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The Post-911 Bush/Cheney Commission Interview Summary Declassified


Btw Axxman: in response to your repeated questions about what Sandy Berger stole/tried to steal from the National Archives, it was a classified NSC report assessing the US government’s (read: the Clinton administration’s) response to Al-Qaeda’s millennium plots, i.e. the plots to blow up Los Angeles International Airport and a bunch of targets in Amman, Jordan.

And the author of that report? Richard Clarke. Apparently the Bush NSC aren’t the only people for whom he had damning words, given Berger’s bizarre actions at the NA. Not hard to read between the lines.

I’ll try to find where I read all of this.
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Direct link to PDF of interview summary here:


Nothing new, or shocking. No surprises. Not sure why this was classified in the first place.

Here's The Intercept's take on it:


Again, nothing new. :thumbsup:

Same Old S#!t you mean
James Colbert summary circa 2010

Yep- nothing new!

Btw Axxman: in response to your repeated questions about what Sandy Berger stole/tried to steal from the National Archives, it was a classified NSC report assessing the US government’s (read: the Clinton administration’s) response to Al-Qaeda’s millennium plots, i.e. the plots to blow up Los Angeles International Airport and a bunch of targets in Amman, Jordan.

And the author of that report? Richard Clarke. Apparently the Bush NSC aren’t the only people for whom he had damning words, given Berger’s bizarre actions at the NA. Not hard to read between the lines.

I’ll try to find where I read all of this.

The bottom line is: There was the DoD and CIA before 9/11/2001, and the DoD and CIA after 9/12/2001. Caution and discretion is thrown to the wind. Anti-American terrorist are hunted, smoked out, and hit. Our Op-Tempo for the past 22 years has been pushed to the limit. We've ground down a lot of good men in our pursuit of Al Qaeda, and other terrorist groups in the Middle East,SE Asia, and Africa.

These missions occurred just last week:



In 1999, both of these missions would have been front page news. Today? You're lucky if you catch the press release on Twitter. For all of our many sins prior to 9-11, we've overcorrected a thousand times since.
Originally Posted by Fonebone
To not "remember"
exposes one to the dangers of acute epiphanies
followed by severe bouts of chronic mentation.

On March 2nd of 2007 on a nationally broadcast radio show
"Democracy Now" the show host, Amy Goodman, interviewed
a retired U.S.Army four star general Wesley Clark before a live audience
in New York City USA ....
I think a four star general (retired), addressing a live audience in New York City N.Y. weeks after the September eleventh attacks would garner more
respect and credibility than any anonymous cucurbitae blather.

Such a fine source of independent thinkers.
I agree. One participant is is a well respected member of the U.S. military and the other is an internationally respected journalist.
Your definition of an "independent thinker" appears to be posting ASCII text sound-bites gleaned from military contractor puff piece publications.

So where's that memo? Why hasn't that one leaked with all the others?
I will call your attention to this dictate from the secretary of defense dated July 1996...
A junior enlisted E-3 with intestinal fortitude and conscience just learned the hard way the penalties of leaking classified information....
Courage and conscience generally diminishes with rank and experience--
General Clarke was blessed with both.

You do know why Clark was relieved of command, right?

No- I do not know the reason. Quit the cryptic innuendo and spell out the reason general Clarke was "relieved of command".

Sorry, the Bush NSC were 9-11 Truthers before it was cool. You've jumped on a sinking ship without asking who the captain is.
The term "truther" is short for Truth-seeker. Name one example of any
member of the Bush NSC even vaugely fitting that description.
Why are you responding to yourself, Fonebone? Do you find fault with your previous response? Well, then, kudos to you!

The term "truther" is short for Truth-seeker. Name one example of any
member of the Bush NSC even vaugely fitting that description.

Nope. Nonsense.
Many people with zero interest in 9/11 Truth (or JFK Truth, or Covid Truth, or any other hot topic for "Truthers") are genuinely seeking truth, in many fields of inquiry, and generally do NOT call themselves "Truthers". As always, you are making up ****.

The best available definition for the term "9/11 Truther" - in fact, the only one that includes very nearly ALL who consider themselves to be "9/11 Truthers" while at the same time avoiding to implicate people who don't call themselves thus, nor are called by others thus - is this:

A 9/11 Truther is a person who persists in being essentially wrong about the events of 9/11.
The way Truthers talk about the US government’s capabilities and preparedness leading up to 9/11/2001, you’d think it was the height of the Cold War re: NORAD on the day of the attacks combined with the operational tempo of post-9/11 Global War on Terror CIA/JSOC terrorist-hunting in the years and months leading up to 9/11.

And these wildly false assumptions about the post-Cold War, pre-9/11 era HAVE to be baked in to any remotely plausible “LIHOP” scenario. Not to mention, the assumption that an untold number of US government officials across different administrations and agencies were so evil and treasonous to let the attacks happen on purpose and that countless more aren’t willing to rat our these alleged traitors. “Plausible.” :rolleyes:

As always, these conspiracy theories quickly fall apart upon any serious scrutiny.
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The bottom line is: There was the DoD and CIA before 9/11/2001, and the DoD and CIA after 9/12/2001. Caution and discretion is thrown to the wind. Anti-American terrorist are hunted, smoked out, and hit. Our Op-Tempo for the past 22 years has been pushed to the limit. We've ground down a lot of good men in our pursuit of Al Qaeda, and other terrorist groups in the Middle East,SE Asia, and Africa.

These missions occurred just last week:



In 1999, both of these missions would have been front page news. Today? You're lucky if you catch the press release on Twitter. For all of our many sins prior to 9-11, we've overcorrected a thousand times since.

CIA operating in America before 9-11-2001?
FBI agents come forward in 2021.

Glen Beck on twitter
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CIA operating in America before 9-11-2001?
FBI agents come forward in 2021.

Glen Beck on twitter

There are already two threads on this subject here, and it has been mentioned in multiple other threads...which you'd know if you bothered to do any basic reading here.

You'd also know that after 9-11, Alec Station and Langley did separate audits to make sure none of the 19 hijackers had any connections to the CIA. And that's sort of weird considering Alec Station would have been the folks running this kind of operation.

Doesn't matter, Al Qaeda's people would never work for the CIA or USA under any circumstances. During the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan the CIA approached bin Laden with an offer of financial and material assistance. His reply contained contained the letters, "F.O".

And you really need to make up your mind. Either magic, fictional cruise missiles did 9-11, or Al Qaeda did their homework, hijacked four jets, and hit their targets. Can't argue what the CIA was doing if you think phantom missiles were involved.
After the bombing the press stories were all about the "Blind Shiek" and Ramzi Yousef, but the connection to Al Qaeda was not underlined. The 1993 bombing was expressed to the American public as the work of a small cell working out of New Jersey.

