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Welcome new Members! Introduce yourselves here!

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Hey all. My name is Ian and I'm a paralegal from Ohio currently living in Western New York. While I'm not an expert, I've always loved conspiracy theories, so you'll most likely see me in that section or the politics section if at all. I haven't had much involvement with the skeptic community aside from reading a few issues of Skeptical Inquiry, so I'm still a newbie when it comes to other aspects of skepticism such as cryptozoology, alternative medicine, UFOs, ect.

Also, brief explanation of the screen name. Just to be clear, I'm not a supporter of psychics at all. I had the name on another message board because I'm a huge bad movie fan and Plan 9 from Outer Space, though slightly overrated*, is in my top twenty. Though he is hilarious, the Amazing Criswell is not nearly as awesome as the Amazing Randi.

* Or is it underrated when speaking of so bad it's good movie?

Hi Ian.

Nothing wrong with Plan 9 mate, but it's no match for Attack of the Killer Tomatoes.

But then, what could be?

Hey all. My name is Ian and I'm a paralegal from Ohio currently living in Western New York. While I'm not an expert, I've always loved conspiracy theories, so you'll most likely see me in that section or the politics section if at all. I haven't had much involvement with the skeptic community aside from reading a few issues of Skeptical Inquiry, so I'm still a newbie when it comes to other aspects of skepticism such as cryptozoology, alternative medicine, UFOs, ect.

Also, brief explanation of the screen name. Just to be clear, I'm not a supporter of psychics at all. I had the name on another message board because I'm a huge bad movie fan and Plan 9 from Outer Space, though slightly overrated*, is in my top twenty. Though he is hilarious, the Amazing Criswell is not nearly as awesome as the Amazing Randi.

* Or is it underrated when speaking of so bad it's good movie?

Welcome Criswell, yep that’s how it usually starts. Reading is one of those innocuous ‘gateway’ activities that all too often starts one down the inescapable path of unbridled skepticism. Next thing you know you’ll be thinking critically all over the place (what a mess that can be). If only there was some way to nip this reading monstrosity in the bud before too many of our youth are beguiled by its alluring charms. Guess that’s why we have public schools.

Welcome everyone.
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^Thanks, but I'm vegan. I might, however, eat some goat meat if the animal was killed by psychic warfare. Wouldn't want it to go to waste, would we?

By the way, did anyone see the movie version? I've heard mixed reviews.

Nothing wrong with Plan 9 mate, but it's no match for Attack of the Killer Tomatoes.

But then, what could be?


Ah, but that film was intentionally funny. The truly sublime laughs come from films that are dead serious. To put it in a way a skeptical audience would appreciate, Killer Tomatoes is like Mr. Deity, while Plan 9 is like a Jack Chick comic. And no offense to Dalton and company, but Chick is only about ten billion times funnier.
Greetings in the Resurrected Christ!

Why shouldn't you?

Do you know that the person you are talking to is not honourable?

Has that person insulted you, or have they just asked for information?
I find the insistance of providing a link to be insulting as it is more of a demand than cordial conversation.

This same hostility is found in the overall treatment of forums in general and is a common error among forum users : the assumption is first made that the forum should be bad because it has something to do with Rome, which should be judged to be bad, then, ultimately, all ethics and morality can then be discarded.

Such is the mentality based in insane hatred found at these sites :


So, there's your link, with references to those I have found practicing wickedness on the internet thusfar.

The major events of September 11, 2001 ADP, too, are but a part of Catholic prophecy, the coming chastisement.
I find the insistance of providing a link to be insulting as it is more of a demand than cordial conversation.

This same hostility is found in the overall treatment of forums in general and is a common error among forum users : the assumption is first made that the forum should be bad because it has something to do with Rome, which should be judged to be bad, then, ultimately, all ethics and morality can then be discarded.

Such is the mentality based in insane hatred found at these sites :


So, there's your link, with references to those I have found practicing wickedness on the internet thusfar.

The major events of September 11, 2001 ADP, too, are but a part of Catholic prophecy, the coming chastisement.

Until you figure out how forums work, you should probably stick to lurking. :rolleyes:
Eternal Greetings in the Resurrected Christ!

Until you figure out how forums work, you should probably stick to lurking. :rolleyes:
I reposted that reply in the proper forum, but I also hadn't seen your reply concerning proselytizing. The site isn't a proselytizing site per se, it has been created as a reaction to having found many sites proselytizing an open life of internet crime.
Welcom all you NEWB'S here is the weekend menu

Drinks fresh Goats milk , Begian beer , Miller draft,and water
for meats we have the ever popular BBQ hamster , Roo, Rabbit,and while they last BBQ cats. Also we have assorted salads,baked and mashed potatos, baked beans, and corn on the cob. For dessert we have Apple crisp ,peach cobbler, several kinds of cake, Strawberry ice cream Grayman Oatmeal cookies and the ever popular MINTIES.

Again Welcome and enjoy your time here
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Hi, I'm Alex (Al). I live in the northern part of San Diego County in California. I found the forum researching the validity of the 2009 paper by Jones et al regarding their findings of a nano-thermite signature in dust samples from the 9/11 attacks. I'd been involved in forums back in 2003-04 discussing various conspiracy theories related to the 9/11 attacks. With the 10-yr aniversary there was a resurgence of these discussions on forum I visit and the above referenced atricle was linked. I'd read about a previous sample finding from 2003 from Jones that Ryan Mackey had debunked on his 9/11-Myths site. I thought this new paper was likely in the same vein but wasn't having much luck finding a specific rebuttal until I happened upon a thread on this forum where Sunstealer had posted an analysis he'd done. I found the information useful and browsed the overall forum a bit. What I've seen I liked and decided to become a member.

