a conflict with wouldn't kill me, you, everyone in this thread, and every Western Coffee Shop Liberal no matter how hard they simp for them?

The muslim insanity has been the direct result of...

this... and this... and this... and most importantly this... and this... and and and and and
So Muslims have been treated bad so they just get to do whatever they want?

He seems to be suggesting that very thing. Muslims have been treated bad therefore they are not bound by international law. Only Jews are.
What does that have to with the Palestinians... why do you keep returning to this error again???

Because we're not living in a fantasy world where this is an isolated conflict and not part of a larger "The Muslim World hates Jews and wants them all dead and Israel gone" one.
What does that have to with the Palestinians... why do you keep returning to this error again???

Please don't edit my comments again like that.

What does this have to do with the Palestinian Arabs? That makes no sense.
So Muslims have been treated bad so they just get to do whatever they want?

No... MUSLIM CRAZIES have been aided and financed and armed and trained since 1900s by the British and then the USA.... READ HISTORY.

The Taliban were created by the USA to fight Russia by Proxy.... read the bloody links I gave you before you assume a strawman.
No... MUSLIM CRAZIES have been aided and financed and armed and trained since 1900s by the British and then the USA.... READ HISTORY.

So Muslims get to kill Jews in 2023 because Reagan had such a hard on for stopping communism he backed the Mujahedeen?
He seems to be suggesting that very thing. Muslims have been treated bad therefore they are not bound by international law. Only Jews are.

I would have told you to read the links I cited before you assume a strawman... but I know you will never do that .... but...
I would have told you to read the links I cited before you assume a strawman... but I know you will never do that .... but...

Have you ever condemned the Arabs for violating international law before and after 1948?
I'm convinced. Israel gets to invade Germany and kill 6 million modern day, secular, non-Nazi German civilians s and that's totally fair and makes sense because the Holocaust happened.

("IB4 No that's totally different that's a strawman...")
So Muslims get to kill Jews in 2023 because Reagan had such a hard on for stopping communism he backed the Mujahedeen?

And because Zionists equally as crazy went to their lands from an equally crazy Europe and have been ethnically cleansing them since the 1900s too.

Have you read the cited links... I bet you have not...

Let me ask you a question...

If you enter a room and observe A punching B in the face.... do you then conclude that A is the aggressor?
The Taliban were created by the USA to fight Russia by Proxy.... read the bloody links I gave you before you assume a strawman.

No, they were not. The Taliban were founded in 1994. They didn't even exist until after the Soviet Union collapsed. The Taliban are a creation of Pakistan, not the USA, and they never fought the Russians.

You really don't know what you're talking about.
I need quickly to return to the statement that "Israel was created by International Law"

The Jewish State of Israel was not 'created' by the UN. In fact, UNGA merely passed a resolution recommending a partition. The United Nations is neither a State nor a Government, and therefore does not possess any authority to recognize or create either a State or a Government.
Palestine (State) is recognized by 136 UN member nations.
I'm convinced. Israel gets to invade Germany and kill 6 million modern day, secular, non-Nazi German civilians s and that's totally fair and makes sense because the Holocaust happened.

("IB4 No that's totally different that's a strawman...")

Yes, Leumas is saying that during WW2, Jewish partisans would have been legally and morally justified in launching massacres upon German villages full of civilians.
I need quickly to return to the statement that "Israel was created by International Law"

The Jewish State of Israel was not 'created' by the UN. In fact, UNGA merely passed a resolution recommending a partition. The United Nations is neither a State nor a Government, and therefore does not possess any authority to recognize or create either a State or a Government.
Palestine (State) is recognized by 136 UN member nations.

Wrong. If the UN and the international community did not recognize Israel's existence in 1949 then they would not have been a state, just an illegal entity.
I'm convinced. Israel gets to invade Germany and kill 6 million modern day, secular, non-Nazi German civilians s and that's totally fair and makes sense because the Holocaust happened.

("IB4 No that's totally different that's a strawman...")

Ah... but the victims of Nazi Germany get to invade Palestine and take it over and Ethnically Cleanse it and confine the rest in concentration camps and

... that's totally fair and makes sense because the Holocaust happened.