My understanding is the name Al Qaeda was unfamiliar to the US until 1996 when Jamal al-Fadl turned himself in to the US Embassy in Khartoum and defected to the US, where he described to the the FBI in painstaking detail Osama bin Laden’s leadership of Al-Qaeda, its various committees and their roles, and the shura council that advised bin Laden. The dominant perception in the US government prior to 1996 was that Osama bin Laden was this rich Saudi exile in Sudan who financed terrorist groups and cells but didn’t organize or direct anything himself.

While bin Laden did fund terrorist groups, it wasn’t really through his own money, since after the Saudi government froze his accounts, his older half-brothers cut him off from his family inheritance, and the Saudi government revoked his citizenship, Osama didn’t have that much personal wealth to speak of. None of his Sudanese business ventures turned much of a profit either.

Much of the funding for bin Laden and AQ came through rich Saudi donors, some of whom were probably members of the sprawling royal family itself, along with sympathetic Wahhabi clerics who had infiltrated the bureaucracies of the Kingdom’s Islamic charities. Similar dynamics at play in many of the other Gulf monarchies, from which AQ also received or collected a lot of donations. And importantly, these funding networks operated globally, including within the US, so it was easy to move money around to various cells around the world.

Speaking of which: regarding the early 90s cell in NY/NIJ area around the Blind Sheikh, I can’t help but wonder about the fact that their first victim was Meir Kahane, a guy whose death a lot of people didn’t mourn. I remember reading that law enforcement in NYC initially assumed the assassin operated alone. Maybe there was a mentality there of “figures that some Arab finally offed this infamous Jewish extremist, well good riddance.” Perhaps there wasn’t an initial sense of alarm—I mean, Kahane was the leader of a terrorist group himself!
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Direct link to PDF of interview summary here:


Nothing new, or shocking. No surprises. Not sure why this was classified in the first place.

Here's The Intercept's take on it:


Again, nothing new. :thumbsup:

au contraire

First, there was lots new.

The fact that this interview has been kept secret for 22 years is new information. And even the interview itself has new information. Bush claims that the information he was given was for an al Qaeda terrorist attack that was to take place overseas. This excuse does not even pass the smell test. It is absolutely pathetic. There is absolutely no credible evidence the CIA ever thought the attacks they were warned about since April 2001 were going to take place overseas. The CIA said that they had given Busk unambiguous warnings of an al Qaeda terrorist attack 40 times, and yet he did absolutely nothing to stop this attack. So now we know why this interview had been kept secret for 22 years.

If this interview had come out when the 9/11 Commission was written, everyone would have wanted to know whether the CIA committed treason by giving the president wrong information or had the president deliberately done nothing to prevent the attacks on 9/11 and allowed the terrorists to kill all of the people killed on 9/11 when he had unambiguous information a massive al Qaeda terrorist attack was about to take place inside the US.

Again, now know why this interview had been kept secret for 22 years.
The fact that this interview has been kept secret for 22 years is new information.
What utterly obvious nonsense.
Do you think at all before you post words?

And even the interview itself has new information. Bush claims that the information he was given was for an al Qaeda terrorist attack that was to take place overseas. This excuse does not even pass the smell test.
Regardless of whether or not that excuse passes what test, it has been Bush's excuse all these years - it's nothing new.

It is absolutely pathetic. There is absolutely no credible evidence the CIA ever thought the attacks they were warned about since April 2001 were going to take place overseas. The CIA said that they had given Busk unambiguous warnings of an al Qaeda terrorist attack 40 times, and yet he did absolutely nothing to stop this attack. So now we know why this interview had been kept secret for 22 years.
You have been of this opinion for the better part of those 22 years - and now you pretend that's "new"? Seriously??

If this interview had come out when the 9/11 Commission was written, everyone would have wanted to know whether the CIA committed treason by giving the president wrong information or had the president deliberately done nothing to prevent the attacks on 9/11 and allowed the terrorists to kill all of the people killed on 9/11 when he had unambiguous information a massive al Qaeda terrorist attack was about to take place inside the US.

Again, now know why this interview had been kept secret for 22 years.
Thanks for your opinion - which is nothing new at all. And also has not been declassified in 2022, for your opinion has never been classified in the first place.

Is there anything new in the actual, previously classified material from the Bush/Cheney interview? Then you would do well to actually quote any such allegedly "new" content, and present an argument for why you think it is actually and substatially "new".
Your shouting that the declassification confirms all your long-held opionions simply doesn't cut it. Or cut anything.
What utterly obvious nonsense.
Do you think at all before you post words?

Regardless of whether or not that excuse passes what test, it has been Bush's excuse all these years - it's nothing new.

You have been of this opinion for the better part of those 22 years - and now you pretend that's "new"? Seriously??

Thanks for your opinion - which is nothing new at all. And also has not been declassified in 2022, for your opinion has never been classified in the first place.

Is there anything new in the actual, previously classified material from the Bush/Cheney interview? Then you would do well to actually quote any such allegedly "new" content, and present an argument for why you think it is actually and substatially "new".
Your shouting that the declassification confirms all your long-held opionions simply doesn't cut it. Or cut anything.

Please read my post. I listed what was new. The CIA said they had given him unambiguous warnings of an al Qaeda terrorist attack inside the US 40 times, and yet Bush did absolutely nothing to stop this attack because he claimed the al Qaeda terrorist attack the CIA had been warned him about would take place overseas.

Do I have to make this simpler so you can understand?

The CIA says the al Qaeda terrorist attack would be inside the US;

Bush claimed he was told the attack would take place overseas. How can I make this any simpler?

The CIA and FBI HQ even knew from August 22, 2001, that al Qaeda terrorists Mihdhar and Hazmni were inside the US to take part in the al Qaeda terrorist attack they knew was about to take place inside the US. And they did nothing to stop this attack, and 3000 people paid with their lives for this!

Had this information from this interview been released at the same time as the 9/11 Commission report, everyone would have asked who was lying and who was telling the truth. The question that would have been asked was, had the CIA committed treason by giving the president wrong information, or had the president allowed the attacks on 9/11 by doing nothing to prevent this attack? The families of the 3000 people murdered on 9/11 would certainly want to know the answer to this question.

The CIA and FBI HQ used delay, deflect, and denial to hide their malfeasance in allowing the al-Qaeda terrorists to carry out the attacks on 9/11, and delay worked just fine. Mainstream media had moved on, in fact, a long time ago from the reason for the attacks on 9/11. No one, even to today, has answered the question why the CIA and the FBI HQ withheld the information they had on Mihdhar and Hazmi from the FBI Cole bombing investigators when they knew their direct actions to continue to withhold this information would result in the murder of thousands of Americans.
Please read my post. I listed what was new. The CIA said they had given him unambiguous warnings of an al Qaeda terrorist attack inside the US 40 times, and yet Bush did absolutely nothing to stop this attack because he claimed the al Qaeda terrorist attack the CIA had been warned him about would take place overseas.

