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Why Do YOU hate Jesus Christ?

He was a cross-dresser.

Well, he seemed to have a creepy relationship with at least one under-aged boy that we know of, so that'd be a bit unsettling if it was to be confirmed... Thankfully, the authenticity of this part of the story is just as dubious as the rest of the new testament...
The question was answered several times, but you skipped over it because it was not the answer you wanted.

What is it you have against Jesus Christ?

When did they say they have a problem with Jesus Christ?

Clearly, you have decided that anyone who doesn't like you and they way you behave on these boards only does so because they hate Jesus Christ.

Are you claiming to be the second coming?

If not, provide any prood that joobz hates Jesus other than they don't like what you have to say.

Most people have answered you: they can't hate someone they don't think ever existed (at least, not in the way he was described Biblically). It's like asking someone why they hate Merlin.
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SC wants to fight me,
but what do you say about Jesus Christ?
154... I'll try to answer as best I can. I hope I can make this clear.

I think we're talking about different things. In my mind, there are two separate things that I refer to as Jesus. The historical Jesus, who I greatly respect, and the spiritual Jesus, who I'm not convinced exists. I don't hate either of them.

That being said, I feel sure that when you talk about Jesus you are talking about an entity that doesn't match my image of the historical OR spiritual Jesus. I know some things about your Jesus, since I'm sure there's some overlap with mine, and I can guess at other attributes. Still, I don't hate your Jesus.

I might hate your Jesus if I thought he was real, I'm not sure. Does he condemn people to hell just because they don't believe in him? If so, I would hate him for that. But as it stands I don't believe in him and so 'hate' doesn't really apply.
SC wants to fight me,
but what do you say about Jesus Christ?
You've asked already, and I've answered....twice.


What is it you have against Jesus Christ?

Asked and answered:
I don't hate him. I think he was mostly nifty.
I think he advanced some good moral values(golden rule), but clearly also supported some horrible ones (slavery, thought crimes).
This imperfection is to be expected and excused.
He was, afterall, only human.

If you support Jesus competely, why not explain what you find admirable about thought crimes, or the advocating of beating slaves?

would you care to answer my questions?
What do you find admirable about thought crimes?
Why do you hate yourself and Jesus 154
didn't your mother love you enough ?
I personally chose to believe that Jesus existed and was a holy person, if not the savior. I say chose to believe because I recognize there is no proof to this belief, but I still have it, though I regard my own beliefs with some skepticism. I have many books on the teachings of Jesus, Buddha, Bahá'u'lláh, LaoTze. I think these figures had much to teach us, and were perhaps divinely inspired. If not divinely inspired, well, I still like much of what they have to say. And if it turns our none of these people really existed in the manner in which they were portrayed...well, then they still serve as symbolic figures who are associated with teachings I appreciate. I have small statues of saints, Jesus, la Virgin de Guadalupe, Buddha, Ganesh, and some other religious figures in my home. I get great joy in studying these various figures, and when I travel around the world, I make a point of visiting as many holy and religious sites as I can. I find them facinating, and I greatly enjoy most of the teachings associated with such figures. There are parts I don't agree with, of course, but I still focus on the teachings that I find value and joy in.

When I criticize your posts, and the actions of religious people which offend me (which is certainly, a minority of religious people), it is because I find your and their behavior repugnant. There is nothing more to it than that. I think you are a bigot, 154, and a hateful person, and dishonest. Jesus has nothing to do with it. I like Jesus, or at least, the concept of Jesus, very much.
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All your talk of Christians, of fundamentalists, of right-wing extremists, of X-ians, whatever...

Spill it. Nothing else matters. It's all diversions and justifications

for your rejection of Jesus Christ.

Just admit it.

Be bold. Be open. Be brazen.

I can only thank Jesus.

What about you and your heart?

thanking him what for?
As usually described, I find Jesus a remarkable figure that I like a good deal (barring some of the more objectionable positions he's described as taking in the Bible such as have already been mentioned)

The idea of loving one's neighbor as you love yourself is brilliant.

If there is hate in me on this topic, it is hatred of how people have used the idea of Jesus to repress, control, or justify harm to others. So yes, I cringe a little when I hear someone invoke Jesus. To many, he's the ultimate appeal to authority, and always agrees with what the person already believes. But you can't argue, because it's Jesus. "Why do you hate Jesus?" ... it turns an intellectual question into a perceived personal affront, and I can either shut up or be accused of insulting their treasured personal beliefs. It's manipulative, and allows scoundrels to gather support without having anything of true substance or integrity to offer.
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When I criticize your posts, and the actions of religious people which offend me (which is certainly, a minority of religious people), it is because I find your and their behavior repugnant. There is nothing more to it than that. I think you are a bigot, 154, and a hateful person. Jesus has nothing to do with it. I like Jesus, or at least, the concept of Jesus, very much.


Why do you think I suck so bad?

Why do you think I suck so bad?

because you lie in almost every post you said. You asked where the secular hospitals are when almost all free hospitals in operation are secular (religious are non profit, but rarely free). You falsely claim that the only charities that exist are religious ones. You consistently lie and say that only atheists advocate evolution and therefor completely discount most of the worlds religions, Catholicsm, Judaism, etc as "not counting" as religions, since they advocate evolution. You stated that it is okay to murder women so long as you are nice to other women at a different point of time. That's the big one. You think murdering women doesn't count if you are ever nice to any woman at any point of time.

