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Are there any republicans who are reasonable and not maga?

No, that is NOT the reason. Here are my positions again (which you are obviously ignoring for your one convenience):

One thing I will not do is vote for any republican who's an idiot and wants to "own the libs" rather than work together to make government smaller while at the same time protecting or helping as many folks as possible who need it, especially children.

I'm not a fan of abortion, but I'm also not some kind of egotistical male who wants to tell women what they can and can't do by passing stupid laws.

I'm also a fan of pot, so legalize the damn stuff and tax the s**** out of it. The prohibition of alcohol didn't work and neither does it work for weed. Other drugs (like heroin, meth, or fentanyl) are a different story all together.

Sexual orientation is personal and none of it should be outlawed by the government, whether local or federal.

Banning books is stupid.

I don't believe in putting the ten commandments up in classrooms or forcing children to read the bible, especially since the whole beginning of genesis is loaded with a detailed list of incestuous begettings (unless of course, god was able to pull off a secret creation in the next county over), and it's just weird that religious fanatics would consider that a good thing to teach children as part of some kind of lesson in morality. Personally, if you're gonna put up anything, it should be the Golden Rule.

There are many, many things I totally agree with the democrats on, but I will not abandon the republican party just because a bunch of maga weirdoes are trying to ruin it for the rest of us reasonable republicans. My reason why is no one's business but my own.

This is what it means to be a reasonable republican to me.

You can call that being a RINO, or a racist, or that I hate LE and the LGBTQ crowd if you want, but that's your opinion and not a fact.

I suggest that you picked the wrong party to be a member of, or you are too cowardly to get out. You just described the Democrats policies almost perfectly. Whereas the GOP/MAGA positions are almost diametrically opposite.

I suggest that you picked the wrong party to be a member of, or you are too cowardly to get out. You just described the Democrats policies almost perfectly. Whereas the GOP/MAGA positions are almost diametrically opposite.
But he was clear policies and positions and frankly the politics of the republican party are not preferable to him, this is about identity not politics.

I suggest that you picked the wrong party to be a member of,
or you are too cowardly to get out. You just described the Democrats policies almost perfectly. Whereas the GOP/MAGA positions are almost diametrically opposite.

No, actually, I'm more honest than I really need to be. If I was a coward, I would just lie and tell everyone I'm a dem, but EN democrats would rather attack me instead. Good luck with that.

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Ok, let me repeat this again and maybe some of you will understand where I'm coming from, but I doubt it:

"This is what's weird.

"I spent months arguing and fighting for democrats in MSN and fox forums, and I was attacked constantly by maga weirdoes, but then I come to ISF, and I'm attacked by some here just for being a reasonable republican.

"Sure, I could lie and say I'm a dem, but I chose to be honest, and it's obvious that some extremist nutjobs think that's wrong. Probably just because they're still angry they lost and need a convenient target to attack, and I'm it, making them no better than the maga weirdoes I fought against for months.

"I'm just glad that not all dems are like that, and I thank all the reasonable ones for treating me fairly and honestly.

"The rest of the EN dems can go pound... "

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But he was clear policies and positions and frankly the politics of the republican party are not preferable to him, this is about identity not politics.

Actually, being a reasonable republican gives me a chance to call maga weirdoes idiots (for months in MSN and fox forums) for assuming I'm a lib. Of course, they all call me a liar, but they're the real liars.

"This disastrous election"??? So you would have preferred that Kamala Harris won? That hardly seems "reasonable" for anyone who claims to be a Republican.
You see, Amy, if you aren't MAGA, you aren't a real republican.
I applaud you for not being MAGA but I also think there aren't enough reasonable Republicans out there that will ever bring your party back from MAGA. You may as well quit The Party and join the opposition, that's the only way to save the USA, if it isn't too late.
You see, Amy, if you aren't MAGA, you aren't a real republican.
I applaud you for not being MAGA but I also think there aren't enough reasonable Republicans out there that will ever bring your party back from MAGA. You may as well quit The Party and join the opposition, that's the only way to save the USA, if it isn't too late.

