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Apr 2, 2005
True practitioners of this art can kill a person, garunteed. The strikes will indeed damage the insides and the person will die, the takedowns will break a persons spine, it works. It is what it is, and does what it's designed to do. It's based on 10 different animals' ways of fighting, the double palmed bear palm strike would destroy your heart and internal organs. It is hard to comprehend just how much force is coming down with the double bear palm. It kills people. A xinyiluihequan fighter cannot be moved backwards at all, no matter the size or strength difference. Just kill the opponent, strike from any direction not just forwards. You have 7 attacks for one of the opponents attacks. Whole body hitting, whole arms, elbows up down and all directions, shoulders, hips, leg attacks, takedowns, backbreaking takedowns, hardcore headbutt and whole head attacks, one legged standing. I like how the head is used in Xinyiluihequan! The whole body becomes one connected unit, so the whole body is a weapon. Even an elbow is not just the mechanical force of the swing of the elbow, but the whole body structure coming froward as a unit. No one could escape it, or circle around or counter strike. Hardly anyone outside China has this art or these skills, and it is not taught openly to just anyone or someone who hasn't proven themselves to be of high character. You won't see classes in this style in "advertisements" or being advertised to the public. A true practitioner of this art is "uncorruptable", doesn't hurt people other than for real self defense, and doesn't behave wrongly or poorly in their personal lives. You might think, "oh yeah, i do that martial arts stuff too, i do kicking, punching, locking, throwing. I can throw combos." Well, no, you don't have this though. This is attack from all directions, up, down, left right, high, low, diagonal, behind. 7 attacks in the time the opponent can do 1 or 2. Xinyi can't lose. You can throw maye a 3 hit combo in a couple seconds, you can't throw 7 attacks at once though, only this art can.

Video of some Xinyiluihequan martial arts. The first man on this video who performs the upwards and downwards elbow as well as arm striking, shoulder striking, kicking, and stomping leg striking is 73 year old Li Zhensi. Next is a woman perfoming bear palm and kicking, and after that demonstrating is a Beijing fighting and sparring caoch who is experienced in streetfighting. People who tried to pull guns on xinyiluihequan fighters ended up dead from strikes You can see the double bear palm would kill someone as well as elbow strikes and headbutts. The downward double handed chopping takedown at the 2:23-2:24 mark of the video breaks the opponents spine. This is why xinyiluihequan is known as "the cruelest martial art"

Child practicing xinyi luihe

XinYi LiuHe in Zhoukou, China



Form videos

More clips, 2 person practice

Some basic applications

Sledge hammer! Ugh

Lol Xinyi toss people

Also it uses the 3 sectional staff, a very dangerous weapon

Here is a video which shows the hooked swords, which were originally designed to hook the legs of horses


Xinyi is a very interesting art. Some say it was created by the famous Chinese general Yue Fei. Some research indicates it was practiced by the gaurds and gaurdians at the Buddhist Shaolin temple. It also was secretly known in Muslim communities. It's based on 10 animal ways of fighting.


It also was practiced secrectly in Muslim Communities in the past

Shaolin Xinyiba Routine

Information about Shaolin xinyiba


Out of xinyiquan(heart/intention fighting), developed a new art called xingyiquan(shape and body structure/intentio fighting). It is generally not as effective or as high level as the older xinyiquan.

Squatting Monkey came to be added to the training

Based on 10 animals

And Xingyiquan
Riiiiiight. That's what the kid from Pennsic said.
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It's based on 10 different animals' ways of fighting, the double palmed bear palm strike would destroy your heart and internal organs.

Have you ever seen a bear kill someone with a "double palmed bear palm strike?" I've always thought bear tactics were more along the lines of biting the face and stabbing with claws repeatedly.
Any functional martial art, properly used*, can cause death/fractures etc. - especially against an untrained oponent.

*I am not a proponent of fights for fun. I am of the "if you are forced to fight, the fight should be short and the opponent (which, for me, is the person who started/forced the fight) incapable of continuing" school of combat.
Jake S is Kilik? Oh, my.