Do I have to make this simpler so you can understand?

The CIA says the al Qaeda terrorist attack would be inside the US;

Bush claimed he was told the attack would take place overseas. How can I make this any simpler?

The CIA and FBI HQ even knew from August 22, 2001, that al Qaeda terrorists Mihdhar and Hazmni were inside the US to take part in the al Qaeda terrorist attack they knew was about to take place inside the US. And they did nothing to stop this attack, and 3000 people paid with their lives for this!

Had this information from this interview been released at the same time as the 9/11 Commission report, everyone would have asked who was lying and who was telling the truth. The question that would have been asked was, had the CIA committed treason by giving the president wrong information, or had the president allowed the attacks on 9/11 by doing nothing to prevent this attack? The families of the 3000 people murdered on 9/11 would certainly want to know the answer to this question.

The CIA and FBI HQ used delay, deflect, and denial to hide their malfeasance in allowing the al-Qaeda terrorists to carry out the attacks on 9/11, and delay worked just fine. Mainstream media had moved on, in fact, a long time ago from the reason for the attacks on 9/11. No one, even to today, has answered the question why the CIA and the FBI HQ withheld the information they had on Mihdhar and Hazmi from the FBI Cole bombing investigators when they knew their direct actions to continue to withhold this information would result in the murder of thousands of Americans.

I should have added the CIA, FBI HQ, and the Bush administration used delay, deflect, and denial to hide their malfeasance in allowing the al-Qaeda terrorists to carry out the attacks on 9/11, and delay worked just fine. The CIA, FBI HQ, and the Bush administration together or by themselves could have prevented the attack on 9/11.
You should also add that you have made these claims many, many times before. They have been repeatedly debunked, and yet you continue to say this, as if nothing had happened. If you're not going to discuss, if you just want to lecture, then carry on- but I doubt anyone's going to listen to you.
What the ****! NOTHING NEW?

We learn that Bush claimed in this interview that the CIA had told him the al Qaeda terrorist attacks that were about to take place were going to occur overseas. But the CIA claims in over 40 warnings that the president was told the attacks would likely take place inside of the US.

So someone lied, the CIA when they said they gave the information to Bush that the attacks would take place in the US, or is lying now, Bush, claiming the CIA told him the attacks would take place overseas.

Either the CIA lied and committed treason, or President Bush is lying now and is a mass murderer. So what is it?

The CIA knew by the third week of July 2001 that the Bush administration was going to do nothing to prevent the al Qaeda terrorist attack that was just about to take place inside the US. In the last week of July, the CIA knew for sure that the attacks were aimed at targets inside the US, i.e., at the meeting the last week of July, Tenet asked: Where will this al Qaeda attack take place? The meeting went silent when Blee replied, "They are coming here."

While Cofer Black claimed in a radio interview that it was not the fault of the CIA the attacks on 9/11 took place because the Bush administration did nothing to prevent these attacks, it is clear that the CIA could have prevented these attacks on 9/11 without this order from the administration.

All they had to do was rescind their order to their spy inside the FBI, Tom Wilshere, to withhold the Kuala Lumpur information from the FBI criminal investigators. The last time for the CIA to have done this was when they were informed on August 22, 2001, that al Qaeda terrorists Mihdar and Hazmi were inside the US. Wilshere himself could have given this information to Michael Maltbie on August 24, 2001, and Wilshere could have ordered the people under his direction at the FBI ITOS, FBI SA Agent Dina Corsi and FBI SSA Rod Middleton, to give this information to FBI Agent Steve Bongardt who wanted to start an FBI criminal investigation for Mihdhar and Hazmi, and not shut down his investigation. Almost 3000 people were murdered because the CIA did not rescind this order to Wilshere, who was secretly taking orders from the CIA while working at the FBI, while effectively he was in charge of all FBI investigations of al Qaeda terrorists.

paloalto, it is very simple to prove your assertations. Just post evidence of this allegation. I haven't followed you or your comments but that is how you win decusiions, present evidence not your beliefs. So where are your evidence(s)
Please read my post. I listed what was new. ...
Bush claimed he was told the attack would take place overseas. How can I make this any simpler? ...

Are you actually saying that Bush's claim he was told the attack would take place overseas is new??

Were you previously laboring under the assumption that Bush's position was that the CIA had warned him about planned attacks inside the USA?

Then please link to a post where you thought this was the position or claim of the Bush administration! That would make this simpler.
Reply to posT:

paloalto, it is very simple to prove your assertations. Just post evidence of this allegation. I haven't followed you or your comments but that is how you win decusiions, present evidence not your beliefs. So where are your evidence(s)

In the the interview, Bush says he was told that the attacks would take place overseas. We now know that was a complete and total lie.

CIA warnings on an attack inside the US.




The CIA and FBI HQ knew Mihdhar and Hazmi were inside the US to take part in an al Qaeda terrorist attack on August 22, 2001. and knew these attacks would cause mass casualties. See DE 939 entered into the Moussaoui trial.

According to the 9/11 Commission Report, the CIA was notified on June 12, 2001, that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed had recruited a number of al Qaeda terrorists in the summer of 2001, that he was sending into the US to link up with al Qaeda terrorists already inside of the US, to carry out a massive al Qaeda terrorist attack, an attack that the CIA and FBI HQ had been warned about since April 2001.

The CIA knew that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed had helped finance the original attack on the World Trade Center Towers in 1993. The CIA had his Bojinka plot and knew he had been at the Kuala Lumpur al Qaeda planning meeting. KSM stayed right at the condominium, with Mihdhar and Hazmi, where the Kuala Lumpur al Qaeda planning meeting had taken place, according to the Guantanamo “Charge Sheet for Hambali.” This charge sheet was secretly obtained from Guantanamo by Wikileaks and given to the New York Times. The New York Times has never explained why they did not print the information in this Charge Sheet.

Philippine intelligence gave the CIA the details of the Bojinka plot when Abdel Hakim Murad gave them these plans. Philippine intelligence uncovered this plot after the apartment in the Philippines caught fire where Ramzi Yousef was building bombs with Murad and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. This plan had two parts. The first part of this plot was to blow up aircraft going to the US. The second part was to hijack multiple large aircraft in the US and fly these into iconic buildings in the US, including the World Trade Center Towers, the Pentagon, and CIA Headquarters. [9/11 Commission report].
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Are you actually saying that Bush's claim he was told the attack would take place overseas is new??

Were you previously laboring under the assumption that Bush's position was that the CIA had warned him about planned attacks inside the USA?

Then please link to a post where you thought this was the position or claim of the Bush administration! That would make this simpler.