That's what maga weirdoes and EN democrats think, but no one can make that decision except me, and I have a very, very personal reason why I will NOT switch parties, but that's my business, and not theirs.

You may identify as Republican but The Party doesn't care about what you identify as. To them, if you aren't full-tilt MAGA, you are a commie liberal. You can shout as loud as you want that you are a Republican, but you are just yelling at the wind.
You may identify as Republican but The Party doesn't care about what you identify as. To them, if you aren't full-tilt MAGA, you are a commie liberal. You can shout as loud as you want that you are a Republican, but you are just yelling at the wind.

They may say that, but that doesn't make it a fact. It's just another maga weirdo opinion from idiots that think the hypocritical, veteran-hating liar called trump is god. How could I possibly take them seriously? The ENs aren't any better either.

EN Democrat does not come up in any search engine. It's a term you made up, apparently.
Ahh, I see. Extreme Nutjob Democrats..ie, people that don't agree with your reality.
Ahh, I see. Extreme Nutjob Democrats..ie, people that don't agree with your reality.

Good for you, except ENs aren't just democrats. They're actually from both sides of the fence that drown out the reasonable republicans and democrats with their extreme hate.

You might even call me one, except I don't attack unless I'm attacked, or my friends are attacked. My friends are the reasonable ones from both sides of the fence.

Now a days, it seems like my friends are mostly the reasonable dems.

That's because the Republican party is the MAGA party. They cater to the nutjobs, and people become nutjobs to be a part of MAGA. The GOP has always been the nutjob party, they used to hide it fairly well with cloaks of sanity and the use of dog-whistles. Now, they've come out, enboldened by Trump, to peacock their nutjob feathers and use loudspeakers of bigotry instead of dog-whistles.
That's because the Republican party is the MAGA party. They cater to the nutjobs, and people become nutjobs to be a part of MAGA. The GOP has always been the nutjob party, they used to hide it fairly well with cloaks of sanity and the use of dog-whistles. Now, they've come out, enboldened by Trump, to peacock their nutjob feathers and use loudspeakers of bigotry instead of dog-whistles.

Although I agree with most of what you said, I always thought my fellow vet John MacCain (RIP) wasn't a nutjob, and he actually stuck a big stick up trumps butt, and you've got to give him credit for that. Liz Cheney too, although she's more subtle than McCain.

Personally I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. On the one hand, a party that won't do what I want. On the other hand, a party that promises to do everything I don't want.

The only reason I laughed is because I know exactly how that feels, and it's really no laughing matter, but I'm not going to cry. I'm going to still fight those weirdo maga idiots every time trump and what's his name makes a mistake and they will make a lot of them. I may not be able to predict the future, but you'll see I'm right.

And the best part is no matter what happens, they can't blame it on the dems for at least two years, otherwise I'll laugh at them for being hypocritical, lying ENs.

I will sympathize with those caught in the crossfire, but what else can I do? Cry? That won't help anybody.

As a matter of fact, I'm in the following MSN forum fighting for dems right now who are being accused of rioting during trumps inauguration in 2017 and also the BLM protest:

Biden's DOJ Throws Wrench in Jan. 6 Defendants' Requests

Here's my comment that some maga idiot said was a lie:

"Actually, most of those were instigated by disguised "antifascist" who ran down the street throwing rocks into storefront windows, and then at LE. It's within the realm of possibilities that they were maga weirdoes trying to turn peaceful protests into violent ones to discredit the left.

"And FYI, the police and FBI, using video camera film, identified a number of right-wing militia members instigating violence at BLM protests. The goal was to start a race war. One guy was videotaped in 4 cities.

A far-right extremist who pretended to be a BLM supporter pleaded guilty to rioting

On May 27, Ivan Harrison Hunter, 26, traveled from Texas to Minneapolis during the height of last summer's George Floyd protests and fired gunshots in the Minneapolis 3rd Police Precinct while yelling "Justice for Floyd!" on video, according to The Associated Press and The Daily Beast.

According to NBC News, Hunter is a member of a militia group called the Boogaloo Boys that is anti-government and has the goal of starting a second civil war. Court documents suggest that he attended the protest with two other Boogaloo Boys — one of whom was accused of murdering two police officers, according to The Daily Beast.

