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  1. D

    Teach a 5-year-old what a virus is

    This Easter weekend we had another one of those Trump moments where you think to yourself: Is this the dumbest man alive? Why does he pretend to know stuff when he makes it so obvious to (almost) everybody that he doesn't? 49 sec:"The germ has gotten brilliant" Donald Trump llL_9dLKb3c He is...
  2. V

    Antibiotics, bacteria, resistance & inherited traits

    This paragraph is from an article on Shigellosis, an intestinal infection which is causing some concern in the US at the moment: Drug resistance develops when bacteria comes into contact with antibiotics at doses that are too low to kill them. When that happens, bacteria adapts to the drug and...
  3. Brian-M

    Methane Breathing Aliens

    Watching an old episode of Babylon 5 recently, I began wondering about the plausibility of methane breathing aliens (specifically, methane breathing motile intelligent aliens). Science fiction is full of methane breathing aliens, but how realistic are they? To make use of methane, it'd need to...
  4. F

    Nickel eating may be responsible for world's worst die-off.

    Re: http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/50088913/ns/today-today_tech/t/nickel-eating-bacteria-blamed-worlds-worst-extinction/?lite=obnetwork Evidence/process supporting the idea that nickel using bacteria in Earth's oceans caused the death of much of the life in them in the latter part of the...
  5. Q

    Human Microbiome Project

    There is a cool article in the Oct. 22 NewYorker Magazine. It discusses the relationship between us and our microbes, which is quite complex and full of surprises. The article is called "Germs are us" by Michael Specter. I'm having trouble linking it, but its well worth a read.
  6. T

    What did viruses do before the Fall?

    Here's a question for DOC, edge, AvalonXQ and any other creationists on this forum: What did viruses do before the Fall of Man? Creationists explain such evils as predation and parasitism as resulting from God's curse on g=creation following the Fall of Man. It's their way of dealing with the...
  7. Reivax

    Moo juice

    Does anyone here drink 'raw' milk, as in, fresh from the cow? I ask because my family has recently been offered some, free of charge, from an acquaintance dairy farmer. I understand that there is some debate about the health benefits/risks associated with its consumption. This arises due to the...
  8. neutrino_cannon

    Cheating Malthus even more: some amateur musings

    I was speaking to a friend of mine about photovoltaic cell chemistry, and to be honest the majority of it went way over my head, but the issue of efficiency came up. As I was able to comprehend it, the issue is that once the electrons get bumped around by the incoming photons, the resultant...
  9. Madalch

    Weird "biological medicine" theory

    The silly naturopath in my city writes a semi-regular article for the local weekly paper. One of the things she mentioned in this issue was that she had attended a "biological medicine" conference where she learned the new theory that viruses, bacteria, and parasites were simply the same...
  10. Bob Blaylock

    A World of Life in a Drop of Water — My Father's Microscope

    When my father passed away in December, I inherited, among other things, his microscope. Lately, I've been going out and collecting bits of gutter water, moss, lichen, and such; mixing it together, and then looking at random drops of it through this microscope. Just last night, I felt...
  11. badnews

    Silver in water

    Hi Guys, Hopefully someone can help. My Mum puts a piece of silver in drinking tap water when she keeps it in the fridge (or whereever) she said that silver keeps water clean and doesn't make it go stale. She said it's been used for ages and so on... Does anyone know anything about this...
  12. Eos of the Eons

    Quorum Sensing

    Sounds like woo woo hogwash, but this is really cool: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11544353 Bacteria do communicate with each other. I'm surprised I hadn't heard of this before, so I had to share. I'm not sure if it is spelled out online, but I saw the person who coined the term...
  13. NobbyNobbs

    The creationists are gonna freak!

    I stumbled across this today, and would like verification. Specifically, I'm not familiar with New Scientist magazine, and I don't know how reliable a source they are. Would anyone care to comment?
  14. C

    Reiki, help much appreciated

    Hi to all, this is my first post here, apologies if this has been asked before, but I can't find the answer. I'm sceptical to the core of my being, it gets me into all sorts of trouble really. A friend of mine has mentioned there is "scientific proof" that reiki has a measurable effect on...
  15. The Atheist


    I recently decided to look up some information on hand sanitisers, which have been extensively advertised here in the past couple of years. The advertising consists mostly of statements to the effect that the solution "kills 99.99% of germs" (or harmful germs). This sounded like an...
  16. S

    Fugu: Poison Free

    An interesting essay appears in today's NY Times at the following URL detailing efforts to produce poison (tetrodotoxin) free puffer fish .....amazingly and paradoxically some fugu groups are fighting it. Yes, this belongs in science...
  17. D

    Most atheists do not know what science says about our origins

    The origin of life is a crucial part (if not the most important question) of the Theist/Atheist debate. Yet I contend that most atheists are not aware that all life (the blue whales, the insects, the elephants, the octopuses, the trees in the redwood forests, the butterflies, the cactus, the...
  18. K

    What more Microbes can effect?

    Hello, In view of smaller size, wide presence and other chracteristics, how much microbes can influence our daily life? Can these be the reciever, carrier, preserver, interpreter and passer of our small small informations? [spy] In one thought; Bacteria can control their Temperature...
  19. A

    Good bacteria drinks

    Any ideas if or how they work. Their are lots of drinks in my local supermarket with 'good bacteria' in them. How do these bacteria get past the acid in my stomach. I can only think of a Saving Private Ryan scenario where the few survivors who make it through the opening stage get to go on and...
  20. Skeptic Ginger

    Amazing Bacteria Communication

    Split from Medicine should be taught in high school Blutoski posted some interesting stuff about bacteria: And while the post only briefly touched on the plasmids needing a particular density to propagate, that was the issue that caught my attention. (Plasmids are little vessels that carry...

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