I had no idea of documented proof of what Bush claimed the CIA had told him. This interview is the first I knew that had documented what Bush claimed he had been told by the CIA.
In the the interview, Bush says he was told that the attacks would take place overseas. We now know that was a complete and total lie.

CIA warnings on an attack inside the US.




The CIA and FBI HQ knew Mihdhar and Hazmi were inside the US to take part in an al Qaeda terrorist attack on August 22, 2001. and knew these attacks would cause mass casualties. See DE 939 entered into the Moussaoui trial.

According to the 9/11 Commission Report, the CIA was notified on June 12, 2001, that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed had recruited a number of al Qaeda terrorists in the summer of 2001, that he was sending into the US to link up with al Qaeda terrorists already inside of the US, to carry out a massive al Qaeda terrorist attack, an attack that the CIA and FBI HQ had been warned about since April 2001.

The CIA knew that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed had helped finance the original attack on the World Trade Center Towers in 1993. The CIA had his Bojinka plot and knew he had been at the Kuala Lumpur al Qaeda planning meeting.
KSM stayed right at the condominium, with Mihdhar and Hazmi, where the Kuala Lumpur al Qaeda planning meeting had taken place, according to the Guantanamo “Charge Sheet for Hambali.” This charge sheet was secretly obtained from Guantanamo by Wikileaks and given to the New York Times.
The New York Times has never explained why they did not print the information in this Charge Sheet.

Philippine intelligence gave the CIA the details of the Bojinka plot when Abdel Hakim Murad gave them these plans. Philippine intelligence uncovered this plot after the apartment in the Philippines caught fire where Ramzi Yousef was building bombs with Murad and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. This plan had two parts. The first part of this plot was to blow up aircraft going to the US. The second part was to hijack multiple large aircraft in the US and fly these into iconic buildings in the US, including the World Trade Center Towers, the Pentagon, and CIA Headquarters. [9/11 Commission report].

The link I posted from Business Insider mentions a visit by Tenet to Bush in Crawford on August 17, 2001. Actually, this photo was from Tenet's visit to Crawford on August 24, 2001. This visit and photo was described in a White House press release on August 25, 2001. At the time of this visit, Tenet and the CIA had been told two days earlier, on August 22, 2001, that al Qaeda terrorists Mihdhar and Hazmi were inside the US to take part in a massive al Qaeda terrorist attack the CIA had been warned about since April 2001, an attack that would kill large numbers of Americans.

On August 23, 2001, one day after Tenet was told about Mihdhar and Hazmi, he was told Minneapolis FBI had the INS had arrested Zacarias Moussaoui, who the FBI thought was a terrorist trying to get training on a Boeing 747, to fly this type of plane into the WTC towers. So what exactly did Tenet tell Bush at that August 24, 2001, meeting and at the seven other meetings he had with the President before the attacks on 9/11?
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Btw Axxman: in response to your repeated questions about what Sandy Berger stole/tried to steal from the National Archives, it was a classified NSC report assessing the US government’s (read: the Clinton administration’s) response to Al-Qaeda’s millennium plots, i.e. the plots to blow up Los Angeles International Airport and a bunch of targets in Amman, Jordan.

And the author of that report? Richard Clarke. Apparently the Bush NSC aren’t the only people for whom he had damning words, given Berger’s bizarre actions at the NA. Not hard to read between the lines.

I’ll try to find where I read all of this.

This theft was just prior to Berger's testimony to the 9/11 Commission on what he knew before the attacks on 9/11. What Berger stole was the real-time reports on the Kuala Lumpur al Qaeda planning meeting sent by the Malaysian CIA Station to Director of the CIA George Tenet, Director of the FBI Louis Freeh, and Chairman of the NSC Sandy Berger. This is the meeting where the attack on the USS Cole and 9/11 were planned.

It has never been explained why Freeh and Berger never gave this information to the FBI criminal agents on the Cole bombing. FBI Agent Ali Soufan asked Freeh in November 2000 if he would make an official request from George Tenet for any information the CIA had on any meeting in Kuala Lumpur in January 2000 or Walid bin Attash, thought by the FBI to be the mastermind of the Cole bombing. Even though Freeh had been given much information on the meeting by Tenet, including the fact that Nawaf, Khalid with his last name, al Mihdar, attended that meeting, Freeh told Soufan that the CIA had no information on any al Qaeda planning meeting in January 2000. Freeh not only had criminally sabotaged the FBI criminal Cole bombing investigation but had withheld information that these investigators could have used to prevent the attacks on 9/11. (See DOJ IG Report, 9/11 Commission report)

But what is even worse is the fact that the CIA and FBI HQ knew on August 22, 2000, that Mihdhar and Hazmi were inside the US to take part in a massive al Qaeda terrorist attack that would murder large numbers of Americans and also knew these terrorists had taken part in the planning of the Cole bombing at the Kuala Lumpur meeting. Both the CIA and FBI HQ knew that thousands of Americans would be killed if they did not give the information that Mihdhar and Hazmi had taken part in the planning of the Cole bombing to the FBI Cole bombing investigators since they would not have the probable cause to start a criminal investigation for these terrorists.
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On August 23, 2001, one day after Tenet was told about Mihdhar and Hazmi, he was told Minneapolis FBI had the INS had arrested Zacarias Moussaoui, who the FBI thought was a terrorist trying to get training on a Boeing 747, to fly this type of plane into the WTC towers. So what exactly did Tenet tell Bush at that August 24, 2001, meeting and at the seven other meetings he had with the President before the attacks on 9/11?

I don't know, and neither do you.
But that's beside the point.

The point is that you claim it is entirely new and shocking to you that Bush said in his 2004 interview with the Commissioners that, according to what he had heard from Tenet, the CIA etc, the Al Qaeda threat was solely foreign.
But that line of argument - that there existed no actionable domestic threat - has been the administration's excuse from the very beginning, it has been Condoleezza Rice's talking pojnt, and never has Bush acknowledged a domestic threat, while of course he has always acknowledged that AQ operared abroad.

So even if you, mysteriously, were not aware that Bush claimed no awareness of an actionable domestic threat, it is what I have always gleaned from the sum total of Bush's and his administration's words, policies and actions post 9/11. It's not new. It's what I fully expected to find in the interview.

By the way:

...the FBI thought [that Zacarias Moussaoui] was a terrorist trying to get training on a Boeing 747, to fly this type of plane into the WTC towers...
Why do you lie?
I don't know, and neither do you.
But that's beside the point.

The point is that you claim it is entirely new and shocking to you that Bush said in his 2004 interview with the Commissioners that, according to what he had heard from Tenet, the CIA etc, the Al Qaeda threat was solely foreign.
But that line of argument - that there existed no actionable domestic threat - has been the administration's excuse from the very beginning, it has been Condoleezza Rice's talking pojnt, and never has Bush acknowledged a domestic threat, while of course he has always acknowledged that AQ operared abroad.