Here's my reply to the maga weirdo who called me a liar:

'That's a total lie.' --- "Why? Because it makes the maga weirdoes look bad? Well then, prove it's a lie."

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Actually, being a reasonable republican gives me a chance to call maga weirdoes idiots (for months in MSN and fox forums) for assuming I'm a lib. Of course, they all call me a liar, but they're the real liars.

But in modern American politics you are a lib, the Overton window shifted past you.
I think the moniker Amy needs to adopt is "RINO".

Although called Dems "EN" as in "Extreme Nutjobs" is full-on MAGA-think.

Just FYI, Amy, elsewhere in the world, the US Democrats would be considered conservative center-right, certainly not anywhere clearly to "the left" of anywhere. By comparison, our Australian conservative coalition, our most right wing major party, are probably even more "liberal" than the US Democrats by comparison, and positively socialist by MAGA standards. As are many other very conservative parties in other countries. Only the US Republicans have gone so far to the right that they would consider even Atilla the Hun to be a socialist commie lib wimp. As ponderingturtle said, the Overton window in the USA has shifted so far to the right that "reasonable conservatives" are now out of the frame too.
I think the moniker Amy needs to adopt is "RINO".

Although called Dems "EN" as in "Extreme Nutjobs" is full-on MAGA-think.
Just FYI, Amy, elsewhere in the world, the US Democrats would be considered conservative center-right, certainly not anywhere clearly to "the left" of anywhere. By comparison, our Australian conservative coalition, our most right wing major party, are probably even more "liberal" than the US Democrats by comparison, and positively socialist by MAGA standards. As are many other very conservative parties in other countries. Only the US Republicans have gone so far to the right that they would consider even Atilla the Hun to be a socialist commie lib wimp. As ponderingturtle said, the Overton window in the USA has shifted so far to the right that "reasonable conservatives" are now out of the frame too.

Well, you're attacking me like the maga weirdoes do (especially since I'm on your side), so quit being mean, and I won't have to call you anything but a friend.

It you want to call me a RINO, fine, but that don't make it a fact.

I'm a registered republican, and that's a real fact, regardless of what other cheesy, self-deluded, mumbo-jumbo opinion you might want to believe.

So, deal with it, be a friend, or you can go pound sand too.

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If you say so, but I'm a registered republican so you can go pound sand... bwahahahaha

I have considered registering as a republican so that I can vote for saner candidates in primaries, it is identifying with a political party that you disagree with all their principles that I find very strange.

Kind of like someone who didn't believe in god identifying as a catholic.
I have considered registering as a republican so that I can vote for saner candidates in primaries, it is identifying with a political party that you disagree with all their principles that I find very strange.

Kind of like someone who didn't believe in god identifying as a catholic.

Ok, that actually makes sense, and thank you for your reasonable response, and I also apologize for calling you an EN and a maga weirdo.

BTW, do you know who Dan Savage is?

He's a writer for a paper out here in Seattle called The Stranger.

He's gay and also does a podcast and advice column about being gay.

He's also a registered republican too, for the very same reason you wanted to be one.

He's kind of my hero in many ways.

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I have considered registering as a republican so that I can vote for saner candidates in primaries, it is identifying with a political party that you disagree with all their principles that I find very strange.

Kind of like someone who didn't believe in god identifying as a catholic.

Oddly enough, I'm also a baptized catholic, but I think god is a she, and as long as you follow the golden rule, she doesn't give a rat's a**** what religion or bible you follow.

I'm weird like that.

Ok, that actually makes sense, and thank you for your reasonable response, and I also apologize for calling you an EN and a maga weirdo.

BTW, do you know who Dan Savage is?

He's a writer for a paper out here in Seattle called The Stranger.

He's gay and also does a podcast and advice column about being gay.

He's also a registered republican too, for the very same reason you wanted to be one.

He's kind of my hero in many ways.

But I certainly wouldn't identify as a republican and I seriously doubt Dan Savage does either. It is the identifying with an ideologically based group that you do not share the ideology of that is weird.
Oddly enough, I'm also a baptized catholic, but I think god is a she, and as long as you follow the golden rule, she doesn't give a rat's a**** what religion or bible you follow.

