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Are there any republicans who are reasonable and not maga?

True, but I think dems sometimes go overboard on PC, like being against the word "master" just because it might remind someone of slavery?

What makes you so against having the minimum necessary lelvels of consideration for others?

And forget abourlt "the Dems take it too far", if lip service to an idea is too far for you, you're just making an excuse for yourself.
What makes you so against having the minimum necessary lelvels of consideration for others?

And forget abourlt "the Dems take it too far", if lip service to an idea is too far for you, you're just making an excuse for yourself.

That's just my opinion, and obviously, your mileage does vary from mine.

We can still have opinions, right, or are you against that also?

What makes you so against having the minimum necessary lelvels of consideration for others?

And forget abourlt "the Dems take it too far", if lip service to an idea is too far for you, you're just making an excuse for yourself.

I'm NOT against it, but do you really think making the word "master" unacceptable (as in, "master" bedroom, or "master's" tour for golf, or stair "master" for example) just because it's linked to slavery? Seems a little overboard to me.

Trust me, I've been scolded many, many times by dems for that very reason. It's just plain annoying.

My thoughts exactly and thank you.

My biggest problem with democrats is all this PC crap.

Could you be specific? Is it that you hate the LGBTQ community or what?

I know you think the police should be able to summarily execute anyone suspected of passing a bad $20.
True, but I think dems sometimes go overboard on PC, like being against the word "master" just because it might remind someone of slavery?

And that is a reason to side with those who tried to overturn a democratic election?

I wonder what do you call the last reasonable nazi for as a corollary.
The problem is that you think staying in the party means I'm for fascism and worse, but since you don't know me, or the reason why, is why you're wrong.

You sided with Trump of your own decision own it. The republican party is the party of trump now and by staying a member you are like the member of the nazi party who was like "but I was never for all that I was for the early stuff".
I'm NOT against it, but do you really think making the word "master" unacceptable (as in, "master" bedroom, or "master's" tour for golf, or stair "master" for example) just because it's linked to slavery? Seems a little overboard to me.

Trust me, I've been scolded many, many times by dems for that very reason. It's just plain annoying.

Really this is your reason to support the modern republican party?
Could you be specific? Is it that you hate the LGBTQ community or what?

I know you think the police should be able to summarily execute anyone suspected of passing a bad $20.

Where do you get all that from? Just because I have a very, very personal reason (that's none of your damn business) for not switching parties doesn't mean I'm for any of that

Jeez, talk about assuming something without any reason at all.

Really this is your reason to support the modern republican party?

Why do you assume that? Once again, just because I have a very, very personal reason (that's none of your damn business) for not switching parties doesn't mean I'm for any of that.

You sided with Trump of your own decision own it. The republican party is the party of trump now and by staying a member you are like the member of the nazi party who was like "but I was never for all that I was for the early stuff".

Whatever floats your boat, dude.

Where do you get all that from? Just because I have a very, very personal reason for not switching parties (that's none of your damn business) doesn't mean I'm for any of that.

Jeez, talk about assuming something without any reason at all.

You were clear that you hate PC, and that is certainly part of the PC many republicans hate. Look you are a loyal member of the party of Trump.
Why do you assume that? Once again, just because I have a very, very personal reason (that's none of your damn business) for not switching parties doesn't mean I'm for any of that.

You give them your support so you get classed in with them.
You were clear that you hate PC, and that is certainly part of the PC many republicans hate. Look you are a loyal member of the party of Trump.

Jeez, where did I say, I hated it?

Talk about twisting things to fit you're confirmed bias, that takes the cake, but it makes you sleep better, go for it.

Whatever floats your boat, dude.

Look you choose to associate with them, it is very much like the fine people on both sides of Charlottesville. Why should you lump people who show up and support white supremacists as white supremacists?
Jeez, where did I say, I hated it?

Talk about twisting things to fit you're confirmed bias, that takes the cake, but it makes you sleep better, go for it.

It is the only stated reason why you choose to associate yourself with republicans instead of democrats.
Well, since at one time dems, supported the KKK, does that mean you give them support too?

Ah but the KKK switched to your beloved republican party with the southern strategy. Try to keep things in this millennium if you want to be taken seriously.
Look you choose to associate with them, it is very much like the fine people on both sides of Charlottesville. Why should you lump people who show up and support white supremacists as white supremacists?

I supported them long before the hypocritical, veteran-hating liar called trump took over my party. Like I already explained (which you're obviously ignoring), just because I have a very, very personal reason (that's none of your damn business) for not switching parties doesn't mean I'm for any of that.

Good luck with all your delusional confirmation biases.

It is the only stated reason why you choose to associate yourself with republicans instead of democrats.

No, that is NOT the reason. Here are my positions again (which you are obviously ignoring for your one convenience):

One thing I will not do is vote for any republican who's an idiot and wants to "own the libs" rather than work together to make government smaller while at the same time protecting or helping as many folks as possible who need it, especially children.

I'm not a fan of abortion, but I'm also not some kind of egotistical male who wants to tell women what they can and can't do by passing stupid laws.

I'm also a fan of pot, so legalize the damn stuff and tax the s**** out of it. The prohibition of alcohol didn't work and neither does it work for weed. Other drugs (like heroin, meth, or fentanyl) are a different story all together.

Sexual orientation is personal and none of it should be outlawed by the government, whether local or federal.

Banning books is stupid.