So even if you, mysteriously, were not aware that Bush claimed no awareness of an actionable domestic threat, it is what I have always gleaned from the sum total of Bush's and his administration's words, policies and actions post 9/11. It's not new. It's what I fully expected to find in the interview.

Originally Posted by paloalto View Post
...the FBI thought [that Zacarias Moussaoui] was a terrorist trying to get training on a Boeing 747, to fly this type of plane into the WTC towers...

Why do you lie?

It looks like you have an issue with reading comprehension.

My post was, "I, nor anyone else, had any idea with documented proof, "from the 9/11 Commission interview," what Bush claimed the CIA had told him." This interview is the first I or anyone else knew what had actually been documented by the 9/11 Commission in their interview of the president on what Bush claimed he had been told by the CIA. No one knew what was in this interview by the 9/11 Commission on what Bush claimed he was told about these terrorist attacks until this interview was released. Until the 9/11 Commission released this interview 20 years after it was made, no one could prove, with actual documentation, what the president would claim he had been told by Tenet about the upcoming al Qaeda terrorist attacks.

By the way:

Originally Posted by paloalto View Post
...the FBI thought [that Zacarias Moussaoui] was a terrorist trying to get training on a Boeing 747, to fly this type of plane into the WTC towers...

Your post: Why do you lie?

Dispute between Minneapolis and Martin
On Monday, August 27, in a telephone call between Martin arid Gary, the tension surfaced.

According to Gary's notes of the conversation, Martin told them that "what you have done is couched it in such a way that people get spun up." Gary told the OIG that after Martin made this statement, Gary said "good" and then stated that Minneapolis was trying to keep Moussaoui from crashing an airplane into the World Trade Center. Gary's notes of the conversation indicate that Gary stated, "We want to make sure he doesn't get control of an airplane and crash it into the [World Trade Center] or something like that."
(See page 153 DOJ IG report)

Your comment was, "Why do you lie?" Why do you make such a stupid statement that you can not back up with facts? My information is backed up by the DOJ IG report, see page 153.
What is this DOJ IG report paloalto is referencing?
I can find a DOJ OIG report, but page 153 is about Clinton's attempts to deal with Bin Laden.
What is this report? Anyone know?

Called "A Review of the FBI's Handling of Intelligence Information Related to the September 11 Attacks (November 2004)"

How would you not have known about this report? This is one of the most important reports on 9/11, in spite of the fact that the DOJ IG had criminally obfuscated it. But it was easy to see exactly where the DOJ IG edited the report to cover up the criminal actions that had allowed the attacks on 9/11 to take place. I will list a number of these later.
Called "A Review of the FBI's Handling of Intelligence Information Related to the September 11 Attacks (November 2004)"

How would you not have known about this report? This is one of the most important reports on 9/11, in spite of the fact that the DOJ IG had criminally obfuscated it. But it was easy to see exactly where the DOJ IG edited the report to cover up the criminal actions that had allowed the attacks on 9/11 to take place. I will list a number of these later.

The page you have quoted from (153) has been redacted. How are you aware of its contents?

It looks like you have an issue with reading comprehension.

My post was, "I, nor anyone else, had any idea with documented proof, "from the 9/11 Commission interview," what Bush claimed the CIA had told him." This interview is the first I or anyone else knew what had actually been documented by the 9/11 Commission in their interview of the president on what Bush claimed he had been told by the CIA. No one knew what was in this interview by the 9/11 Commission on what Bush claimed he was told about these terrorist attacks until this interview was released. Until the 9/11 Commission released this interview 20 years after it was made, no one could prove, with actual documentation, what the president would claim he had been told by Tenet about the upcoming al Qaeda terrorist attacks.

By the way:

Originally Posted by paloalto View Post
...the FBI thought [that Zacarias Moussaoui] was a terrorist trying to get training on a Boeing 747, to fly this type of plane into the WTC towers...

Your post: Why do you lie?

Dispute between Minneapolis and Martin
On Monday, August 27, in a telephone call between Martin arid Gary, the tension surfaced.

According to Gary's notes of the conversation, Martin told them that "what you have done is couched it in such a way that people get spun up." Gary told the OIG that after Martin made this statement, Gary said "good" and then stated that Minneapolis was trying to keep Moussaoui from crashing an airplane into the World Trade Center. Gary's notes of the conversation indicate that Gary stated, "We want to make sure he doesn't get control of an airplane and crash it into the [World Trade Center] or something like that."
(See page 153 DOJ IG report)

Your comment was, "Why do you lie?" Why do you make such a stupid statement that you can not back up with facts? My information is backed up by the DOJ IG report, see page 153.

Off Target and not within the scope of this discussion. If you want to have a thread concerning Clinton, start one.
The page you have quoted from (153) has been redacted. How are you aware of its contents?

The version of the report you obtained was released in November 2004 redacted, the unredacted report was released in June 2006 two years later. Get the unredacted report. The URL is listed below. The report has been on the internet for almost 18 years.


But there are several issues with this report, first of which it only had pseudonyms for the people described in this report. You have to covert these to their real names to even bring to understand what is in this report.

Also several areas of this report were deliberately obfuscated by the DOJ IG making it nearly impossible to understand why the CIA and FBI HQ had allowed the attacks on 9/11 to take place. Other information on 9/11 is available that can be used to fix the DOJ IG report. I can list these in a further post. It took several years using these other information to finally get an accurate picture of what had taken place at the CIA and FBI HQ prior to 9/11. The ultimate results were to answer the question as posed by Christiane Amanpour to Lawrence Wright in an interview in 2019.

Christiane Amanpour: Lawrence you are the most knowledge author on 9/11 and the al Qaeda terrorists. We know 3000 people were murdered because the CIA did not give the information they had to the FBI. Can you tell us why?

Lawrence Wright: I have no idea why and I do not know anyone in the US outside of the CIA who knows why they allowed the al Qaeda terrorists to murder all of these people, (when they had more than enough information to have prevented these attack on 9/11).

The information that Mihdhar an Hazmi had taken part in the planning of the Cole bombing was finally given to the FBI Cole bombing investigators on September 13, 2 days and 3000 murders late, the very information that would have prevented FBI HQ from shutting down their their criminal investigation of Mihdhar an Hazmi. The FBI Cole bombing investigators wanted to find Mihdhar and Hazmi before they had time to participate in an al Qaeda terrorist attack. When FBI HQ shut down their investigation, FBI Special Agent Steve Bongardt told the FBI HQ agent, Dina Corsi, who was shutting down his investigation, that people will die. Corsi told Bongardt, "I don't know what to tell you. I don't know how many other ways I can tell this to you. These are the rules." (see DOJ IG Report, p.308). Clearly following the rules were more important than preventing the murder of thousands of people.