The posting of lots of links that don't demonstrate what he claims fits the pattern.
A xinyiluihequan fighter cannot be moved backwards at all, no matter the size or strength difference.

People who tried to pull guns on xinyiluihequan fighters ended up dead.

Why am I reminded of the scene in the Indiana Jones movie when Indiana, armed with a whip, is attacked by a man with a sword? Indiana, shrugs, takes out his gun and shoots the guy.

The ancient martial art of belting someone over the head with a beer bottle has also been known to cause injury.
Why am I reminded of the scene in the Indiana Jones movie when Indiana, armed with a whip, is attacked by a man with a sword? Indiana, shrugs, takes out his gun and shoots the guy.


Reminds me also of the stories about the 19th Century Boxer rebels believing
that they could not be harmed by "foreign bullets".
Jake S is Kilik? Oh, my.

Me too. Good lord.

He was asking over at Skeptical Community a few days ago for links to other MBs, but I didn't see anybody link him to JREF, and I actually assumed that he'd been here already, because how could you spend any time hanging out at SC and not hear about JREF? Well, I guess if you spend all your time doing nothing but posting copious drive-by links to woo sites in a couple of forums, and never, like, actually talk to anybody, you wouldn't.

Happy to see that the JREF mods have given his unique posting style short shrift. :D
Reminds me also of the stories about the 19th Century Boxer rebels believing
that they could not be harmed by "foreign bullets".
I dote on enemies who believe in some version of that!!!
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The ancient martial art of belting someone over the head with a beer bottle has also been known to cause injury.
Actually it is the considered opinion of many masters of this branch of the martial arts that the use of the frosty mug is actually more effective given the greater mass and a more effective hand hold i.e.:the handle.
Baseball is a really effective Martial Art. Just make sure you are near a pool table when the fighting starts. Winging a pool ball at someone causes major damage.
How do you pronounce that anyway?

Do not the circumvent auto censor in breach of rule 10
Replying to this modbox in thread will be off topic  Posted By: brodski

Anyway - a pool cue is far more effective than a pool ball
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Edited by brodski: 
removed profanity

Anyway - a pool cue is far more effective than a pool ball

But you need more room to "launch" it. Small striking/throwing objects with decent mass are best for close-in work!!
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Well, that's me convinced. I'll begin studying Xinyiluihequan IMMEDIATELY - no doubt it will come in handy during the January sales. And to think that for years I've had to rely on my sharp elbows to thrust aside the scrum of bargain-mad women...
"Squatting Monkey"?

I had that once. Let's just say that when they say don't drink anything other than bottled water when away from your hotel room, man, you'd better not drink the water.....
I still have my box of simmunition(a .45 paintball in a shell w/a powder charge) if they want to try & demonstrate how this art works against someone with a Glock, since the yellow bamboo guys backed down...
I still have my box of simmunition(a .45 paintball in a shell w/a powder charge) if they want to try & demonstrate how this art works against someone with a Glock, since the yellow bamboo guys backed down...
If the Glock is holstered and a person with a non-gun weapon/non weapon user is 21 feet or less away, the odds are very high that if you try to draw and fire you will lose. If they are over 21 ft away or your gun is in your hand, it's a contest. At 21 yards, unless you are a really bad shot, they lose.
At 1000 feet, you with a good .308, a Leupold Scope, and very standardised load, you win in a walk.
This is attack from all directions, up, down, left right, high, low, diagonal, behind. 7 attacks in the time the opponent can do 1 or 2. Xinyi can't lose.

Isn't high, low the same as up, down???