I don't believe in putting the ten commandments up in classrooms or forcing children to read the bible, especially since the whole beginning of genesis is loaded with a detailed list of incestuous begettings (unless of course, god was able to pull off a secret creation in the next county over), and it's just weird that religious fanatics would consider that a good thing to teach children as part of some kind of lesson in morality. Personally, if you're gonna put up anything, it should be the Golden Rule.

There are many, many things I totally agree with the democrats on, but I will not abandon the republican party just because a bunch of maga weirdoes are trying to ruin it for the rest of us reasonable republicans. My reason why is no one's business but my own.

This is what it means to be a reasonable republican to me.

You can call that being a RINO, or a racist, or that I hate LE and the LGBTQ crowd if you want, but that's your opinion and not a fact.

Maybe I missed something along the way, but I'm under the impression that Amy Strange is ideologically Republican, and unwilling to join a party that is not, but that this does not, it seems, include endorsing Trump or many of the policies of the current incarnation of that party. While I'm inclined to disagree on many, in fact probably just about all, of the ideological issues, I think that remaining in the party and supporting specific policies and candidates are two different things, and it's a mistake to suggest they are not.
Sorry, but you're the one being delusional not me.

So famous republican Strom Thurmond lots of republicans talked about how it was a shame he lost his run for the presidency in 1948 when he died. Clearly keeping blacks in their place was well with in the republican mainstream by then.
Maybe I missed something along the way, but I'm under the impression that Amy Strange is ideologically Republican, and unwilling to join a party that is not, but that this does not, it seems, include endorsing Trump or many of the policies of the current incarnation of that party. While I'm inclined to disagree on many, in fact probably just about all, of the ideological issues, I think that remaining in the party and supporting specific policies and candidates are two different things, and it's a mistake to suggest they are not.
Then we are wrong to group all Nazis together with the bad ones by that logic. What about all the good nazis who never hurt anyone?
So famous republican Strom Thurmond lots of republicans talked about how it was a shame he lost his run for the presidency in 1948 when he died. Clearly keeping blacks in their place was well with in the republican mainstream by then.

Yeah, so what?

Clearly nothing you took issue associating yourself with in 2003.

Actually, I voted for Obama and didn't vote for Bush 2 (either time), because he was an idiot, and I even protested against the Iraq war, but keep proving my point. It's funny to read... bwahahahaha

Are there any reasonable Republicans? Here's one...


Oh, you meant a live one??
Yea because Operation Wetback was a reasonable action.
Maybe I missed something along the way, but I'm under the impression that Amy Strange is ideologically Republican, and unwilling to join a party that is not, but that this does not, it seems, include endorsing Trump or many of the policies of the current incarnation of that party. While I'm inclined to disagree on many, in fact probably just about all, of the ideological issues, I think that remaining in the party and supporting specific policies and candidates are two different things, and it's a mistake to suggest they are not.

Exactly, and thank you.

ETA: Some folks are no better than the maga weirdoes.

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Maybe I missed something along the way, but I'm under the impression that Amy Strange is ideologically Republican, and unwilling to join a party that is not, but that this does not, it seems, include endorsing Trump or many of the policies of the current incarnation of that party. While I'm inclined to disagree on many, in fact probably just about all, of the ideological issues, I think that remaining in the party and supporting specific policies and candidates are two different things, and it's a mistake to suggest they are not.
So another vote for stopping using Nazi as a pejorative as there were many good people who were members of the Nazi party.
The problem is that you think staying in the party means I'm for fascism and worse, but since you don't know me, or the reason why, is why you're wrong.

The problem is that the party you obviously love has left you. It's gone. It doesn't exist. It's pining for the fjords, for spam's sake!
Back in 2015 Lindsey Graham predicted that if Trump was nominated for the Presidency the Republican Party would be destroyed. He was absolutely right, even if not in the way he meant it.
The problem is that the party you obviously love has left you. It's gone. It doesn't exist. It's pining for the fjords, for spam's sake!
Back in 2015 Lindsey Graham predicted that if Trump was nominated for the Presidency the Republican Party would be destroyed. He was absolutely right, even if not in the way he meant it.

Jeez, another one who thinks their opinion is fact.

I NEVER, EVER said I loved the republican party. I merely said I have a very, very personal reason for not switching parties and that reason is none of your damn business.

This is what's weird.

I spent months arguing and fighting for democrats in MSN and fox forums, and I was attacked constantly by maga weirdoes, but then I come to ISF, and I'm attacked by some here just for being a reasonable republican.

Sure, I could lie and say I'm a dem, but I chose to be honest, and it's obvious that some extremist nutjobs think that's wrong. Probably just because they're still angry they lost and need a convenient target to attack, and I'm it, making them no better than the maga weirdoes I fought against for months.

I'm just glad that not all dems are like that, and I thank all the reasonable ones for threating me fairly and honestly.

The rest of the EN dems can go pound...

While I get the Nazi analogy, I think it a poor one. A lifelong Democrat who grew up with Nixon and McCarthy to hate, my take on this is somewhat theoretical, but I think if I had been a Republican I would do more to distance myself from the shambles the party has become than some here. But there has been a Republican party for many years. Many persons, though too many of questionable or worse political ideas, have passed through it without threatening the downfall of the nation or the death of bipartisan compromise. Though now it has been corrupted, perhaps fatally, by a progression of radical right wingers and scorched-earth vandals culminating in the ascendency of Trump, it was not his creation. The Nazi party was Hitler's creation from the start.

I think the Republican party is a hot steaming mess, but I don't hold the implacable optimism of some of the old guard to bring it back responsible, even though I'm pretty sure it's futile.
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