Love is a biological thing and as such it is testable, measurable, and describable. As a magical thing, love does not really exist. That is a fantasy version of what love is.
Love is more than just biology. There are other scientific factors involved including chemical, sensory and intellectual.
There are others too that are not based in science
Neither is love just "bonding" as you have previously suggested. It is a factor, not
the factor; it is just a part of the whole.
You say you can describe love, but I have yet to see your description.
You say you can measure love, but with what?
You say you can test love, but we see no tool.
"Why is that?", one is drawn to ask?
The feelings I can have for a child's small successes isn't simply bonding. Their first step, first day of school, academic or sporting achievement. This is not biology either.
Can you test and measure pride? That too is a type of love, or a feeling borne of love. Do other animals feel pride?
Is genuine affection simply bonding? I think not.
I might bond with my dog, but that is a lot different from the deep (dare I say, spiritual) love and passion that I have and feel for my wife. Or is love a matter of simple biomatching, something you could obtain through a dating service? Is that what you are saying? Is that your test?
I might say that I love ice cream. Is that bonding too?
Or that I love freedom, or sport, or my garden. Bonding? Lust? Biology?
I love animals, the great outdoors/nature and the flowers. Bonding, lust or biology?
And what of the man or woman who gives his their to their God or faith. Is that a test, or a measure, or a mere description of their sacrifice for love. Or is it again your bonding, lust and biology?
I love my fellow man, I might also love all the individual people of the earth - yet I don't know them all. Have I bonded with them too? Lust, biology?
Great poets wrote of love. Were Browning, Keates and Shakespeare talking of bonding? I doubt it. Lust, possibly. Wonder, awe and magic? Probably.
Is the measure of love what we will do to protect that love, or is it a test that we would be prepared to let it go?
Does one who will fight another for love show a true test of love? Or is that the opposite? Is jealousy the test? Or is this simply lust?
Is the protection a parent shows for their children biology and bonding alone? I would hope not.
Or is it the one who lays down his life for another (greater love hath no man..) who shows true love?
What is the test?
Is the first kiss with a true love not magical?
Or a child's laughter.
The love between an old couple holding hands in the park. Can you test that love? The one love of a lifetime? Is that lust, or biology or simply bonding? I doubt it, and so - I suggest would they.
Does love not feed the soul? How should we test that?
Does not love generate more love? Is it not exponential? How can we use science to test that?
When my heart breaks, is that lust, bonding or biology? No, it is the great grief that comes with great love and a great love lost. Can you test or measure for that? Or for that matter, measure my grief.
is magical.
All the mysteries of life are not uncovered, and as such not all can be explained by science as yet, seek as we try.
There remains magic in the world regardless of what you say. I see it every day. In love.
I feel sad for you, that you can't.