The FBI HQ agents and managers who shut down the FBI Cole bombing investigators had all of the same information the CIA had. No one to today has been able to answer Christiane Amanpour's question, why did the CIA and FBI HQ allow the terrorists to murder all of these people. NO ONE!
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The version of the report you obtained was released in November 2004 redacted, the unredacted report was released in June 2006 two years later. Get the unredacted report. The URL is listed below. The report has been on the internet for almost 18 years.


The report you link to skips from p104 to p181. Still no page 153.
Did you check this before you posted it?
Do you have a link to the report that contains the page you are talking about, page 153?
The report you link to skips from p104 to p181. Still no page 153.
Did you check this before you posted it?
Do you have a link to the report that contains the page you are talking about, page 153?

Here is page 153 from the unredacted report I used:

13. Dispute between Minneapolis and Martin
Around this time, Gary and Henry were becoming increasingly frustrated with the advice from Martin that they lacked sufficient information linking Moussaoui to a foreign power. On Monday, August 27, in a telephone call between Martin arid Gary, the tension surfaced.
According to Gary's notes of the conversation, Martin told them that "what you have done is couched it in such a way that people get spun up." Gary told the OIG that after Martin made this statement, Gary said "good" and then stated that Minneapolis was trying to keep Moussaoui from crashing an airplane into the World Trade Center. Gary's notes of the conversation indicate that Gary stated, "We want to make sure he doesn't get control of an airplane and crash it into the [World Trade Center] or something like that." According to Gary's notes, Martin responded by stating that Minneapolis did not have the evidence to support that Moussaoui was a terrorist. Gary's notes indicate that Martin also stated, "You have a guy interested in this type of aircraft. That is it."
Martin told the OIG that he did not recall making any statement about Minneapolis getting "spun up" about the Moussaoui investigation. When asked whether he spoke with Minneapolis about whether they were overreacting, Martin stated that he "could have." Martin told the OIG that he

No, I did not check this copy. I was using my own copy that I had converted to a Word doc to make it easy to search for keywords and replace the pseudonyms with the real names. Sorry about that, this report is over 400 pages and I did not look through every page to make sure it was complete. I will look for a more complete copy; they are all over the internet. I had downloaded my copy 18 years ago.

Here is a URL for a good DOJ IG report. It only took 2 minutes on the internet to find this. I checked this one and it seems to be complete.


This DOJ IG report should be complete.
Pardon me, but I do not see Clinton mentioned in my post, do what am I missing?

I quoted the wrong post.
it was
What is this DOJ IG report paloalto is referencing?
I can find a DOJ OIG report, but page 153 is about Clinton's attempts to deal with Bin Laden.
What is this report? Anyone know?
referring to the page you referred.
But I do see that Cosmic Yak made the comments.
Here is page 153 from the unredacted report I used:

13. Dispute between Minneapolis and Martin
Around this time, Gary and Henry were becoming increasingly frustrated with the advice from Martin that they lacked sufficient information linking Moussaoui to a foreign power. On Monday, August 27, in a telephone call between Martin arid Gary, the tension surfaced.
According to Gary's notes of the conversation, Martin told them that "what you have done is couched it in such a way that people get spun up." Gary told the OIG that after Martin made this statement, Gary said "good" and then stated that Minneapolis was trying to keep Moussaoui from crashing an airplane into the World Trade Center. Gary's notes of the conversation indicate that Gary stated, "We want to make sure he doesn't get control of an airplane and crash it into the [World Trade Center] or something like that." According to Gary's notes, Martin responded by stating that Minneapolis did not have the evidence to support that Moussaoui was a terrorist. Gary's notes indicate that Martin also stated, "You have a guy interested in this type of aircraft. That is it."
Martin told the OIG that he did not recall making any statement about Minneapolis getting "spun up" about the Moussaoui investigation. When asked whether he spoke with Minneapolis about whether they were overreacting, Martin stated that he "could have." Martin told the OIG that he

No, I did not check this copy. I was using my own copy that I had converted to a Word doc to make it easy to search for keywords and replace the pseudonyms with the real names. Sorry about that, this report is over 400 pages and I did not look through every page to make sure it was complete. I will look for a more complete copy; they are all over the internet. I had downloaded my copy 18 years ago.

Here is a URL for a good DOJ IG report. It only took 2 minutes on the internet to find this. I checked this one and it seems to be complete.


This DOJ IG report should be complete.

This report is complete- thanks.
However, you have snipped a rather important part, just after you end your quote:
Martin told the OIG that he never heard Gary make a statement that he thought that Moussaoui was going to hijack an airplane and crash it into the World Trade Center. He said that the first time that he heard that statement was in October 2001 at a meeting in FBI Headquarters involving several Minneapolis agents and FBI Headquarters employees to discuss the Moussaoui investigation. He said that during the meeting Gary made a reference to having made this statement to Martin some time in August 2001, but that Martin had never before heard Gary make the statement.

Why did you omit this part? Seems quite important to me.
Can you explain why the conclusions of this report (p376) do not support your claim that the FBI and the CIA intentionally withheld information about the planned attacks, so these attacks could take place unhindered?
Can you explain why the conclusions of this report (p376) do not support your claim that the FBI and the CIA intentionally withheld information about the planned attacks, so these attacks could take place unhindered?

I read that also, and of course it seems to destroy his belief.

Only if you are unaware of what else is in this DOJ IG report. Have you read this whole report, and has anyone on this forum ever read this whole report?

Your post

Martin told the OIG that he never heard Gary make a statement that he thought that Moussaoui was going to hijack an airplane and crash it into the World Trade Center. He said that the first time that he heard that statement was in October 2001 at a meeting in FBI Headquarters involving several Minneapolis agents and FBI Headquarters employees to discuss the Moussaoui investigation. He said that during the meeting Gary made a reference to having made this statement to Martin some time in August 2001, but that Martin had never before heard Gary make the statement.
Why did you omit this part? Seems quite important to me.

DOJ IG P. 178

After the first airplane hit, Martin tried to call Minneapolis ASAC Charles but reached Rowley instead. According to Rowley, she told Martin that it was essential to get a criminal search warrant for Moussaoui's belongings. Rowley said that Martin instructed her that Minneapolis should not take any action without FBI Headquarters approval because it could have an impact on matters of which she was not aware. In her May 20, 2002, letter to the FBI Director, Rowley wrote that in this conversation with Martin she had said "in light of what just happened in New York, it would have to be the 'hugest coincidence' at this point if Moussaoui was not involved with the terrorists."

