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  1. Axxman300

    The Post-911 Bush/Cheney Commission Interview Summary Declassified

    Direct link to PDF of interview summary here: https://www.archives.gov/files/declassification/iscap/pdf/2012-163-doc-1-release-material.pdf Nothing new, or shocking. No surprises. Not sure why this was classified in the first place. Here's The Intercept's take on it...
  2. Fonebone

    itstha theekret

    itstha theekret Where secrecy or mystery begins, vice or roguery is not far off . _Johnson https://www.veteranstoday.com/2020/04/22/barr-911secrets/ Attorney General William Barr : "....9-11 secrets must remain secret" Judge : ... reason for the secrecy? Barr...
  3. Senenmut


    This might be big. I was reading that these guys are hackers and somehow got 911 related papers from all sorts of companies. Lets try and pull all the papers they release here in this thread so we can analyze them. I was reading somewhere that this might be bigger than the Edward Snowden...
  4. ferd burfle

    Slurry Bomber 911 "Tail Number"

    Check out the pic at http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/08/17/490417418/explosive-bluecut-wildfire-challenges-california-crews: specifically the #2 engine nacelle on this slurry bomber working the California wildfires. Every conspiracy nut with a pulse will get a chubby over this one...

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