When I used the word "claim" in my post, it was in the generic sense; I wasn't limiting it to the MDC. Substitute "issues" if you like.
Ok, I was thinking of claims in a JREF/challenge sense.
What kind of issues do you mean then?
I wouldn't suggest it immediately turns into a Dawkin-esque entity whose sole purpose is to destroy religion - I probably could have been clearer myself.
Skeptigirl is largely right; it's a politically-correct thing more than anything else. I was more thinking along the lines of just an attitudinal - and public - shift from claiming it isn't atheist. It's not even compulsory for atheists to attack churches, as the London Bus campaign showed.
But I do think that once you start getting significantly into religious issues, it will dominate the agenda. Woos already try to do this: I remember the CNN feature on Sylvia Browne in which her spokeswoman couldn't stop pointing out that Randi and RSL were ATHEISTS! ATHEISTS, I TELL YOU!!!!!
Aside from failing to see how that would be a bad thing - people might think, "Hell that JREF is one smart organisation, maybe I should investigate my beliefs" - it seems far too much like caving in to religious pressure for my liking.
No, I meant just what I said -- that it's not a good use of JREF resources because there is little it can do that the many larger atheist organizations can't. Might as well focus one's efforts on where you can do the most good.
Covered by my response above.
I suppose so, but that seems awfully nitpicky to me. If a restaurant has a mission statement of "providing good food to our customers," I'm not going to complain that they don't serve sushi, and damn it, sushi is good food, so they better amend their mission statement to "providing good food not including sushi" or "providing some types of good food," etc. (And really, who reads mission statements? Other than you, obviously!)
I actually only read it before I started the thread.
What made me think of it was a statement again - yes, by you, Unrepentant, you old christian hugger you - I saw recently that "The Jref is not...."
I think your analogy doesn't fit the situation at all.
I'll give what I think is a similar case: a Kiwi freezing works/abbatoir has told farmers that it will not kill its animals using halal methods, which many farmers consider inhumane.
Accordingly, their kill rate has gone up massively as farmers choose them over other works where the killing is done by halal methods.
Right or wrong, they're taking a stand.
Besides, I do think it would be problematic to specifically exempt religious claims from the JREF's mission.
Why do you think they would need to be different?
I think that within that broad mission statement it's fine to focus on particular areas where the JREF has something useful to contribute, where people are more open to persuasion, that are topical and relevant, etc.
Religion infecting 80-90% of Americans isn't topical or relevant?
Streeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetching the meaning of "dowsing", in my opinion.
I'm no fan of dictionaries, but if you can show just one recognisable dictionary which lists "locating bombs" as a meaning for dowsing, I'll believe ya.
*Sorry to change your quote, but it didn't make sense otherwise.
That quite often happens.
I'm pretty sure that Darth Rotor is some Christian denomination,...
He is too!
My god, do you think he knows I'm an atheist? Surely not!
Crikey, of all the people on the forum, Darth is the one bloke who's actually invited me to sit down and have a beer (and almost-dead cow) with him. Do you think he might change his tune if he finds out I'm an atheist.
Holy crap, I gotta go change my name, toot-sweet!
...as is Maia. I know for a fact that Kurse and Arkyrion are both Christians - AvalonXQ as well, even though he's not here at the moment. I'm pretty sure that there are more.
You know, the darnedest thing is, I know members here who genuinely believe that sasquatch exists. One of 'em, now banned but still online at his bigfoot forum, and who is also devout Catholic is another bloke who has invited me into his home.
What is your point?
Did you think I was advocating making them wear a crucifix and turning down their membership?
They could apply to religion, yes, but again, most religions don't make concrete claims.
Yeah, I said that.
We can debunk their arguments for the existence of god, yes,...
Can you? Jeez, you must be a smart bloke, because I'm an atheist and I wouldn't know where to begin to debunk the existence of god/s. All I do is not believe any of it. I can debunk the OT and most of the bible, but I certainly can't disprove doctrine of major religions.
Can you give me some tips?
...and show that prayer has no effect, but if they choose to believe nonetheless... not much we can do.
Well, I don't think we can do that either at this stage. There is some evidence that the positive effect of prayer might actually work! I happen to think that's a purely physical phenomenon, but the point of delusions is that they're comforting.
Why isn't JREF an atheist organisation?
Purely practical political pandering.
Correct! Thanks for that.
LL stole my idea.
Also, all money spent on dowsing is wasted money. That's harm, right?
Compared to tithing 10% of ones income to a church?
Come on, mate, that's not clutching at straws, that's just not there. How much money gets spent on dowsing a year compared to religion? 0.00000000001%?