The dismissal of the comparison between the US and the Weimar Republic is nonsensical. A comparison does not mean that everything is identical. You may boast that the US has had free elections longer than anyone else, but still, the majority of the population voted for a leader who wants to dismantle the democracy.
Trump is no Hitler, and he has not planned any genocide, but he has more of the population behind him when Hitler took power, and he has just as ruthless people around him who are power-hungry, and without moral compass.
You are not safe just because your democracy is old, and as I pointed out, the military did not stop Hitler, and in the same way, I do not think your military will stand up to Trump and defend democracy. Hitler was not the supreme commander then, but Trump is now, and Trump takes the same kind of dim view towards the careers of people who are not loyal. And do not forget that probably the majority of soldiers voted for Trump, just like the rest of the country.
Nothing has been decided yet, and much can happen. Trump’s handling of the economy will probably be decisive for his prospects of becoming president for life.