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  1. webfusion

    Is Sheikh Nasrallah done and buried?

    BREAKING NEWS: https://www.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-822095 Massive IAF airstrike obliterates the Hezbollah HQ. Nasrallah might have been at the location, no confirmation. Reuters reports that Nasrallah is alive, citing a source close to Hezbollah. Iran's IRGC-controlled Tasnim News...
  2. Orphia Nay

    Iran attacks Israel

    “Booms and air raid sirens sounded across Israel early Sunday after Iran launched hundreds of drones, ballistic missiles and cruise missiles in an unprecedented revenge mission that pushed the Middle East closer to a regionwide war.“ https://apnews.com/article/33fcffde2d867380e98c89403776a8ac...
  3. S

    How is Israel Going to Retaliate Against Hamas?

    Just curious what you all think? Beyond the air/rocket strikes, unless you think that's all? I suspect it's going to be brutal. And indiscriminate.
  4. B

    Israel is good for the Palestinians

    http://canadafreepress.com/index.php/article/32131 Israel is good for the Palestinians I will Apologize No More By Ari Bussel Friday, January 14, 2011 Israel is good for the Palestinians. It supplies them electricity. It fulfills any order of the Palestinian Authority as a conduit into...
  5. B

    Another Hoax Against Israel

    http://elderofziyon.blogspot.com/2011/01/tear-gas-death-was-hoax.html They are without shame, and they didn't give up without a real fight: That is, with regard to the accusation by the PA that Israel had "killed" Jawaher Abu Rahma with tear gas in the course of the demonstration at the fence...
  6. T

    Israel tears down 80 year old hotel to make way for Jews ONLY

    http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20110109/ap_on_re_mi_ea/ml_israel_palestinians um......if Israel is a modern western-style democracy, why are they still building housing settlements in Israel proper for specific ethnic and/or religious groups??? this makes no sense. every apartment building or...
  7. MaGZ

    Why should Israel be allowed to have nuclear weapons?

    Why should Israel be allowed to have nuclear weapons?
  8. webfusion

    "We Don't Want No Stinkin' Aid" (Gaza)

    In another recent thread, there was some discussion about whether or not Israel would continue aid and assistance to the people in Gaza, despite the HAMAS taking over there. Israel is trying hard to get food and supplies through ---- but the terrorists are trying their hardest to stop it...
  9. Almo

    Jimmy Carter: Palestine Peace Not Apartheid

    Just finished reading this book; it's an excellent overview of the sitution over there. It leans toward Israel being the main agressor, but does not excuse acts of violence from anyone.
  10. Almo

    New settlement in East Jerusalem

    http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/6645777.stm When I look at this image, I feel like I'm looking at a larger, more organized version of the results of a suicide bombing. Both images make me feel sick.
  11. webfusion

    Openly Critical of Israeli Actions --- war crimes?

    We have seen several times, where JREF's "Israel cheerleaders" are scolded because they (we/I) don't voice criticism openly here, and are biased, and refuse to recognize the terrible injustices that the Israelis commit. In the main, I refrain from Israel-bashing (there is a fine line between...
  12. T

    Does Israel Have The Right To Exist?

    After hashing some of the questions and comments in another thread concerning Israel and Palastine I am curious if most believe Israel has the right to exist.
  13. Cleon

    Israel Recalls Ambassador to El Salvador

    For the record: This is not a statement against Israel or Israelis, nor a comment on the Israel-Palestine situation. I just find this really, really funny. Linky. (Emphasis mine.) But wait, there's more! Apparently this is only one of several incidents involving Israeli diplomats engaging in...
  14. S

    So, how soon...

    The EU, part of the so-called "quartet", had vowed not to deal with the PA's government as long as it doesn't recognize Israel or gives up terror. Now that a new so-called "unity government" formed in the PA--a government which, explicitly, declared it will never recognize Israel and will never...
  15. S

    Why Europe Abandoned Israel

    Excellent article here: http://www.americanthinker.com/2007/01/why_europe_abandoned_israel_1.html
  16. Almo

    Amnesty International's report on the Israeli Wall

    http://web.amnesty.org/library/index/engmde150162004 Notable quote: Amnesty is not saying that one side is blameless. I find that fact to be important in determining the relative objectivity of their position as a whole.
  17. webfusion

    IAF -- cleared for takeoff

    Despite the routine denials of the Israelis, there are several reports now being circulated which indicate the IAF is being readied for a mission to Iran. http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/830309.html Qatar, Oman and the United Arab Emirates, have told the United States that they would not...
  18. The Fool

    Hamas Must Recognise Israel

    I believe it is an essential prerequisite to any sort of future peace...so I have a question. What does "recognize Israel" mean....what are they being asked to recognize? Is it reasonable that what they are expected to recognize be reasonably defined?
  19. webfusion

    KANA - "Israel not to blame"

    An initial IDF inquiry has revealed that Israel may not have been to blame for the explosion that killed more than 50 civilians in the southern Lebanese village of Kfar Kana on Sunday. --- http://www.israelnationalnews.com/news.php3?id=108783 Air Force Commander Amir Eshel left open the...
  20. FireGarden

    Israel is suspending air strikes for 48 hours

    http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/5229058.stm Still seems to be breaking news. Let's hope it's true. And that it leads to something permanent.
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