Do I really need to continue?
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I didn't say a single thing you said

but there is no way I can get through that in your head

so i won't even try
I didn't say a single thing you said

but there is no way I can get through that in your head

so i won't even try

Every time you post on an evolution thread you state evolution is a religion designed to promote atheist and take down God.

In the "Christianity and the glorifying of greed" thread is the thread where you claimed only religious people have hospitals, charities, etc, that atheists don't have charities.

When I started the thread "Why doesn't God know basic female anatomy" I pointed out the fact that in the Bible it states that women who do not bleed on their wedding night are to be stoned, I asked why would God do that considering the fact not all women have an intact hymen and bleed despite being virgins, and that this decree would surely have led to the death or social ostrification of countless women.

You said that didn't matter, because at another point in the Bible, Jesus walked amongst women and said how much he loved them.

So it is okay to have women murdered, if a thousand years later you tell other women you like them.

You also consistently start dishonest threads like this and make dishonest comments like anyone who disagrees with you must do so because they hate Christ, like joobz above, when they never said anything of the sort. The frequency with which you lie on JREF about others is astonishing to me for someone who claims to have Christian values.
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All your talk of Christians, of fundamentalists, of right-wing extremists, of X-ians, whatever...

Spill it. Nothing else matters. It's all diversions and justifications

for your rejection of Jesus Christ.

Just admit it.

Be bold. Be open. Be brazen.

I can only thank Jesus.

What about you and your heart?
154, I have to tell you that I am a Christian and I have been a member of JREF since 2004. Faith is not a testable claim and many people, have for whatever reason, decided not to follow the Christian faith or any faith. Also, some a-theists/agnostics have come to Jesus Christ; some don't care either way.

I have many friends here and I accept everyone where they are at and let them exercise their free will; that's what Jesus did - let people decide for themselves.

If you are secure in your faith and belief then you can never be threatened by someone with a different life journey or point of view.

154, being adversarial (sp) is not the answer. :)
All your talk of Christians, of fundamentalists, of right-wing extremists, of X-ians, whatever...

Spill it. Nothing else matters. It's all diversions and justifications

for your rejection of Jesus Christ.

Just admit it.

Be bold. Be open. Be brazen.

I can only thank Jesus.

What about you and your heart?

How can I hate something which doesn't exist?
154, I have to tell you that I am a Christian and I have been a member of JREF since 2004. Faith is not a testable claim and many people, have for whatever reason, decided not to follow the Christian faith or any faith. Also, some a-theists/agnostics have come to Jesus Christ; some don't care either way.

I have many friends here and I accept everyone where they are at and let them exercise their free will; that's what Jesus did - let people decide for themselves.

If you are secure in your faith and belief then you can never be threatened by someone with a different life journey or point of view.

154, being adversarial (sp) is not the answer. :)

This is true for most Christians I know, and was true for me when I was a Christian. And people like you, and me previously, are probably usually received positively by non Christians, because we are respectful and tolerant of others, and don't feel the need to constantly lie and hate for Jesus.
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How can you have a hatred of anything that is history? You can admire, respect, or dislike the memory or story, but you cant love or hate a person that you never knew really! You can hate what someone stood for, as in dictators, and hate their memory. But you know for sure they were real. I cannnot believe stories from bronze age man whi would have had nothing in common with us today! They are tribal. And the Jesus of the stories is made in their image!
Was it Freud that convinced people that they can always figure out what someone really secretly believes?

Before Freud, did Christians use that "you only say you don't believe because you hate him" argument?

Sometimes people have some kind of internal conflict that they aren't explaining. (Same is as true of believers as it is of atheists!) Sometimes they really do say what they feel.

154, do you agree that it would be ridiculous for me to go to a Christian message board and start telling them what they really think? And badgering them to "admit" that what I'm making up is truth?
He peed in my Coke and he thought it was really funny. So not cool.
All your talk of Christians, of fundamentalists, of right-wing extremists, of X-ians, whatever...

Spill it. Nothing else matters. It's all diversions and justifications

for your rejection of Jesus Christ.

Just admit it.

Be bold. Be open. Be brazen.

I can only thank Jesus.

What about you and your heart?

Why do you hate Buddha, Rama, Thor, Neptune? And when you reply you don't, because they aren't real, you're pretty much there. Go one non-existent entity further.
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Vent here and now.

Let 'er rip.

ok...it's the All Star break , which means there no meaningful baseball games for three.....freaking...days. Alao, Avatar is the highest grossing movie of all time, and that sucks.
Hate? A bit of admiration for what he said, a bit of confusion over the difference between his words and the actions of his followers. But hate? No, nothing like that at all.
If you'll answer my question,
I'll answer any of yours.

Kind of like how you asked me for a list, I made one, and then you ignored it and didn't respond with the list I asked for? ;)

I don't hate Jesus. Some nice ideas are attributed to him, some not so nice. He was probably a strong personality and a product of his time.

I reserve hate for things that are truly bad.
I actually thank Jesus Christ for impacting literature to such a great level. Hes no doubt the most popular character in literature throughout history. :)
I don't hate Jesus the preacher of circa CE 33 Palestine. I just don't consider him the Jewish Messiah or a divinity in any way. An ancient philosepher, said some things about love and peace that weren't especially original. End of topic.

Now 154, why do you hate the Bhuddah?
It's not easy hating someone who in all probability never existed.

Darth Vader, Boba Fett, the ******* older brother from Dragon Ball, these people all have substantial followings.
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