Rowley wrote that Martin replied "something to the effect that I had used the right term 'coincidence' and that this was probably all just a coincidence." Rowley told the OIG that she agreed to follow Martin's directive not to immediately seek a criminal warrant, and she was told that FBI Headquarters would call her back.

Martin told the OIG that he recalled that there was a lot of confusion when he spoke to Rowley. Martin said that he did not recall making the statement about a coincidence to Rowley. He explained to the OIG that he did not feel comfortable giving legal advice about seeking a criminal warrant, so he went to the NSLU attorney who we call Tim, who advised that the Minneapolis FBI should seek the criminal search warrant.

This is incredible. Martin, aka Michael Maltbie, told Rowley that even after the WTC towers had been attacked by aircraft, he was not going to recommend Rowley get a criminal warrant for Moussaoui's possessions. Small wonder he can't remember that his actions had allowed the al Qaeda terrorists to murder approximately 3000 people.

DOJ IG report, p. 178
While Rowley was waiting for a return call from FBI Headquarters, Minneapolis ASAC Charles was on the telephone with Don. Because Acting SAC Roy was out of the office, Charles was responsible for the Minneapolis office and had called FBI Headquarters immediately after the first airplane hit the World Trade Center. Charles had reached Don and asked him for permission to seek a criminal search warrant for Moussaoui's belongings. According to Charles, Don responded that he still did not believe that there was enough evidence to support a criminal search warrant. Charles stated that, during the course of this conversation the Pentagon was hit by another hijacked airplane, and that Don then told Charles to go to the USAO for a criminal warrant.

Don confirmed that he spoke to Charles on the morning of September 11. He asserted that he immediately told Charles that the Minneapolis FBI could
seek a criminal warrant.

DOJ IG Report, p. 189

From our review, early on the RFU appears to have discounted the concerns of the Minneapolis FBI about Moussaoui. Don and Martin believed that Minneapolis was overreacting and couching facts in an "inflammatory" way to get people "spun up" about someone who was only "suspected" of being a terrorist. The RFU downplayed and undersold the field office's concerns about Moussaoui, even writing "that there is no indication that either [Moussaoui or Al-Attas] had plans for nefarious activity."

Let's see. Moussaoui's flight instructor for his Boeing 747 training told the FBI that they were sure he was a terrorist trying to take flight training to hijack this type of aircraft. Minneapolis FBI criminal agents, after interviewing Moussaoui, also thought he was a terrorist who was getting Boeing 747 training without even having a private pilot's license to get control of an airplane to crash it into the [World Trade Center]. Al-Attas even told the FBI that Moussaoui was an Islamic extremist who told him he could easily get 4-inch knives onto a commercial airplane.

DOJ IG Report, p. 189
In response to the Minneapolis FBI's concern that it wanted "to make sure Moussaoui doesn't get control of an airplane to crash it into the [World Trade Center] or something like that," Martin dismissed this possibility, stating "You have a guy interested in this type of aircraft. That is it." As we discuss below, we believe that the RFU did not fully consider with an open mind the evidence against Moussaoui and examine in a collaborative fashion with Minneapolis how to best pursue its investigation. Rather, it quickly and inappropriately dismissed Minneapolis' information as incomplete and its concerns as fair-fetched.

This testimony is right in the DOJ IG report. This pretty much proves Martin, aka Michael Maltbie, had been told Moussaoui might hijack an airplane and crash it into the WTC towers.

The post you refer to is typical of the FBI HQ agents after the attacks on 9/11. They all had amnesia. This also shows that the DOJ IG would put erroneous testimony in this report even when they knew it was false. This report largely details the testimony of the agents and managers who had deliberately allowed the attacks on 9/11 to take place.

The following is in this report. Didn't you read the whole report? It is only a little over 400 words long.

DOJ IG report 179

Moussaoui's belongings did not reveal anything that specifically provided a warning or an indication of an imminent terrorist attack. There were no plans, correspondence, or names or addresses in his computer or notebooks that linked him directly to the September 11 terrorist attacks. However, information was obtained in the search that, through further traces, was used by the government to indict Moussaoui for conspiring in the September 11 terrorist plot.

However, at the Moussaoui trial, just before the release of the unredacted DOJ IG report, FBI SA Harry Samit, lead investigator on this investigation, said once they got the warrant and got into Moussaoui’s duffel bag, they found the receipt from Ramzi bin al-Shehab to Moussaoui, traced that back to his apartment at 54 Marienstrasse, and his three prior roommates, Mohammed Atta, Marwan Al Shehhi, and Ziad Jarrah, and then to the rest of the terrorists in a few days. This renders this whole report a complete fraud. There is no way the DOJ IG Glenn Fine did not know who the lead investigator was on the Moussaoui investigation and could not have asked him about his search of the duffel bag.

Let me repeat, this renders the whole FBI IG report a a complete fraud.

Does this render the DOJ IG report worthless? Absolutely not. Even though the accounts in this report have been edited by the DOJ IG to cover up the criminal malfeasance by the FBI HQ and the CIA that had allowed the al Qaeda terrorists to carry out the attacks on 9/11, it is easy to see exactly where, in most cases, this report had been obfuscated. This report is extremely valuable to show exactly how the DOJ IG had obfuscated the information that was known by the FBI HQ and CIA to cover up their criminal action to allow the al Qaeda terrorists to carry out the attacks on 9/11. This report is mainly testimony from the very people at the FBI HQ and the CIA who had allowed the al Qaeda terrorists to carry out the attacks on 9/11. It details their lies and false testimony and, in the case of this testimonial, their strange case of amnesia. Everything in this report must be re-confirmed as true only if it is backed up with documentation now publicly available from other sources.

On August 23, 2001, Tenet was informed that Minneapolis FBI had the INS arrest Zacarias Moussaoui who the FBI thought was a terrorist trying to learn how to fly a Boeing 747 in order to fly this type of plane into the WTC towers. Minneapolis FBI was asking the CIA and Tenet for help on order to get a FISA warrant for Moussaoui's possessions including his duffle bag. Tenet already knew on August 22, 2001, that Mihdhar and Hazmi were inside the US, to take part a massive al Qaeda that would cause massive casualties, yet he and the CIA completely refuse to give any help at all, refusing to even give the FBI criminal investigators the information they already had on Mihdhar and Hazmi, including that they had taken part in the planning of the Cole bombing at the Kuala Lumpur al Qaeda planning meeting, and that they were in the US to take part in the imminent al Qaeda terrorist attack. Tenet and the CIA have never explained aine why they withheld this information from the FBI criminal investigators when they clearly knew withholding this information would result in thousands of Americans being murdered!

Perhaps the most egregious action that had allowed the attacks on 9/11 to take place was the email Maltbie sent to Tom Wilshere.