I'm weird like that.

But do you identify as a catholic, I know lots of people raised catholic who do not consider themselves such.
But I certainly wouldn't identify as a republican and I seriously doubt Dan Savage does either. It is the identifying with an ideologically based group that you do not share the ideology of that is weird.

True, that is weird, but that's me, weird to the bone, and it does come in handy sometimes.

Dan votes at republican primaries, and so do I.

Washington used to do caucuses, but that changed a few years ago.

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But do you identify as a catholic, I know lots of people raised catholic who do not consider themselves such.

Do you mean, do I think the pope is god's representative on Earth? Hell no, but I guess being baptized as a catholic makes me one regardless, right?

To me, it's the same thing as being a registered republican, but still not liking trump, what's his name, or the maga weirdoes.

But do you identify as a catholic, I know lots of people raised catholic who do not consider themselves such.

Here's what I also believe as a reasonable republican:

I believe in smaller government, lower taxes, and not so many damn regulations and laws, but I also believe in following the law (except I LOVE my weed), and I'm also more than willing to work with reasonable democrats to achieve what I believe and also help those who need help, especially children.

If that makes me a RINO to the outside world, then fine, but I get to define who I am, and not some maga weirdoes, who are not reasonable by any stretch of the imagination, especially since they love a hypocritical, veteran-hating liar called trump.

A reasonable republican, IMO, is also like my fellow vet, John McCain (may he RIP), and he may not have been perfect, but he certainly stuck a big stick up trump's butt, and if no other reason, you've got to give him credit for that at least.

You may not agree, but I also consider Liz Cheney in the same way.

ETA: As far as higher taxes for billionaires, I'm on the fence about that one, but I'm willing to be convinced otherwise. I also want to eliminate inheritance taxes for everyone who inherits under a million dollars, but I'm also willing to negotiate the numbers on that one too. After all, I am a reasonable republican.

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Here's what I also believe as a reasonable republican:

I believe in smaller government, lower taxes, and not so many damn regulations and laws, but I also believe in following the law (except I LOVE my weed), and I'm also more than willing to work with reasonable democrats to achieve what I believe and also help those who need help, especially children.

If that makes me a RINO to the outside world, then fine, but I get to define who I am, and not some maga weirdoes, who are not reasonable by any stretch of the imagination, especially since they love a hypocritical, veteran-hating liar called trump.

A reasonable republican, IMO, is also like my fellow vet, John McCain (may he RIP), and he may not have been perfect, but he certainly stuck a big stick up trump's butt, and if no other reason, you've got to give him credit for that at least.

You may not agree, but I also consider Liz Cheney in the same way.

ETA: As far as higher taxes for billionaires, I'm on the fence about that one, but I'm willing to be convinced otherwise. I also want to eliminate inheritance taxes for everyone who inherits under a million dollars, but I'm also willing to negotiate the numbers on that one too. After all, I am a reasonable republican.

Clearly you want to expand the inheritance tax then as the current threshold is much higher than a mere million.

So which OSHA and EPA regulations do you want to get rid of? Clearly there is to much emphasis on worker safety after all.
Clearly you want to expand the inheritance tax then as the current threshold is much higher than a mere million.

So which OSHA and EPA regulations do you want to get rid of? Clearly there is to much emphasis on worker safety after all.

In some states, the inheritance tax is a lot lower than a million, but if the federal inheritance tax is higher than a million, than I see no reason to change it, unless you can convince me otherwise.

There is no way I want to get rid of OSHA or the EPA, because even though I'm retired, I was also a worker, and I also love a clean environment and all the animals in it. I am a hypocrite, though, because I do love meat, but I do try not to eat as much of it as possible.

As far as climate change is concerned, I'm not sure if it's true or not, but I am NOT against anything that will help stop it, just in case I'm wrong. I'm also big time into renewable energy, but I'm not a believer in making laws to force folks to give up their gasoline powered cars, although I have no problem with regulations that make gasoline exhaust cleaner.

