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Ed The Fascism Checklist, Trump 2025


Penultimate Amazing
Sep 17, 2001
Let's make a checklist of what Trumpand the GOP will do to centralize power and turn the USA into a managed-Democracy, like Russia.

1. Censor the media
2. Change election laws in such a way that opposition parties will never win.
3. Weaponise the judicial system and DOJ to investigate and prosecute dissenters.
4. Give tax cuts to the wealthy and oligarchs to have their continued support.
5. Internment camps for immigrants.
6. Give the police unchecked power.
7. Use the military on protesters.

Please add and let's check off these things as they happen to illustrate to those who don't think Trump is a facist that they are wrong.
Wait until Elon's money saving axe falls on the federal agencies.
RFK told MSNBC that he intends to clear out entire departments of the FDA and Fluoride is on the way out.
All 14 points. Listed here in this brilliant video by Beau of the Fifth Column.

I can't wait until people start taking a softer view of a certain Austrian once it becomes apparent there are too many similarities to the Orange Weakling to ignore. "He was just trying to make Germany Great Again."
Who cares how Fascist Trump is?
Certainly not a majority of US voters.
I'd love to know how many of Dump's 2024 voters are oblivious to his fascism (or, let's be honest with ourselves, just plain stupid), the ones who do not care about his fascism, and the ones who voted for him because they love that ◊◊◊◊.

In front of the camera, a lot of them with say things like 'border security' and 'the economy', but what are they supposed to do, say they vote Dump because they're racist mysogonists?
The goal is to provide objective standards to show the deniers that Trump is making America facist.

Easy: Trump did not accept the results of the 2020 Election, and he made it clear that he wouldn't accept a loss in 2024. He spread lies about Voter Fraud as much as he could.

This is disqualifying in a Democracy: you don't get to play in the Casino if you don't accept that you have to hand over the money you wagered when you lose.

That is the sufficient standard by which Trump should never have been elected by anyone who cares about Democracy.
I believe that Trump has learned since last time, and will make doubly sure that nobody will be around to restrain him. As I said, the military will be an important target for him, because if he can use his powers as supreme commander to insert his own people at the top, he can make sure that he’ll not be blocked when he tries to fulfil his promise of “no more elections”.
Alternatively: let's talk about what they will do when the assassination attempts start succeeding. We got numbers one, two, and Speaker of the House on the short list. Will the successors be hiding out after the first good shot or two?
Far less than people here are fearing. He's made a lot of extreme promises to attract MagaLoons but won't want to experience the backlash for screwing things up. His advisors will tend to keep him in check.
And no, I already have a nice bridge and don't want to buy any more.
I wonder when neighbors will turn in neighbors for speaking poorly of The Party.
Wait until Elon's money saving axe falls on the federal agencies.

As we check off the list, it will. We won't know until Orange Hitler takes power.
As we check off the list, it will. We won't know until Orange Hitler takes power.
This isn't a list of obective criteria by which to judge Trumps fascism, its a list of things people in this thread don't like and think he will do. If you want an objective list, look for one that existed before Trump. This thread is just the Texas Sharpshooter of politics.
This isn't a list of obective criteria by which to judge Trumps fascism, its a list of things people in this thread don't like and think he will do. If you want an objective list, look for one that existed before Trump. This thread is just the Texas Sharpshooter of politics.
A lot of things in the thread are probably impossible for Trump to do.
LIke the idea that Trump will use the regular military to prevent elections.
I can't wait for the Republicans to get what they wanted and get it good and hard.
You don't think there'll be Republicans absolutely gitty when Elon sets his knife on government regulation and waste?
This isn't a list of obective criteria by which to judge Trumps fascism, its a list of things people in this thread don't like and think he will do. If you want an objective list, look for one that existed before Trump. This thread is just the Texas Sharpshooter of politics.
OK, here are some quotes from the Wiki page:
Fascism is a
far-right, authoritarian, and ultranationalist political ideology and movement, characterized by
a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism,
forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation or race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy.
Opposed to anarchism, democracy, pluralism, egalitarianism, liberalism, socialism, and Marxism

I've highlighted the parts I think apply to the new Trump administration.
Then there's this:
[A] cult of the leader who promises national restoration in the face of humiliation brought on by supposed communists, Marxists and minorities and immigrants who are supposedly posing a threat to the character and the history of a nation ... The leader proposes that only he can solve it and all of his political opponents are enemies or traitors.

Pretty much Trump to a T.
A lot of things in the thread are probably impossible for Trump to do.
LIke the idea that Trump will use the regular military to prevent elections.
The German Weimar constitution likewise stipulated regular elections, but it was dismantled easily enough once the police had been won over, and the military did nothing.
I wonder when neighbors will turn in neighbors for speaking poorly of The Party.
Wouldn't surprise me one bit. They're already trying to get Good Americans working at schools to rat on gay and trans kids to their parents. They'll find some way to justify it, and various ways to punish people who aren't Good Americans. Remember the PATRIOT ACT and no-fly lists?
You don't think there'll be Republicans absolutely gitty when Elon sets his knife on government regulation and waste?
Oh, they will be. And they won't even say naything when Lord Hairplugs takes that money that was going to those agencie3s and more and routes it to his pockets.

Its what comes next that's going to be interesting.
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