On August 24, the same day that Henry (Harry Samit) was exchanging e-mails with the CIA employee about obtaining information to connect Moussaoui to a foreign power, ITOS Deputy Chief Tom Wilshere, e-mailed David Frasca and Michael Maltbie, managers at the FBI RFU unit, about the Moussaoui case. Wilshere asked whether requests had been sent out for additional information on Moussaoui, including overseas numbers he might have called, and whether the FBI had obtained photographs of Moussaoui or his roommate] that could be provided to the CIA.
[DOJ/FBI IG report, p. 151, and DE #939 entered in the Moussaoui trial].

Maltbie concluded in one of the emails he sent back to Wilshere:
“Please bear in mind that there is no indication that either of these two had plans for nefarious activity as was apparently indicated in an earlier communication.” [Ibid].

It is now clear that on August 24, 2001, Wilshere, the number two person at the FBI ITOS unit, literally also had all of the information needed to prevent the attacks on 9/11. He not only knew that an al Qaeda terrorist attack was just about to take place inside the US, an attack that would murder a large number of Americans, but also knew since August 21, 2001, three days earlier, that two al Qaeda terrorists, Mihdhar and Hazmi, were already inside the US to participate in this attack. [Ibid.]

However, Wilshere withholds this information from Maltbie and Frasca and everyone in the FBI criminal investigation units, including FBI Agent Harry Samit and FBI Agent Steve Bongardt. While Wilshere was withholding this information from Maltbie and Frasca, he was also directing FBI ITOS Agent Dina Corsi to shut down Bongardt's investigation of Mihdar and Hazmi.

It is impossible to believe that Wilshere did not know that thousands of Americans would be murdered by his direct actions to withhold this information from the FBI criminal investigators. It is also clear that when Wilshere was withholding this information on Mihdhar and Hazmi, he was following secret orders from his prior CIA managers Blee, Black, and Tenet given to him in July 2001 to never give the Kuala Lumpur information on Mihdhar and Hazmi to the FBI.

Again, if anyone has any answer to Christiane Amanpour's question to Lawrence Wright, "We know that 3000 people were murdered because the CIA did not give the information they had on Mihdhar and Hazmi to the FBI. Lawrence, can you explain this?"

This is a very simple question, just answer this one question! Explain why the CIA allowed the al Qaeda terrorists to murder the 3000 people killed on 9/11.
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DOJ IG P. 178

After the first airplane hit, Martin tried to call Minneapolis ASAC Charles but reached Rowley instead. According to Rowley, she told Martin that it was essential to get a criminal search warrant for Moussaoui's belongings. Rowley said that Martin instructed her that Minneapolis should not take any action without FBI Headquarters approval because it could have an impact on matters of which she was not aware. In her May 20, 2002, letter to the FBI Director, Rowley wrote that in this conversation with Martin she had said "in light of what just happened in New York, it would have to be the 'hugest coincidence' at this point if Moussaoui was not involved with the terrorists."

Rowley wrote that Martin replied "something to the effect that I had used the right term 'coincidence' and that this was probably all just a coincidence." Rowley told the OIG that she agreed to follow Martin's directive not to immediately seek a criminal warrant, and she was told that FBI Headquarters would call her back.

Martin told the OIG that he recalled that there was a lot of confusion when he spoke to Rowley. Martin said that he did not recall making the statement about a coincidence to Rowley. He explained to the OIG that he did not feel comfortable giving legal advice about seeking a criminal warrant, so he went to the NSLU attorney who we call Tim, who advised that the Minneapolis FBI should seek the criminal search warrant.

This is incredible. Martin, aka Michael Maltbie, told Rowley that even after the WTC towers had been attacked by aircraft, he was not going to recommend Rowley get a criminal warrant for Moussaoui's possessions. Small wonder he can't remember that his actions had allowed the al Qaeda terrorists to murder approximately 3000 people.

What you say here is not supported by the quote from the report. This is your own, unsubstantiated and highly biased take- and this, in itself, has no evidentiary value. If you want to prove the CIA deliberately allowed the 9/11 attacks, you need to do more than a highly-coloured interpretation of this report.
Let's see. Moussaoui's flight instructor for his Boeing 747 training told the FBI that they were sure he was a terrorist trying to take flight training to hijack this type of aircraft.

Citation needed.

Minneapolis FBI criminal agents, after interviewing Moussaoui, also thought he was a terrorist who was getting Boeing 747 training without even having a private pilot's license to get control of an airplane to crash it into the [World Trade Center].

Citation needed.

Al-Attas even told the FBI that Moussaoui was an Islamic extremist who told him he could easily get 4-inch knives onto a commercial airplane.

Assuming you mean 'Al Atta', this would have been after the attacks, not before. Unless you mean someone else. In any case-
Citation needed.

This testimony is right in the DOJ IG report. This pretty much proves Martin, aka Michael Maltbie, had been told Moussaoui might hijack an airplane and crash it into the WTC towers.

No, it really doesn't. This is you accepting some parts of the report and rejecting others, based on your prior conclusions.

The post you refer to is typical of the FBI HQ agents after the attacks on 9/11. They all had amnesia. This also shows that the DOJ IG would put erroneous testimony in this report even when they knew it was false. This report largely details the testimony of the agents and managers who had deliberately allowed the attacks on 9/11 to take place.

Exactly what I was talking about above. If they agree with your notions, they are telling the truth. If the report talks about confusion, differing testimonies and memories, or outright contradicts your theories, then they have amnesia, or they're lying, or the report is untrue. This is confirmation bias on a grand scale. Nothing you are doing here is remotely convincing.

This renders this whole report a complete fraud. There is no way the DOJ IG Glenn Fine did not know who the lead investigator was on the Moussaoui investigation and could not have asked him about his search of the duffel bag.

Let me repeat, this renders the whole FBI IG report a a complete fraud.

And again. You rely on the report when it suits you, and dismiss it as a complete fraud when it doesn't.

Does this render the DOJ IG report worthless? Absolutely not. Even though the accounts in this report have been edited by the DOJ IG to cover up the criminal malfeasance by the FBI HQ and the CIA that had allowed the al Qaeda terrorists to carry out the attacks on 9/11, it is easy to see exactly where, in most cases, this report had been obfuscated.

In order for your ideas to be correct, the report on which you base them, and which does not support your ideas, must have been edited and obfuscated.
You are not investigating. You are not looking at the information and making conclusions based on what you see. You have decided that there was a huge and traitorous conspiracy within the CIA and the FBI, and you are working backwards from there- cherrypicking what you think supports your prior conclusions, and downplaying the parts that don't.

This is a very simple question, just answer this one question! Explain why the CIA allowed the al Qaeda terrorists to murder the 3000 people killed on 9/11.

Simple: they didn't. All you are doing here is displaying your obsessive monomania, and unbridled cognitive biases. Neither convincing nor admirable.
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