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  • I'm reading Pablo Neruda's poetry for grad school. Some of it is unbelievable and some of it has me asking who slipped mushrooms into my morning coffee.

    Here are some snippets from "The Book of Questions" and I swear I'm not making this up-

    "Will Czechoslovakians or turtles be born from your ashes?"

    "How long does a rhinoceros last after he's moved to compassion? "

    "Is it true that voluptuous crocodiles live only in Australia?"

    "Why don't they train helicopters to suck honey from the sunlight?"

    "What will they think of my hat, the Polish, in a hundred years?"

    "And why did cheese decide to perform heroic deeds in France?"
    Uhm, I apologize. I would have agreed with you and defended your point of view- I also think that his single minded love of the police is naive and reactionary- but if I dared to say anything bad (or not even bad, anything less than absolute hero worship) about the cops, it would have been a long, long, long night.
    Yes!! That song and montage just turned on the waterworks. Heartbreaking.


    It's ok, Alex, no one can see you cry in the dark :p
    Hmm, so you've gotten close to crying but never actually did it at a film? Why would there be a difference between how you react at home and how you react at a theater? Is it that having other people around makes you more guarded and self conscious?

    I confess that I cried at Toy Story 2. I'm sure you can guess at which part.
    Ah, so we actually have no souls? :P Drat! :p

    But then, I am a ginger kid...(South Park reference)

    What movies have you cried at, besides Toy Story 3? Not many, I suppose.

    Then, maybe that's not so weird. Roger Ebert has been a film critic for, what, more 50 years and he's only really cried at one film.
    My friend Raida was over at my home today and saw my DVD of Grave of the Fireflies. I said that it was unspeakably sad and touching. She said that she heard the same thing from numerous people and had heard the opinion that it is impossible not to cry at it.

    She said that she was afraid of ever seeing it, for two reasons: a) it would make her cry and b) it wouldn't make her cry, in which case she would find out that she had no soul.

    Well, I have to say that I didn't cry at it, not that I can recall, though I was very moved...

    If I can ask, did you cry? Do we have no soul? :P
    But I bet you didn't like Snow White, Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella so much, huh?

    I LOVED Beauty and the Beast. Incredible movie with great animation. One of the absolute best that Disney ever made.
    My sister's favorite was Pocahontas. She'd watch it nearly every day after coming home from school, if you can believe that.

    What did you think of Disney's version of The Hunchback of Notre Dame? Not a lot of people like that one.
    Remember VHS tapes? Don't they seem so old and scratchy now, with poor visual quality? And you had to fast forward and rewind by remote. Something that is unthinkable with DVD.

    What was your favorite Disney film?
    Have I heard those Disney songs?! Are you kidding me?! :D Of- ******-course! :D My sister and I were obsessed with Disney as children and watched all those films dozens and dozens of times. No joke, I think we spent half of our childhoods on those movies.
    What did you think of Big Fish? To be honest, I thought a lot of it just didn't come together. Too glossy and self consciously whimsical. Too calculated to pull on your heartstrings, too. Didn't quite feel like a Tim Burton film, though the material must have seemed tailor made for him. Plus, at the risk of sounding like a heartless grouch, the main character was kind of an obnoxious jerk. You saw why his son was irritated at his tall tales.
    You ought to see Super 8. I personally thought that it was overrated and a lot of it didn't work very well- but I have a feeling that you would adore it.
    Actually, I'd recommend it. Some of it is very entertaining.

    The audience I saw it with was having a great time, though perhaps not the way the filmmakers intended. There were unintentionally hilarious parts that had people laughing out loud.
    Saw Point Break today. Keanu Reeves gives a performance that is so bad, you have to see it to believe it. You could replace him with a piece of cardboard and no one would notice. Well, maybe they would notice cause the cardboard might be more expressive.
    There might be a difference between suspense and fright. When a director builds a scene with so much tension that you are on the edge of your seat, that's suspense. You know something bad is going to happen and that's why you are scared.

    When something just jumps out of the shadows with no warning, that may be surprise but it doesn't last long. Gruesomeness in and of itself also isn't frightening, merely disturbing.

    What did you think of the violence in The Passion of the Christ, if you've seen it? I went to see that when it first came out and had to clutch the seat to get through some of it. The girl I was with was in tears and had to hide her eyes quite a bit.
    Never found a movie legitimately scary? Really? That can't be possible.

    You must be made of steel. If I had tried watching The Silence of the Lambs alone late at night, I might have gotten a heart attack :D.

    I was already curled into a half fetal position and on the verge of grabbing the arm of the stranger sitting next to me in the movie theater :P Thankfully, I managed not to do that cause that would have been pretty darn awkward.

    It's odd what some people find scary and what some people don't. I have a fairly high tolerance for straight up violence and blood and gore- which is why I found Kill Bill pretty tolerable- but can't stand suspense. Others have zero tolerance for the gruesome and can't stand the sight of blood, even in a film.
    Have you ever seen The Silence of the Lambs? I just saw it today at my local art house. Maybe I'm a coward but I think it's perhaps the scariest movie ever made. There were two moments that I found impossible to watch and had to look away from.
    A movie you might want to see, if you ever get around to it- Source Code. It's not great but it is pretty good. If you are into science fiction and philosophy, you will probably enjoy it.
    I saw two foreign films today: In a Better World and Incendies. The first one really misses the mark. Shallow, glib, over manicured, lazy, ineffective, slow, inauthentic. Just a meh movie despite a few good things.

    Incendies, on the other hand, is flawed in many respects but still well worth seeing. If you see it, you won't be disappointed. Without giving it away, there's a scene near the conclusion that had people in my audience gasping in shock.
    I saw Blade Runner today and, I have to say, I found it a really mixed bag. For such a legendary film, it's quite disappointing. Some good and challenging ideas but it's a mess in other places. Murky storytelling, badly drawn characters, needlessly depressing and violent. There was a discussion with the audience after the film and it was remarkable how many other people had the same mixed feelings that I did.
    I saw Hannah with a friend and, gee, I don't think it works quite well. It's an odd mash of German fairy tale and hyper kinetic action film. And neither of these flows quite well. I'd still give it about a B but it's a weird movie. It doesn't gel and land the way something like Wanted or Kill Bill does. Those movies managed to be highly entertaining, comical, wacky, shocking postmodern mash ups in a way this one doesn't.
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