It is not ok for Zionists to take back THEIR ANCESTRAL lands and houses in Europe from which they were expelled and murdered very recently and within many living Zionists' memory today... but it is ok to take the ancestral lands and houses of the Palestinians???
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There is no such thing as a "legit country" because the only thing that makes a country a country is other countries agreeing you are a country. That's how we live in a world where Vatican City is a country and Hong Kong is not and absolutely no objective definition of "Country" you can make where that can make sense.

The whole "Israel was created by blah blah blah" is a red herring. Every country in the world declared itself through statements of power and land grabbing except maybe Singapore the only modern nation-state to become independent against its will which is hilarious but a story for another day.

This is where Liberal White Guilt about Colonialism breaks down because nobody would get to live anywhere if it was really a problem that needed to be solved.

"Oh I don't live in the exact same square foot as our ancestors lived a thousand years ago." Wah ya' ******* babies suck it up.
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Ah... but the victims of Nazi Germany get to invade Palestine and take it over and Ethnically Cleanse it and confine the rest in concentration camps and...

There are no concentration camps in Palestine. Your hyperbole is dishonest and absurd.
Yes, Leumas is saying that during WW2, Jewish partisans would have been legally and morally justified in launching massacres upon German villages full of civilians.

And you are opposed to that on what grounds exactly??? Haven't the allies done EXACTLY that all over Germany and Japan and Italy and North Africa???
It is not ok for Zionists to take back THEIR ANCESTRAL lands and houses in Europe from which they were very recently and within many living Zionists today... but it is ok to take the ancestral lands and houses of the Palestinians???

Do you believe it is morally and legally just for Jews to murder Poles, Russians, Germans, Czechs, Slovaks, Slovenians, Serbians, Austrians, Hungarians, than live in homes that used to be theirs?
It is not ok for Zionists to take back THEIR ANCESTRAL lands and houses in Europe from which they were very recently and within many living Zionists today... but it is ok to take the ancestral lands and houses of the Palestinians???

Again it's not my fault you've swallowed Muslim propaganda about a "Sacred Palestinian Homeland" that nobody gave a crap about until they put Jews on it.

If you honestly believe that this is about where some group of people called the "Palestinians" who are 100% indistinguishable in language, race, ethnicity, and culture from the people who live in Muslim mono-states around Israel I don't know what to tell you.
*snip crazy Zionists...*
Let me ask you a question...
If you enter a room and observe A punching B in the face.... do you then conclude that A is the aggressor?

Not a hypothetical, let's look to the murderous incident Nov 5th in Ventura county, California.

Mr. Kessler was struck in the face by a bullhorn (megaphone). He is "B"
Mr Alnaji struck him. He is "A"

Without video of the actual interaction, what can we conclude?
And you are opposed to that on what grounds exactly??? Haven't the allies done EXACTLY that all over Germany and Japan and Italy and North Africa???

I don't believe in murdering civilians. Its terribly immoral and unjust.
Wrong. If the UN and the international community did not recognize Israel's existence in 1949 then they would not have been a state, just an illegal entity.

In 1949, the UN accepted Israel as a member. On May 11, 1949 the UN General Assembly votes 37 to 12, with 9 abstentions, to admit Israel as a member state, making her the 59th member of the United Nations.

You really need to brush up on how the UN operates. (or fails to operate, YMMV)
Not a hypothetical, let's look to the murderous incident ....

of ... well.... throughout the last two centuries... Imperialist Colonialists... ******* indigenous peoples in FIVE CONTINENTS...

Without video of the actual interaction, what can we conclude?

But we also have video and 8mm films and news reals and archives and HISTORY GALORE... that none of you would even DARE to read... ever.
Okay and? Even if this kind of absurd "X people have been treated bad ergo they get to commit violence NOW" argument wasn't just a complete load of sawdust and manure it applies to the Jews more.

You ain't gonna win a "We've historically been treated bad" dick waving contest with the Jews.