In some states, the inheritance tax is a lot lower than a million, but if the federal inheritance tax is higher than a million, than I see no reason to change it, unless you can convince me otherwise.

There is no way I want to get rid of OSHA or the EPA, because even though I'm retired, I was also a worker, and I also love a clean environment and all the animals in it. I am a hypocrite, though, because I do love meat, but I do try not to eat as much of it as possible.

As far as climate change is concerned, I'm not sure if it's true or not, but I am NOT against anything that will help stop it, just in case I'm wrong. I'm also big time into renewable energy, but I'm not a believer in making laws to force folks to give up their gasoline powered cars, although I have no problem with regulations that make gasoline exhaust cleaner.

So what regulations are overreaching, you are giving a pass to the ones that usually get the focus, what regulations do you want to get rid of, please be specific.

As for the death tax you currently only need to file if the value of the estate is over 13 million.

Estate Tax
So what regulations are overreaching, you are giving a pass to the ones that usually get the focus, what regulations do you want to get rid of, please be specific.

Why do I have to be specific? I'm not running for freakin' office you know.

But to answer your question anyway, some of the IRS rules that allow the elite to get away with paying as little tax is possible is one of the places I'd like to see go away, but of course, then you'll say I'm not for lower taxes, but that just makes you sound like you're trying to trip me up rather than having a reasonable conversation.

Also, have you seen some of the building codes out here? They make it much more difficult to build a house cheaply.

A lot of regulations concerning starting a business needs to go, especially the ones that make it harder or cost more to get them started.

I'm also against banning mobile home parks. I can understand keeping them out of the inner-city, downtown areas, but they also ban them out here in the outskirts.

Another one is in stopping to tax SSI benefits.

Give me specifics yourself, and if I understand what you're referring to, I'll give you an answer.

Why do I have to be specific?
Because otherwise you come off as using talking points that clearly have no basis in fact like how you thought that it would be raising the inheritance tax to have a minimum threshold of a million. Being specific
But to answer your question anyway, some of the IRS rules that allow the elite to get away with paying as little tax is possible is one of the places I'd like to see go away, but of course, then you'll say I'm not for lower taxes, but that just makes you sound like you're trying to trip me up rather than having a reasonable conversation.

Also the tax industry is to blame they want to make doing your taxes hard so people need them. Expanding the IRS would also go a long way to that. American tax code is written to screw over the average person.

Also, have you seen some of the building codes out here? They make it much more difficult to build a house cheaply.

And they make houses less likely to burn down and kill those inside. What building codes do you think serve no practical purpose?

I am reminded of people who just lost their house in a wild fire being pissed that code was made to make houses less likely to burn in said fires.

Clearly houses should also not need to be made hurricane resistant in Florida either

A lot of regulations concerning starting a business needs to go, especially the ones that make it harder or cost more to get them started.

Could you be specific, what regulations do that and don't serve a purpose.
Because otherwise you come off as using talking points that clearly have no basis in fact like how you thought that it would be raising the inheritance tax to have a minimum threshold of a million. Being specific

Also the tax industry is to blame they want to make doing your taxes hard so people need them. Expanding the IRS would also go a long way to that. American tax code is written to screw over the average person.

And they make houses less likely to burn down and kill those inside. What building codes do you think serve no practical purpose?

I am reminded of people who just lost their house in a wild fire being pissed that code was made to make houses less likely to burn in said fires.

Clearly houses should also not need to be made hurricane resistant in Florida either

Could you be specific, what regulations do that and don't serve a purpose.

Whatever, dude. I'm not running for freakin' office, and all that crap sounds like you're just trying to trip me up rather than have a reasonable conversation. I'm not for letting people get hurt or lose their homes or jobs, but you seem to think that's what I'm saying.

So, good luck with all that... and bye bye

"Which ones? I don't know, but I'm sure there are some," makes it sound like your position is informed by impressions rather than facts. However, as someone who forgets specifics after reading up on things, I get it. I'd just say "I don't remember; I'd have to look at it again," rather than guessing based on half-memory (which ALWAYS bites me in the ass) or getting shirty about it.
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