I could never leaan this style. I would become dizzy and vomit.
fuelair, from my glancing acquaintance with Welsh , your title means something lile "Rainbow devil" - is that right(ish) or am I misremembering stuff?
If the Glock is holstered and a person with a non-gun weapon/non weapon user is 21 feet or less away, the odds are very high that if you try to draw and fire you will lose. If they are over 21 ft away or your gun is in your hand, it's a contest. At 21 yards, unless you are a really bad shot, they lose.
At 1000 feet, you with a good .308, a Leupold Scope, and very standardised load, you win in a walk.
21 yards with a pistol? Under life-threatening conditions when adrenaline and fear are high? I think most people are as likely to miss a moving human-size target at that distance as hit it, probably more likely. I include among those who are most likely to hit it the majority of gun-owners who occasionally go to the target range (or set one up out in the yard). I exclude those people who train realistically with pistols, such as law enforcement, but even they leave a large margin for missing.
21 yards with a pistol? Under life-threatening conditions when adrenaline and fear are high? I think most people are as likely to miss a moving human-size target at that distance as hit it, probably more likely. I include among those who are most likely to hit it the majority of gun-owners who occasionally go to the target range (or set one up out in the yard). I exclude those people who train realistically with pistols, such as law enforcement, but even they leave a large margin for missing.

To be more specific - given the OP - if the non-gun assailant starts his/her movement from 21 yards away and the Glock is holstered the gun person should have reasonable time to draw, flip safety, point/aim and fire. In my case, it would be an HK compact .45 with Black Talons, a .357 snub with Black Talons or, in a few weeks, an S&W .460 snub. rather than a Glock but the point is still there.
To be more specific - given the OP - if the non-gun assailant starts his/her movement from 21 yards away and the Glock is holstered the gun person should have reasonable time to draw, flip safety, point/aim and fire. In my case, it would be an HK compact .45 with Black Talons, a .357 snub with Black Talons or, in a few weeks, an S&W .460 snub. rather than a Glock but the point is still there.

{I am now altering my plans regarding how to accost you. Scratch the frontal attack; sneaking up from behind seems much safer. Perhaps sneaking up in a tank.}
But you need more room to "launch" it. Small striking/throwing objects with decent mass are best for close-in work!!

What you want to do is take the cue by the handle and break the end off across the pool table. You wind up with a nice sharp stick and the sound of the breaking wood focuses the attention of everyone.
To be more specific - given the OP - if the non-gun assailant starts his/her movement from 21 yards away and the Glock is holstered the gun person should have reasonable time to draw, flip safety, point/aim and fire. In my case, it would be an HK compact .45 with Black Talons, a .357 snub with Black Talons or, in a few weeks, an S&W .460 snub. rather than a Glock but the point is still there.

But when would that ever be relevant? I think most modern "martial artists"
(even a "Xsinghooflungpoo" practitioner) would be more likely to shoot you in
the back themselves than try an unarmed frontal assault from 21 yards away
(delusional/duped 19th century Chinese rebels aside).

I assume the OP was fantasising about close range surprise encounters.
It doesn't matter how big the dick is that you have in your holster if the
"Xsinghixsinglo" artist quick-times you and drops you before you can deploy
it. I think these "martial arts" nuts say things like "Rush a gun; run from
a knife"
don't they?
But when would that ever be relevant? I think most modern "martial artists"
(even a "Xsinghooflungpoo" practitioner) would be more likely to shoot you in
the back themselves than try an unarmed frontal assault from 21 yards away
(delusional/duped 19th century Chinese rebels aside).

I assume the OP was fantasising about close range surprise encounters.
It doesn't matter how big the dick is that you have in your holster if the
"Xsinghixsinglo" artist quick-times you and drops you before you can deploy
it. I think these "martial arts" nuts say things like "Rush a gun; run from
a knife"
don't they?
Most of the encounters are fantasising - the 21 foot thing is generally accepted in the world of police/martial arts though. However, it does assume the knife person already has knife out and gun person doesn't. The rest depends on how each reacts to the situation.
"See you Jimmy? You're gettin it."
"I caution you. I am a master of Xingu....Xinyu...Xin yu gu... Xingyu..."
"Whit the hell wiz he oan aboot?"
"Nae idea"


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