Again unless you are incapable of looking at anything outside of the context of Liberal Victim Ranking, but if that's not my problem to solve.
Concentration camps don't have malls, shopping centers, fancy hotels and pools. And a giant beach.

Theresienstadt was cynically described as a "spa town" where elderly German Jews could "retire" in safety.
Writers, professors, musicians, and actors gave lectures, concerts, and theater performances.

While I'm absolutely certain that Gaza does not rise anywhere into the universe of Concentration Camps, it can be said that the Gaza Strip is in need of some serious re-thinking of what it represents and what the future holds for Gazans. That exact conversation is happening now, thankfully.
However, using Nazi terminology is not of any value to the conversation, and leads nowhere.
of ... well.... throughout the last two centuries... Imperialist Colonialists... ******* indigenous peoples in FIVE CONTINENTS...
But we also have video and 8mm films and news reels and archives and HISTORY GALORE... that none of you would even DARE to read... ever.

I asked about a specific and well-known current event. Why are you sidestepping my direct question and going off about two centuries of history? Mr. Kessler was struck, and died. You asked a hypothetical, and I narrowed it down to reality. Aren't you interested in reality? C'mon, we have A and B.
Do you conclude that A is the aggressor?
So to sum up:

A member of the IDF kills a Muslim: We talk about that.
A member of Hamas kills a Jew: "Let's talk about the evils of Western colonialism and list every bad thing that's ever happened to a Muslim ever."
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This is where Liberal White Guilt about Colonialism breaks down because nobody would get to live anywhere if it was really a problem that needed to be solved....

Except in Israel where INDIANS and Africans and Russians and Ukrainians and Germans and Polish etc. can THUMP the poppycock of the TORAH as a title deed from an imaginary sky daddy of a mythical peripatetic Sumerian pimp.

With the "Liberal White Guilt" aiding and abetting and arming and giving annually BILLION$$$ and hoodwinking the crimes going on there.... to alleviate their "Liberal White Guilt"... while decrying the Palestinians for resisting present and clear CRIMES against them as "Liberal White Guilt" pulling.... wow!!!
Except in Israel where INDIANS and Africans and Russians and Ukrainians and Germans and Polish etc. can THUMP the poppycock of the TORAH as a title deed from an imaginary sky daddy of a mythical peripatetic Sumerian pimp.

With the "Liberal White Guilt" aiding and abetting and arming and giving annually BILLION$$$ and hoodwinking the crimes going on there.... to alleviate their "Liberal White Guilt"... while decrying the Palestinians for resisting present and clear CRIMES against them as "Liberal White Guilt" pulling.... wow!!!

For someone with "strawman" on their word of the day calendar you are responding to what people are actually saying less and less and just doing more and more unhinged ranting with each post.

I halfway expect a pidgin English routine to start up.
So to sum up:

A member of the IDF kills a Muslim: We talk about that.
A member of Hamas kills a Jew: "Let's talk about the evils of Western colonialism and list every bad thing that's ever happened to a Muslim ever."

No your summation is a risible and obvious strawman....

I asked you a question which you did not answer... it got answered by another guy with giving an example of a recent crime he is harping on about... which ahs nothing to do with the question and is arrantly irrelevant.

And now instead of answering the question you are strawmanning.

And because Zionists equally as crazy went to their lands from an equally crazy Europe and have been ethnically cleansing them since the 1900s too.

Have you read the cited links... I bet you have not...

Let me ask you a question...

If you enter a room and observe A punching B in the face.... do you then conclude that A is the aggressor?
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You really should not talk about international law until you expect the Palestinian Arabs to abide by it. Which Hamas and Islamic jihad and Hezbollah refuse to do.

But neither does Israel. And Likud will not recognise the right of the Palestinians to a independent state and are committed to the illegal settlement of the West Bank.

Likud is not even the most extreme member of the Israeli government.
Let me ask you a question...

If you enter a room and observe A punching B in the face.... do you then conclude that A is the aggressor?

The Forum was posed a hypothetical, and I responded by presenting a real-world actual example (so far, no crime has been charged) that we can look at and talk about. It's quite unfortunate to realize that Leumas is not interested in an actual discussion.

Well, I tried.
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