My guess is I'll be more of lurker than a poster for the early going; but only time will tell.
Hi, I go by the name Eli on the internet. I am a 25 yr old schizophrenic, I am very interested in Religion/Philosophy/Spirituality/Paranormal abilities. Found out about this site when asking a question through google, it's nice to find a site like this. Currently live in PA.

I also have a question.. Where would the discussion of telepathy be best placed? Which subforum? Thanks ahead of time.
Where would the discussion of telepathy be best placed? Which subforum? Thanks ahead of time.

Hello Giza. Welcome aboard.

I'd look at General Skepicism and The Paranormal. It's in the Forum Index toward the top left of the page. Look around there and see if any topics are what you are interested in.

If you have any other questions, don't hestitate to ask them here again. :)
Alright, thank you very much!

I also welcome you buddy. My daughter has the same affliction as you do. PM me or post here anytime.
Have you received your glass of raw goats milk yet? :)
Hello to you all. :)

My name is Jens Heinrich and I'm from Hannover, Germany. My friends call me just Heinrich. At first, I have to say, that my english is not perfect, so I hope I can improve my english here a little bit, too. ;)

I don't believe in conspiracy theories, but I'm very interested in that, for example about 9/11 or the JFK assassination; but I'm also interested in urban legends and paranormal things from a sceptical point of view.

Heinrich :D
Velcome, your oatmeal biscuits and fried rabbit pieces will be served soon.
Hello to you all. :)

My name is Jens Heinrich and I'm from Hannover, Germany. My friends call me just Heinrich. At first, I have to say, that my english is not perfect, so I hope I can improve my english here a little bit, too. ;)

I don't believe in conspiracy theories, but I'm very interested in that, for example about 9/11 or the JFK assassination; but I'm also interested in urban legends and paranormal things from a sceptical point of view.

Heinrich :D

Welcome krad5, not to worry my english ain’t all that much gooder either (and it’s the only langue I know). Though I speak and type the American variant. A Germanic language itself, if I’m not mistaken. Where the heck is a Philologist when you need one?

Welcome everyone.

Usually I hang around at the BAUT forum, though I occasionally skim this one for something interesting. The latest thing to lead me here was Patrick1000 (a.k.a. DoctorTea/fattydash/HighGain elsewhere) and his Apollo hoax claims. After his latest ignorant outburst about "Julian coordinates", I decided to finally register and debunk it, but several people beat me to it while my registration was awaiting approval. :'(

Usually I hang around at the BAUT forum, though I occasionally skim this one for something interesting. The latest thing to lead me here was Patrick1000 (a.k.a. DoctorTea/fattydash/HighGain elsewhere) and his Apollo hoax claims. After his latest ignorant outburst about "Julian coordinates", I decided to finally register and debunk it, but several people beat me to it while my registration was awaiting approval. :'(
Welcome aboard there is an old saying he who hesitates is lost,But you can still get in on the debunking conversation and give your view point.
Have a fresh glass of Goats milk. while you think about it.:D
My name is tom and I am a theist (I'm not sure what this word means exactly - but something about being a believer in more then we are presented with through our senses). Have you guessed my path yet --- the senses line --- I am a meditational yoga practioner.

I have a few science degrees and am not anti science. When I was a kid I obtained from somewhere an "Amazing Randi" poster and hung it up on my bedroom wall. For some reason it held a fascination for me. I don't really study scriptures much - western or eastern, though I am aware of some of the stuff in them.

As a practioner on this path action is paramount - not outer action but inner action, meditation, moving energy up and down the spine. I was/am a skeptical person by nature - but I always held out with the, "if you can prove it to me...." type of reasoning. When a few things happened in my life (age 33) I began my full investigation into the "real" meaning of everything around me. Your forum seems open to reasoning and logic. Anyway it is good to put one's beliefs out there every once in a while to see how they register.
Yes welcome twob. Your fried rabbit pieces dipped in holy water will be served in a minute.

So I'm new here and posting here is the thing for new people.

So I do rocks by themselves at the moment but I'm hoping to do space rocks, and whilst I'm not a real Dr yet I do plan to do a PhD when I can.

I also take part in an online discussion show (with blog) that deals with pseudoscience and general hokum and the like.

So I'm new here and posting here is the thing for new people.

So I do rocks by themselves at the moment but I'm hoping to do space rocks, and whilst I'm not a real Dr yet I do plan to do a PhD when I can.

I also take part in an online discussion show (with blog) that deals with pseudoscience and general hokum and the like.
Welcome to the forum DrWomble and while your here see if you can find SHEMP ,He will play Doctor with you :D
Welcome to the forum DrWomble and while your here see if you can find SHEMP ,He will play Doctor with you :D

Indeed.......is this the point where I say, as I do in response to peoples cracks about the Womble nick, I'm not *that* kind of Dr? ;)

Are you a narc?

They are more, um, junior-ambassadors with funny food tastes.

ETA: the menu is late, by the way.
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OK weekend menu is ready, I had to make sure some of the goodies made it here.
Goats milk Fresh from the Goat, Assorted Belgian, Miller,and SmithWicks beer.
Roo meat, rabbits,hamsters,froglegs,steam clams and lobster.
Corn on the cob,summer squash,eggplant,and red roasted potato's
Grayman oatmeal cookies,MINTIES,cherrypie,apple crisp,icecream,and fresh assorted fruits.
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